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Interesting Facts: 1 February Snowdrops – one of the first bulbs to flower and signal the start of spring. The flower is a symbol of hope. 1 February 1915.

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Presentation on theme: "Interesting Facts: 1 February Snowdrops – one of the first bulbs to flower and signal the start of spring. The flower is a symbol of hope. 1 February 1915."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interesting Facts: 1 February Snowdrops – one of the first bulbs to flower and signal the start of spring. The flower is a symbol of hope. 1 February 1915 On this date, the passport photo was introduced in Britain.

2 “Yesterday is history Tomorrow is a mystery and Today is a gift That’s why it is called THE PRESENT” “There’s no time like the present There’s no present like the time”

3 What’s on this week? Monday 9.15Business Meeting – Infant Hall Tuesday 11.20P6 Piping – GP Room 2 11.50P7 Piping – GP Room 2 3.00Chess Club P5-7 – Room 10

4 What’s on this week? Wednesday AMDancing 6E + 6M – Infant Hall 3.00SUPA Club P5 – P7 – GP Room 3 3.15Netball Nippers – PE Hall 3.15Netball P6 + P7 – Infant Hall Thursday All DayTag Rugby AWP P4, P4/5S and P5 3.00Netball P5 – Infant Hall 3.15Netball Nippers P2 - PE Hall

5 Good morning everyone. We have lots of news to share. We have finally decided on our Eco Action Targets. Our display board is ready to visit. We would like to do this with our own class and our buddy class in the next few weeks. Can anyone remember our Eco Code? Love The Earth – What does L stand for? Litter -What does T stand for? Transportation -What does E stand for? Energy We will share with you the Eco Action Targets for each of the areas and let you know our progress. If we haven’t started it is red, if we have started it is yellow and when it is finished, it becomes green. Eco Club

6 Litter: Investigate “Where is litter created?” Meet with KGS pupil group about litter Do litter survey – this is now yellow Create rainbow out of crisp packets – this is now yellow Transport: Share results from travel survey Promote Park and Stride using KGS carpark – this is now yellow Have a No Car Day Energy: Give out Energy Monitor EM badges with Top Tips poster – this is yellow. We would like to give our EM badges today. Investigate what uses energy? Display meter readings Adopt a windmill Eco Club

7 General: Participate in the Big Bird Watch – this is now yellow Participate in Bag the Bruck Global Goals – this is now yellow – the Eco Club have decided to promote Fair Trade Products as No Poverty is our Global Goal. There will be no LAW duty this week again to allow a litter pick up on Tuesday with Alexander and Jamsie and Friday – Jocelyn and Zara. Mr MacKinnon will be putting the fat balls made by P1, P2/3S and P3 classes every day this week and next as we hope classes will go out and count birds. Let Mr MacKinnon know when you are going and he can put more food out just for you. Thank you for listening. Eco Club


9 National Young Photographer Competition There is still time to get your entries in for the National Young Photographer Competition. Junior Section: 7 – 10 years old Intermediate Section: 11 – 13 years old The theme is “Our World is Beautiful”, and can be done in colour or black and white on photographic paper. Each print, including any mount should be no larger than A4 size. The closing date for the competition is 3 rd March 2016.

10 Well done to… Elsie-Mae, Shannon, Ailsa, Erika, Amelie and Ella for all passing their Ballet dancing exam.

11 Buddy of the Week Megan 7M

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