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KIET: View of an Outsider Transitioning In Hasan A. Rizvi October 12, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "KIET: View of an Outsider Transitioning In Hasan A. Rizvi October 12, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 KIET: View of an Outsider Transitioning In Hasan A. Rizvi October 12, 2011

2 Two Views: ‘Participant Observation’ 1.KIET as a generic institution 2.KIET as an educational institution of higher learning in technology, business and media

3 Initial Holistic Impression KIET, overall, is a healthy institution, still in its growth phase and future-centric to a great degree Processes are fairly well defined but traditions have not set in Traditions that create belongingness and pride Striving hard for recognition and distinction among its peers

4 Culture and Environment – People generally are polite and helpful – Teachers are sufficiently empowered – Students are: disciplined and well behaved Don’t suffer from a high sense of ‘entitlement’ Are made to work hard But lack spark and enthusiasm Aspirations are not high Initiative, drive and energy below par – Barring a few exceptions, lecture rooms are well equipped and have adequate space

5 Some Novel Mechanisms Mentoring sessions Peer review at various levels and stages A great focus on practical, project-based learning Faculty meetings with a difference

6 Some Issues Lack of orientation for the new faculty members Cynicism about the main objective of the mentoring sessions Lack of interaction/synergy between different faculties Lack of time for teacher-student interaction outside the class room Form over content

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