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Supplementary Tables and Figures Li Y et al, p27 is a candidate prognostic biomarker and metastatic promoter in osteosarcoma.

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1 Supplementary Tables and Figures Li Y et al, p27 is a candidate prognostic biomarker and metastatic promoter in osteosarcoma

2 CharacteristicsTCH COG n=39n=233 Age at diagnosis y Median (range)13 (7-18)14 (2-31) < 108 (20%)30 (13%) > 1031 (80%)203 (87%) Gender Male19 (49%)130 (56%) Female20 (51%)103 (44%) Metastatic at diagnosis Yes 8 (20%) * 78 (34%) No31 (80%)152 (66%) Primary site Extremities36 (92%) 216 (94%) Others3 (8%) 15 (6%) Unknown0 2 Response to chemotherapy Good16 (43%) 44 (40%) Poor21 (57%) 67 (60%) Unknown2 122 Relapse Yes22 (55%) 109 (43%) No18 (45%) 124 (57%) *The number of metastasis at 1 year was increased to 13 Supplementary Table S1. The clinical information of the cohort collected from Texas Children's Hospital and the cohort collected from the Children’s Oncology Group for the autoantibody analysis.

3 Supplementary Table S2. Autoantibody candidates showed higher intensities in the high-risk samples (HR) relative to the low-risk samples (LR) and the control samples (CTL) in the ProtoArray Analysis. The p-values were calculated using 2- sample t-tests by comparing the three replicate experiments from each group of pool samples. The filter criteria for high-risk autoantibodies are (1) p =1 Database IDDescriptionHR vs. CTLHR vs. LRLR vs. CTL FCp-valueFCp-valueFCp-value BC063451.1 t-complex 10 (TCP10)1.499.13E-051.410.0064710.080.782305 PV3323 ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 90kDa, polypeptide 3 (RPS6KB3)1.970.0002162.240.000301-0.270.098699 PV3679 mitogen-activated protein kinase 11, transcript variant 2A (MAPK11)1.740.0004481.010.0052370.730.000983 NM_004064.2 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B (p27, Kip1) (CDKN1B)1.290.0005081.020.0135010.280.33998 NM_031472.1tRNA phosphotransferase 1 (TRPT1)2.410.0005461.580.0004460.830.017342 BC001728.1 TCF3 (E2A) fusion partner (in childhood Leukemia) (TFPT)1.400.0005741.150.0049320.250.344511

4 Blast of sequencing result of S10 mutant with wt P27 Blast of sequencing result of T157A mutant with wt P27 Blast of sequencing result of T198A mutant with wt P27 Supplementary Figure S1

5 Supplementary Figure S2

6 Supplementary Figure S3

7 Supplementary Figure S4

8 Supplementary Figure S5

9 Supplementary Figure S6

10 LM7 SaOS-2 cells with NES-p27CK- Supplementary Figure S7

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