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$aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Background The Peter G. Peterson Foundation (PGPF) launched an effort to engage.

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2 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Background The Peter G. Peterson Foundation (PGPF) launched an effort to engage young people in the growing challenges that threaten our financial future – and to mobilize them to take corrective action

3 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Background –PGPF awarded eight grants in July 2008 to: Support the creation of new tools to help young people learn about public and personal finance Enable citizens and business leaders to demand change from their elected officials –PGPF purchased the feature documentary I.O.U.S.A.

4 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Background America’s Promise Alliance received one of the grants to expand the teaching of financial responsibility and related civic activities for middle and high school students around the country

5 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Background America’s Promise Alliance –Nation’s largest partnership alliance –Founded by General Colin Powell and chaired by Alma Powell –Believes children’s success is grounded in experiencing the Five Promises: 1.Caring adults 2.Safe places 3.A healthy start 4.An effective education 5.Opportunities to help others

6 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Background –More than 270 partners: Corporations Nonprofit organizations Foundations Policymakers Advocacy groups Faith groups –All are committed to ensuring that children receive the fundamental resources – the Five Promises – they need to lead successful, healthy and productive lives and build a stronger society

7 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Background

8 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Background America’s Promise Alliance collaborated with the Academy for Educational Development (AED) to produce a companion curriculum to I.O.U.S.A. Academy for Educational Development (AED) –Founded in 1961 –An independent, nonprofit organization committed to solving critical social problems –Places a focus on education and health issues in the United States and around the world

9 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Curriculum Development AED conducted an environmental scan of existing financial literacy programs Identified “teachable moments” from I.O.U.S.A. Convened and worked with an advisory panel of youth and adult leaders from schools and community-based organizations around the country to inform curriculum development

10 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Curriculum Purpose I.O.U.S.A. examines the rapidly growing national debt and its consequences for the United States and its citizens $aving Our Futures was developed to teach young people about financial responsibility and to advocate for smarter money management in their homes, communities and from elected officials

11 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Curriculum Purpose It also was designed to provide young people with opportunities to create and participate in quality service-learning projects –Within their schools and communities –As part of their academic studies or other type of intentional learning activity The current generation of youth will suffer the consequences of a growing national debt tomorrow, if it is not addressed responsibly today

12 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Curriculum Purpose $aving Our Futures involves and engages young people to be part of the solution by informing and educating their communities and their leaders

13 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Benefits to Youth Participants Opportunity to engage as civically responsible individuals Learn and practice financial responsibility and math skills Create and participate in quality service-learning projects Understand economic and political systems Engage in problem solving and critical thinking Practice public speaking

14 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Benefits to Youth Participants Lead community events to engage their peers, families and friends Gain tools to succeed in life

15 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Curriculum Overview Designed for middle and early high school Can be used in or after school Accommodates a variety of program lengths and intensities Adaptable for those already engaged in financial literacy work Community extension activities provide service-learning opportunities

16 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Curriculum Overview Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Budget Chapter 3: Savings Chapter 4: Trade Chapter 5: Leadership Chapter 6: Action

17 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Curriculum Overview Resources –Glossary of terms –Materials templates and tools Suggested implementation timeline options –Short-term (8.5-13 weeks) For those already engaged in financial literacy and financial responsibility work –Medium (16-20 weeks) –Long (25-34 weeks)

18 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Curriculum Overview Each chapter includes: –Learning objectives –Activities –New vocabulary –Meeting/session outline –Discussion questions –Community extension activities –Instructor tips

19 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Curriculum Overview Some sections reference the I.O.U.S.A. movie and encourage viewing specific sections of the film to enhance lessons Core chapters (2-5) include sections focusing on math skills

20 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Curriculum Overview Community extension activities encourage young people to apply the lessons learned through service-learning projects, in or with: –Homes –Schools –Communities –Media –Elected officials

21 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Curriculum Overview Action sections build on the suggestions proposed at the end of the movie –Youth-driven action plans to influence real policy change

22 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Curriculum Benefits Timely –Leverages what young people are hearing about the economy Easy to use –Pick and choose which modules you want to use, or use them all –Easy to supplement what you’re already doing on this topic

23 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Curriculum Benefits Easy to understand –Confusing terms and concepts are written in language that adults and young people can understand Engaging and relevant –“Teachable moments” and real-world activities will resonate with today’s youth

24 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Curriculum Benefits Incorporates effective teaching strategies –Young people teaching young people Meets academic standards-of-learning for civics and math

25 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Curriculum Benefits Answers the ‘So what can we do about it?’ question –Builds toward a youth-driven action plan to influence real policy change

26 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Promotional Tools A series of promotional tools were developed and made available for those who want to share $aving Our Futures with others and/or encourage others to use it –Flyer –Web banner(s) –Newsletter article and curriculum cover image –I.O.U.S.A. (30-min. version) –PowerPoint presentation/template –Co-signed letter template

27 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Ways to Promote $aving Our Futures Distribute to your networks –Flyer Provide a link from your Web site –Web banner Include in newsletters, listservs, other communications –Newsletter article –Curriculum cover image

28 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Ways to Promote $aving Our Futures Host a screening of I.O.U.S.A., or present at meetings, conferences, etc. –I.O.U.S.A. (30-min. version) –PowerPoint presentation –Flyer Co-sign a letter and deliver it to your CEO/President/Executive Director –Letter template

29 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Next Steps Use and promote $aving Our Futures! Work toward developing youth action plans that will empower youth and create real change

30 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Future Plans If additional funding becomes available: Build a $aving Our Futures community –Expand and enhance curriculum Web site –Continue promotion of curriculum among adults and youth –Translate materials into other languages –Develop new materials for independent youth learning and projects –Create a national awards program

31 $aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People Access the curriculum, I.O.U.S.A. movie and promotional tools for free online: Name of presenter Contact information

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