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Scientific Models Scientists create models to help them to visualize complex properties, structures or behaviors. Scientists must gather Indirect Evidence.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Models Scientists create models to help them to visualize complex properties, structures or behaviors. Scientists must gather Indirect Evidence."— Presentation transcript:


2 Scientific Models Scientists create models to help them to visualize complex properties, structures or behaviors. Scientists must gather Indirect Evidence to develop their models.

3 Indirect Evidence Indirect Evidence is evidence gathered without being able to directly observe the object. Just like pieces being added to a puzzle, each new bit of information gives us a better understanding of the model.

4 How can Indirect Evidence be Gathered? It’s like navigating through a maze blindfolded, each experiment allows the scientist to move one step closer to the solution. Indirect evidence is gathered through experimentation.

5 Model Should Start Off Simple and Be Additive Scientists build their models using only the data that they have collected. As more indirect evidence is added by experimentation, the model expands to fit that evidence. Example: Pluto was the last planet in the solar system to be discovered in 1930 OR WAS IT ?

6 In fact Scientists are still working on this model Planet or Trans Neptunian Object? The model is changing based upon new evidence

7 What should a Model look like? Scientific models may not always look like the actual object. A model is an attempt to use familiar ideas to describe unfamiliar things in a visual way.

8 Is this really an Atom? The model above represents the most modern version of the atom. (Artist drawing). Many of the models that you have seen may look like the one below. It shows the parts and structure of the atom. Even though we do not know what an atom looks like, scientific models must be based on evidence.

9 Biological Models Watson and Crick’s model of DNA revolutionized the study of genetics. DNA – Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA doesn’t really look like that but it does give us a way of visualizing what we know about DNA

10 Watson and Crick Watson and Crick made cardboard and then metal cut outs of the nucleotides based upon the knowledge they got from Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins

11 Models are never complete Scientific Models are never really finished. As new information is discovered, models can be modified or changed. Can you identify this much changed model?

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