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Please remember to sit in assigned seats… before bell rings Outcome: SWBAT Compare and contrast nuclear fusion and fission by reviewing a video and creating.

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Presentation on theme: "Please remember to sit in assigned seats… before bell rings Outcome: SWBAT Compare and contrast nuclear fusion and fission by reviewing a video and creating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please remember to sit in assigned seats… before bell rings Outcome: SWBAT Compare and contrast nuclear fusion and fission by reviewing a video and creating a poster. Drill: What is nuclear chemistry?

2 You’re used to chemistry that involves making and breaking bonds via electrons We have yet to care about the nucleus or the protons and neutrons inside of them. When chemistry involves the nucleus it is referred to as nuclear chemistry…. Daaa Nuclear chemistry can undertake two reactions – Fission : break apart – Fusion: coming together

3 Chain Reaction? CuAE CuAE

4 Fission is the release of energy by splitting heavy nuclei such as Uranium-235 and Plutonium-239 Fusion is the release of energy by combining two light nuclei such as deuterium and tritium How does a nuclear plant work? Each fission releases 2 or 3 neutrons These neutrons are slowed down with a moderator to initiate more fission events Control rods absorb neutrons to keep the chain reaction in check The goal of fusion research is to confine fusion ions at high enough temperatures and pressures, and for a long enough time to fuse This graph shows the exponential rate of progress over the decades Controlled Fission Chain Reaction Confinement Progress Magnetic Confinement uses strong magnetic fields to confine the plasma This is a cross-section of the proposed International Thermo-nuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Inertial Confinement uses powerful lasers or ion beams to compress a pellet of fusion fuel to the right temperatures and pressures This is a schematic of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) being built at Lawrence Livermore National Lab Nuclear Power Plant There are two main confinement approaches: The energy from the reaction drives a steam cycle to produce electricity Nuclear Power produces no greenhouse gas emissions; each year U.S. nuclear plants prevent atmospheric emissions totaling: 5.1 million tons of sulfur dioxide 2.4 million tons of nitrogen oxide 164 million tons of carbon Nuclear power in 1999 was the cheapest source of electricity costing 1.83 c/kWh compared to 2.04 c/kWh from coal D T D-T Fusion 4 He 3.52 MeV Neutron 14.1 MeV

5 Half Life the time taken for the radioactivity of a specified isotope to fall to half its original value. Example C-14 has a half life of 5730 years

6 Number of half-lives elapsed Fraction remaining 0 1/11/1 100 1 1/21/2 50 2 1/41/4 25 3 1/81/8 12.5 4 1 / 16 6.25 5 1 / 32 3.125

7 Classwork Complete the one side with half life problems Then on the back, create a poster to illustrate the difference between fission vs fusion – Make sure you color the poster – Define each – Include drawings

8 Closure Label the following reactions as either fission or fusion or neither A B C

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