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F IRST N ATION C OMMUNITY P ARTNERSHIP C OLLABORATIVE T ABLES Lynette Klein, Regional Manager First Nation & Metis Health Interlake-Eastern Regional Health.

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Presentation on theme: "F IRST N ATION C OMMUNITY P ARTNERSHIP C OLLABORATIVE T ABLES Lynette Klein, Regional Manager First Nation & Metis Health Interlake-Eastern Regional Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 F IRST N ATION C OMMUNITY P ARTNERSHIP C OLLABORATIVE T ABLES Lynette Klein, Regional Manager First Nation & Metis Health Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority May 17 th, 2016 Josie Kent, Home and Community Care Nurse Coordinator Interlake Reserves Tribal Council (IRTC)


3 I NTERLAKE -E ASTERN RHA M AP 5 Northern Remote FN Communities Poplar River Bloodvein Pauingassi 12 Road Accessible Hollow Water Black River Sagkeeng Lake Manitoba Dauphin River Fisher River 17 FN Communities ○Kinoshetegon ○Pinaymootang ○Brokenhead ○Lake St. Martin ○Peguis ○Little Saskatchewan o Little Grand Rapids o Berens River

4 First Nations Tribal Councils Seven Tribal Councils in Manitoba Each Tribal Council has an Executive Director Each Tribal Council has a Chief with a health portfolio – they make up the Chiefs Task force on Health in the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Each Tribal Council has a health department with an Executive Director or Director Directors meet with representatives from the federal government regularly to develop and expand health services, governance and processes FN Health Directors Management Association

5 3 FN C OMMUNITY P ARTNERSHIP C OLLABORATIVE T ABLES Engagement letters sent Large geographical area 3 tables established: Northern Remote, East and Northwest Draft TOR (floating) Based on quarterly meetings Co-Chair - FN/Tribal Council/RHA/NMU Post amalgamation: started Jan 2013

6 3 FN C OMMUNITY P ARTNERSHIP C OLLABORATIVE T ABLES Local First Nation Community Partners Tribal Councils SERDC/IRTC Northern Medical Unit (NMU) Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) First Nation and Inuit Health Branch-PEM Fed Hospital MB Health Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority Stakeholders/Organizations

7 3 FN C OMMUNITY P ARTNERSHIP C OLLABORATIVE T ABLES IERHA : Home Care, Mental Health, Personal Care Home, Acute Care, Community Services (OT/PT), First Nation and Metis Health, Primary Health Care, Nurse Practioner Local First Nation Communities: Health Directors Tribal Council : FNIHB: Nursing Station, Home Care, Public Health, NIHB,PEM Hospital WRHA: Aboriginal Health Programs and Services, Director of Utilization NMU : Directors and Physicians MB Health : Seniors Health and Healthy Living, Aboriginal Northern Health Office Programs and Services Representatives 105

8 3 FN C OMMUNITY P ARTNERSHIP C OLLABORATIVE T ABLES Overall objective: To provide an opportunity for ongoing discussion between many organizations that provide health care services to FN Clients Main Function: Highlight challenges and develop practical solutions Expectations: Organizations are coming because they care about the health status of our FN In the draft Terms of Reference

9 3 FN C OMMUNITY P ARTNERSHIP C OLLABORATIVE T ABLES Governmental Structures of roles and responsibilities Mental Health Palliative Care (IERHA and WRHA) NIHB Knowledge sharing and Presentations

10 3 FN C OMMUNITY P ARTNERSHIP C OLLABORATIVE T ABLES Sharing of Pertinent Hospital records to Primary Care Providers Educational sessions Information distribution Key Discussions Identifying Gaps Some table discussion consist of

11 K EY THEMES OR G APS I DENTIFIED Discharge Planning Cultural Competency Mental Health Chronic Disease Prescription Drug Abuse

12 3 FN Community Partnership Collaboration Tables We can create real issues for the patient and for their ultimate health and recovery if we lack knowledge of the systems, fail to communicate our role, or make assumptions that “someone will do it”!

13 Thank you, Questions?

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