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Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC)

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1 Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC)
Ghazal Falahi

2 Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) structure
Series connection of sub-modules Make the arm of the converter to build the output voltage stepwise arm leg 2. Sub-modules are Half-bridge (HB) or Full-bridge (FB) converters 3. Each sub-module has a capacitor with average voltage of 4. With n sub-modules in arm of the converter output voltage has n+1 levels

3 MMC sub-module operation
iarm>0 Sub-module inserted Capacitor in discharge mode Sub-module bypassed iarm<0 Sub-module bypassed Sub-module inserted Capacitor in charge mode

4 Modular Multilevel Converter operation
MMC equivalent circuit Each arm of the converter is equivalent To a controlled voltage source with magnitude of and a series inductor Where nactive is number of inserted sub-modules Number of sub-modules in MMC arm

5 MMC advantages and disadvantages
Low THD Low on devices and good voltage sharing for semiconductors Modular structure with identical modules which has redundancy and allows to substitute failed modules Scalable and no DC link voltage limitation Simple mechanical construction No need for bulk filters on ac side Lower losses Disadvantages Extra controller required for balancing of capacitor voltages Need for monitoring all capacitor voltages Circulating current consisting double fundamental frequency component and increases device losses if not suppressed

6 MMC mathematical equations
MMC mathematical model Arm voltage Output voltage Circulating current MMC grid connection dynamic Output voltage Vk : Phase voltage K= a, b, c Modulation

7 MMC operation and analysis
Device operation in MMC sub-module Upper arm reference voltage Arm current Varm,ref iarm D2 conducts S2 conducts D1 conducts S1 conducts m = 1 φ = 0

8 Device operation principal in MMC sub-modules
Logic of operation The arm current flowing out of the sub-module is considered as positive (a) and the current flowing into sub-module is considered as negative (a) iarm>0 (b) iarm<0 iarm>0 S1 or D2 S1 D2 iarm<0 S2 or D1 D1 S2 Direction of arm current determines which devices can operate The rate reference arm voltage change determines if a sub-module is inserted or bypassed State S1 S2 Vsm 1 ON OFF Vc 2

9 Semiconductor rating Device voltage Device current
Device voltage rating is the average capacitor voltage rating of sub-modules With a margin depending on maximum allowed ripple Device current Device current in MMC is found from the following equations Valve current: Valve rms current:

10 Modular Multilevel Converter Conventional Control [1]
An individual capacitor voltage controller The averaging controller The system controller Modulation reference generation Modulation reference generation [1] Hagiwara, Makoto, and Hirofumi Akagi. "Control and experiment of pulsewidth-modulated modular multilevel converters." Power electronics, IEEE Transactions on 24.7 (2009):

11 MMC modulation methods
Fundamental switching frequency modulation techniques Suitable for large number of sub-modules Lower losses High switching frequency modulation techniques Suitable for small & large number of sub-modules Lower harmonics × High losses [1] Wang, Jun, Rolando Burgos, and Dushan Boroyevich. "A survey on the modular multilevel converters—Modeling, modulation and controls." Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2013 IEEE. IEEE, 2013.

12 Passive components design ( Arm inductor and Sub-module capacitor)
Criteria to select arm inductor [1]: Limit the circulation current Limit the fault current rise rate Sub-module capacitor selection [2]: Provide the output power for at least one cycle If DC link is defective 2. Limit sub-module voltage ripple Ps: three phase apparent power K: voltage modulation index Cosφ: power factor N: number of sub-modules, ω0 is the fundamental frequency, VC: mean value of sub-module voltages ε: sub-module voltage ripple [1] Tu, Qingrui, et al. "Parameter design principle of the arm inductor in modular multilevel converter based HVDC." Power System Technology (POWERCON), 2010 International Conference on. IEEE, 2010. [2] Zygmanowski, Marcin, Boguslaw Grzesik, and Radoslaw Nalepa. "Capacitance and inductance selection of the modular multilevel converter." Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), th European Conference on. IEEE, 2013.

13 Three phase line PWM voltages and phase currents in MMC with sub-modules in each arm
Simulation results of a grid connected MMC with 3 sub-modules in each arm in Matlab

14 Arm voltages and sub-module voltages of the simulated MMC

15 References [1] Falahi, Ghazal. "Design, Modeling and Control of Modular Multilevel Converter based HVDC Systems." PhD Dissertation NCSU (2014). [2] Falahi, Ghazal, and Alex Q. Huang. "Design consideration of an MMC-HVDC system based on 4500V/4000A emitter turn-off (ETO) thyristor." Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2015 IEEE. IEEE, [3] Falahi, Ghazal, and Alex Huang. "Control of modular multilevel converter based HVDC systems during asymmetrical grid faults." Industrial Electronics Society, IECON th Annual Conference of the IEEE. IEEE, [4] Falahi, Ghazal, Wensong Yu, and Alex Q. Huang. "THD minimization of modular multilevel converter with unequal DC values." Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2014 IEEE. IEEE, [5] Falahi, Ghazal, and Alex Huang. "Low voltage ride through control of modular multilevel converter based HVDC systems." Industrial Electronics Society, IECON th Annual Conference of the IEEE. IEEE, 2014.

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