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Getting the Word Out. Know your Market Who are you trying to reach & why? What do they need to know? What is the best channel to deliver the information?

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Presentation on theme: "Getting the Word Out. Know your Market Who are you trying to reach & why? What do they need to know? What is the best channel to deliver the information?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting the Word Out

2 Know your Market Who are you trying to reach & why? What do they need to know? What is the best channel to deliver the information? When is the right time to deliver the information?

3 Top 10 Techniques Used Word of mouth Free media Internet Presentations to community groups Personal telephone calls Direct mail Paid media Handouts Billboards

4 Need a Plan What are you trying to accomplish? Know your mission. Choose specific communications goals-- participation building and others (name recognition/brand, fundraising, policy)

5 Need a Plan Connect/prioritize communications work to everyday work Commit $ and staffing if you can -- if you have no $ or staff, be smart and maximize free methods, follow a plan

6 Key Questions to Ask Does the public already support the goals of your organization? If so, then marshal the resources needed to mobilize people. Is there a general lack of awareness of the group and its goals and issues? Is there opposition such that an effort must first be mounted to form or change a public opinion? What is the appropriate communications strategy, given the level of public understanding?

7 Media Types & Approaches Internet TV Radio Press -- news, magazines Billboards / Large Print Ads Advertising Direct mail Phone

8 Media Types As you develop a plan, reflect on which media types and approaches are the appropriate vehicles for your audience, message, moment

9 FREE/LOW-COST Press release/ media relations PSAs radio Handouts at events Word of mouth Internet -- e-mail blasts (Constant Contact), listserves, e-magazines, website, facebook, twitter, blogs

10 COST$ Paid advertising -- radio and print ads can be very effective. Know your audience, message, timing. Direct mail used to be one of the most highly effective means for communications, but costly. Typically used for fundraising, announcing events Internet -- paid advertisements on internet sites are effective

11 Targeting the Media through Press Releases Calendar of events Letter to editors Human interest story Opinion editorials People advancements New products, events Large feature stories

12 What a press release is Answers the questions who, what, when, where, why and how Keep sentences and paragraphs short. Most releases should be between 500 - 800 words Write them so they can be printed as a story as is

13 Headline Headline needs to get the attention of the editor -- should be in bold font Use Arial, Verdana or Times New Roman Capitalize every word with the exception of “a” “the” “an”

14 Body of Release Opening paragraph is the most important, make it newsworthy and factual, no hype Answer the w and h questions Last para before “About Company” should list contact person and contact info

15 Body of Release Back up claims presented in your opening para Use interview quotes Cite factual data when relevant, but not too much Write it from journalist’s perspective

16 Release—Be Sure To… Include a short boilerplate paragraph about your organization Make sure to mark “End” or “ # # #” when release is over Say it in 2 pages at most, 1 page better

17 Distributing Releases Send hard-copy releases and e-mail releases to the appropriate reporter/editor at each media venue Send images along with press releases -- include a cd with press release and a page of images that accompanies the release Send JPEG attachments with e-mail Follow up, follow up FOLLOW UP! Learn your key venues and find out best time of day to contact.

18 The Press Kit Provide basic information that will invite stories or future inquiries Professional and polished Two-pocket folder Include business card Include one or two glossy photos of your program

19 Packet Essentials Basic brochure One sheets -- Statement of purpose, organization background, one-page profiles of key people, issue briefs,contact lists, press clippings, annual report, etc.

20 The Press Kit -- Materials to Have on Hand Good logo and stationary Easy to understand one-page fact sheet about organization Brochures -- paper and web Video clips, slides, presentations One paragraph and one-page bios on spokespeople and agency heads Copies of current newsletter Copies of news articles CONSISTENCY of look and feel

21 Who You Know Matters Get to know the reporters and editors Learn what is their preferred manner of contact—is it email, desk phone, cell phone Reward and recognize them when they cover your group -- comp. tickets, thank you notes, etc. Cultivate them as key partners in your group -- joining the board, a committee, volunteering. BE REAL, BE YOU, make a real relationship!

22 RAW Marketing Plan Summary FY11 1. Heighten overall visibility of RAW in Lynn and in surrounding areas, Boston and outside the state Objectives Develop an over arching publicity and social media plan consisting of Media Alerts, Press Releases, examples Van Go program Public Art Program Good 2 Go Community Partnership initiatives—Young Professionals Council; Neighborhood Nights; Career Night; RAW Talks Lecture Series; Artist for a Day Workshop; film screenings Events (Chair-ity, BASH) Make contacts in publications, radio and TV that would benefit RAW Enhance Facebook page and align Twitter alerts with the overall plan Distribution plan for the collateral package that has been developed Ensure, website, all public-facing materials has a consistent voice and look and feel

23 RAW Marketing Plan Summary FY11 2. Roll out Corporate Sponsorship Program with levels that have been determined previously Objectives Develop list of target sponsors and strategies Create brochure Host launch event at RAW for promoting program (Chambers event at RAW?)

24 Resources Bonk, K., Griggs, H., & Tynes, E., Jane. The Jossey Bass Guide to strategic communications for nonprofits. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1999. http//

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