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Learner Profile, Subject Reporting, Academic Mentoring Jersey College for Girls Peter Marett, Assistant Headteacher (Student Progress)

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Presentation on theme: "Learner Profile, Subject Reporting, Academic Mentoring Jersey College for Girls Peter Marett, Assistant Headteacher (Student Progress)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learner Profile, Subject Reporting, Academic Mentoring Jersey College for Girls Peter Marett, Assistant Headteacher (Student Progress)

2 ‘Every school wants to do the best it can for all its children - to give them the best start in life, equip them with the educational skills to make the most of the learning opportunities available to them, and help them succeed in fulfilling their personal goals.’ (Guidance for Local Authorities on Setting Education Performance Targets - October 2008)

3 What is the Learner Profile? It is a statement about your daughter as a learner. It tells your daughter and you about her effort, homework and participation. There are five Learner Profile statements carrying a score of 1-5. You will be able to compare Learner Profile scores in different subjects and work out an average overall.

4 Why do we have the Learner Profile? It is not about academic achievement. It is about what makes a good learner. It should be aspirational. Students won’t start with a top score but they should aspire to get there. A student with an excellent approach to learning, who does not always achieve top grades, will have her good qualities recognised and valued. It will help teachers to talk to each individual about how they can improve as a learner. We live in a dynamic, information-rich world where the ability to learn is more important than knowledge itself.

5 The Learner Profile descriptors … and what they mean.

6 Rarely motivated to learn and rarely completes tasks or meets deadlines. May distract others and may be inattentive. Commitment to learning is a serious cause for concern. Lots of room for improvement 5

7 Commitment to learning is inconsistent. At times can struggle to meet deadlines. May lack focus and distract others. Effort needed to improve approach to learning 4

8 Consistent approach to learning, completes tasks and meets deadlines. Attentive and participates when required. Approach to learning is very promising and moving in the right direction 3

9 Independent and well-motivated learner. Works hard and takes responsibility for own progress. Shows an interest in the subject and involves themselves in lessons. Helpful and considerate towards others and has a positive influence on the learning of the class. Responsible learner who works well 2

10 An exceptional learner who is enthusiastic, committed, highly motivated and hardworking. An independent, rigorous and imaginative thinker with well developed learning skills. Works extremely well with others and contributes substantially to the progress of the class. Notably outstanding approach to learning 1

11 Overview Learner Profiles scores are not about ability or achievement in a subject. We expect few Learner Profile Scores of 1 or 5. We expect many of our students to receive a Learner Profile 3 but would hope that they aspire to improve and that they actively find our how to do so.

12 What now? Your daughter should learn about the Learner Profile via her representative on the Student Council and her form tutor Please talk about the Learner Profile descriptors with your daughter and refer to them when you receive subject reports. Help her to aspire to be an excellent learner.

13 Tracking and reporting We must: ensure that students make the best progress possible. track student progress throughout their time at JCG. supply information obtained to students, parents and colleagues. Take action and give support to students in order for them to further their learning.

14 Main tracking and reporting moments Periodic Report Periodic Report and Parent Evening Full Report

15 Terminology we use Target grade Target Level (National Curriculum) (NC) Predicted grade Targets and predictions are set using baseline testing like CATS, performance so far and professional judgement. We encourage colleagues to be optimistic but realistic. Current grade / level (where the student is now) Performance +-O (are they on track to exceed target, achieve target or not meet target grade/level) Learner Profile score

16 Periodic Reports Target Level or Grade (end of Y7 National Curriculum Level*, end of Y8, end of Y9, GCSE, AS, A2 as appropriate) Current Level / Grade Performance +-0 Learner Profile Score * Year 7 parents – please ensure you have the handout explaining National Curriculum Levels

17 Parent Evenings/Periodic report Appointment with subject teacher Target Level / Grade (end of Y7 National Curriculum Level, end of Y8, end of Y9, GCSE, AS, A2 as appropriate) Current Level / Grade Performance +-0 Learner Profile Score

18 Full Reports Target Level / Grade (Predicted in Y12/13) (end of Y7 National Curriculum Level, end of Y8, end of Y9, GCSE, AS, A2 as appropriate) Current Level / Grade Performance+-0 Learner Profile Score Teacher Comment

19 Year 7 dates 2nd November - Meet the tutor – progress so far. 20 th January – Periodic reports posted 30 th January - Parent Evening 30 th March – Periodic reports posted 22 nd June – Full reports posted

20 Year 8 dates 8 th November – Parent Information Evening ‘Me and my teenage daughter’ 18 th November – Periodic reports posted 25 th January – Periodic reports posted 8 th February - Parent Evening 15 th June – Full reports posted

21 Year 9 dates 25 th November – Periodic reports posted 7 th December – Parent Evening 16 th January – Options Evening 13 th March – Parent Information Evening – ‘Motivating your teenage daughter’ 30 th March – Periodic reports posted 29 th June – Full reports posted

22 Year 10 dates 14th December – Periodic reports posted 10 th January – Parent Evening 9 th March – Periodic reports posted 6 th July – Full reports posted

23 Year 11 dates 7 th October – Periodic reports posted 20 th October – Parent Evening 15 th November – Options Evening 27 th January – Full reports posted 1 st February – Year 11 Parent Information Evening – Higher Education 16 th March – Year 11 mock results (where applicable) posted

24 Year 12 dates 11 th November – Periodic reports posted 1 st December – Parent Evening 31 st January – Parent Information Evening – Higher Education 7 th March – Module results 30 th March – Reports posted

25 Year 13 dates 3 rd October – Parent Evening (You will receive UCAS predicted grades for subjects) 18 th November – Y13 Periodic reports 7 th March – Module results 30 th March – Reports posted

26 Academic Mentoring Each student receives individual help, support and guidance to fulfil the aim of the College to create an environment which enables everyone to perform at their best. It is an opportunity to have a focused conversation about learning with teachers.

27 Academic Mentoring Why do it? Students to have high expectations and be empowered to achieve successful learning outcomes. Students to feel valued and realise that there is somebody available whose role it is to know them well and support them in their learning. Students to be self-confident and take on more responsibility for their own learning.

28 Academic Mentoring What should you expect? Student to have two or three (depending on year group) formal academic mentoring sessions with her tutor. Conversation - progress with her learning and areas for improvement. Setting of specific and achievable targets. Similar discussions with her subject teachers and setting of subject-specific targets.

29 What is your role? As a parent you should ask your daughter about her learning and ask her to share the targets that she has noted in her planner. Review targets set and encourage and support her to achieve them.

30 Jersey College for Girls Aspire … to be the best learner possible by using the Learner Profile. Inquire … by asking questions and engaging in learning Excel … by achieving the best grades they can Belong …by being known through academic mentoring sessions

31 Any queries, please feel free to contact me:

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