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MEXICO Economy By Grace Fesler, Kate Herrmann, and Matt Edwards.

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Presentation on theme: "MEXICO Economy By Grace Fesler, Kate Herrmann, and Matt Edwards."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEXICO Economy By Grace Fesler, Kate Herrmann, and Matt Edwards

2 MEXICO’S MONEY Mexico’ s money is a Peso

3 Comparing Mexico's Money One Mexican peso equals 8 cents in US dollars The exchange rate of one US dollar is 12.8414 An average Mexican makes 13,200 pesos a year while an average American makes 42, 208 US dollars.

4 Converted Prices Coffee US dollars- $ 3.84 pesos- 50 Big Mac- US dollars- $ 2.57 pesos- 33 Premium gasoline- US dollars $ 2.80 pesos- 36.61 Rice- US dollars $ 0.77 pesos- 10

5 Mexico’s Main Goods Mexico’s exports-manufactured goods, gold, tin, sugar, oil and oil products, silver, fruits, vegetables, coffee, cotton, automobile parts, shrimp, copper, salt, zinc, seeds, tobacco, minerals, water, and rocks. Some of Mexico’s are- sugar cane, potatoes, aircrafts, automobiles, and crops such as Avocados Onions Whole Beans Oranges, Chicken and Meat *Copper is a main natural resource in Mexico

6 S i x t h G r a d e B i b l i o g r a ph y Histin, Sean. "onada". differnet types of prices. 2-24-09. Ber, Bob. "Per Capta Income". giving per capta incomes. 2008. Biolgy, Dave. "Anwsers". giving anwsers. 2010. Google, Google. "Google". giving anwers. 2010.

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