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Qualla 2020: Diversifying the Qualla Economy Initial Meeting February 25, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Qualla 2020: Diversifying the Qualla Economy Initial Meeting February 25, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualla 2020: Diversifying the Qualla Economy Initial Meeting February 25, 2014

2 Page 2 Agenda 1:00pm Introduction and Goals 1:15pm Large Group Brainstorming: Potential Approaches for Diversifying the Qualla Boundary Economy 1:35pm Small Group Discussion: Most Promising Suggestions 2:00pm Report Out and Consolidation 2:45pm Next Steps 3:00pm Adjourn

3 Page 3 Cherokee Core Values  Prayer, Faith, Spirituality  Group Harmony  Strong Individual Character  Sense of Place  Honoring the Past  Educating the Children  Sense of Humor

4 Qualla 2020 Goals  The purpose of the Qualla 2020 Project is to diversify the Cherokee economy and reduce its risks so that it can better ensure the well-being of the Cherokee population into the future.  In order to do this, the Qualla 2020 Project will seek to mitigate the dependence of the economy on gaming revenues, and to develop and expand businesses in ways that uphold the core values of the Cherokee people. Page 4

5 Qualla 2020 Process  Six Committee meetings Tuesday, February 25, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Friday, March 21, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm  Yellow Hill Activity Center (Old Hardware Store) Wednesday, April 23, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Wednesday, May 21, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Friday, June 27, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Tuesday, July 15, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm  Task teams will meet by phone between Committee meetings to develop detailed action plans for Committee review  Committee will choose action plans to recommend to EBCI Administration, EBCI Tribal Council and Cherokee Preservation Foundation Page 5

6 Action Plan Definition  Action plan criteria: Achievable with the resources controlled by institutions and individuals on the Qualla Boundary Create visible differences within a year or two Support traditional Cherokee values and culture  Action plan elements: Goal Participants Activities Organizational leadership Resources required Funding sources Timeline Page 6

7 Potential Approaches for Diversifying the Qualla Boundary Economy  Brainstorming session to generate potential ideas  Topics for brainstorming: Enterprise development overseen by tribal economic development authority  Potential types of businesses Government contracting Professional services Real estate investments Cultural tourism and attractions Knowledge industries/broadband  Potential funding sources SBA 8(a) contracts New Markets Tax Credit (CDE) Entrepreneurial development – support for small business entrepreneurs Page 7

8 High Priority Suggestions  Group the suggestions into five topics  Assign one topic to each of five tables  Participants then choose tables for small group discussion Page 8

9 High Priority Suggestions: Small Group Assignment  Appoint scribe and spokesperson  Review suggestions in your topic area; add additional suggestions if appropriate  Make list of top five – six suggestions that your group thinks are most promising for diversifying the Qualla economy  Criteria for choosing top five- six suggestions Have the ability to generate significant revenue in the long run Can be implemented with resources controlled by EBCI Build on unique EBCI assets (people, culture, land, money) Can start to show noticeable results within several years Support traditional Cherokee values and quality of life on the Boundary Page 9

10 Report Out and Consolidation  Small groups report out  Note areas of overlap and similarity  Develop consolidated list for consideration by task teams  Create task teams Contact person for each task team Page 10

11 Next Steps  Initial meetings of task teams by phone Establish goals Develop workplans and timelines Note potential funding sources  BWB Solutions and Medicine Root will staff and facilitate tasks teams and conduct additional research as necessary Page 11

12 Contact Information Ben Sherman (303) 818-4926 John Weiser (203) 314-8600 Page 12

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