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Series: Is Jesus the Messiah? (CR14) Document: CR14-55 Page: 58 Lesson: 184 Date: Mar. 17, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Series: Is Jesus the Messiah? (CR14) Document: CR14-55 Page: 58 Lesson: 184 Date: Mar. 17, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Series: Is Jesus the Messiah? (CR14) Document: CR14-55 Page: 58 Lesson: 184 Date: Mar. 17, 2016

2 Ephesians 4:8 -Therefore it says [Psalm 68:18], “When He [Jesus] had ascended on high [Third Heaven], He led captives [Old Testament believers in interim bodies] from a state of captivity [in Paradise] and has distributed gifts [spiritual] to men [communication gifts for the incipient and fully developed Church Age].” ( EXT ) NOTE: Verses 9–10 are a parenthesis. The context continues at verse 11.

3 Ephesians 4:11 -And He [Christ, see v. 8b] gave [spiritual gifts to men, see v. 8c] some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, v. 12 -for the general purpose of training and equipping the royal family [exegetical teaching of the congregation] for the categorical purpose of equipping the ministry [training pastor-teachers] for the ultimate purpose of building up the body of Christ [spiritual maturity]; Brothers Peter (Simon) and Andrew, brothers James and John (the sons of Zebedee), Philip, Bartholomew (Nathaniel), Thomas (Didymus), Matthew (Levi), Simon the Canaanite, James (son of Alpheus), brothers Thaddaeus (Jude) and James (the Lord’s half-brothers), and Paul (Saul). Judas Iscariot was fired. Judas’s vacancy was filled by Paul. Matthias was not an apostle. The spiritual gift was imputed by Christ (see Matthew 10:2–4; Ephesians 4:8–11, Acts 9:3–6 cf. 1 Corinthians 15:7–9). Matthias was elected by men who were not qualified to make the appointment (see Acts 1:23–26).

4 Ephesians 4:13 -until we all have attained the goal of the unity [™nÒthj (enótēs): oneness or unity; ™xwterik» ¡rmon…a (exōterik ḗ harmonía): harmony with others] of spiritual maturity from the source of knowledge [™p…gnwsij (epígnōsis)] of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the standard of maturity [ occupation with Christ, PSD-10 ] which belongs to the fullness [pl»rqma (pl ḗ rōma): spiritual maturity] of Christ. ( EXT )

5 ™swterik» ¡rmon…a ( esōterik ḗ harmonía ): Inner harmony of the soul. ™xwterik» ¡rmon…a ( exōterik ḗ harmonía ): Outer harmony and concord with others. HARMONY: Inner & Outer Adapted from: Steven Pressfield, Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae (New York: Doubleday, 1998), 80-81.

6 Grace Apparatus for Perception – Operation Z Grace Apparatus for Perception – Operation Z 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 PASTOR LÒgoj HOLY SPIRIT did£skw HUMAN SPIRIT pneumatikÒj SOUL ACADEMIC UNDERSTANDING gnîsij* HOLY SPIRIT TRANSFERS @ + V kard…a COGNIZANCE OF DIVINE THOUGHT ™p…gnwsij ASSOCIATION CORTEX: SHORT-TERM MEMORY. NEURAL NETWORK CEREBRAL CORTEX: LONG-TERM MEMORY ( troci£ : WHEEL-TRACKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS) * VOLITION CHALLENGED: NEGATIVE ( - ) or POSITIVE ( + )? © 2012 by Joe Griffin Media Ministries. All rights reserved. noàj -V Common Grace Efficacious Grace



9 Ephesians 4:17 -This I explain and make as an emphatic demand by means of the Lord, that you no longer continue walking [retroactive progressive present of peripatšw (peripatéō): wheel- tracks of wickedness that began in the past and continue to the present] just as the Gentiles [those in unbeliever reversionism] keep walking by means of the vacuum [mataiÒthj (mataiótēs)] of their mind [noàj (noús)],

10 Ephesians 4:18 -their understanding has become darkened [blackout of the soul], estranged from the life of God because of the ignorance which keeps on being in them, because of the calluses that darken their souls [pèrwsij (p ṓ rōsis): scar tissue of the kardía];

11 Ephesians 4:19 -who, having become calloused [¢palgšw (apalgéō): insensible to shame], have betrayed themselves to salaciousness [¢sšlgeia (asélgeia): content expressed through lascivious lust patterns] for the practice of every kind of immorality by indulging in insatiable lust. ( EXT )

12 Reversionism: Eight Stages 1. Reaction & Distraction: Wrong priorities, rejection of authority, lack of objectivity, hypersensitivity, retaliation due to perceived wrongs, bad decisions, self-fragmentation, addiction, preoccupation with self, no spiritual self- esteem. 2. Frantic Search for Happiness: Compensation for frustration, discouragement, and loneliness through power, pleasure, approbation, success, status symbols, sex, materialism. 3. Operation Boomerang: Failure to assuage the reactor factors associated with the frantic search for happiness causes these factors to be intensified. Frustration become rage; discouragement becomes depression; loneliness becomes desolation. 4. Emotional Revolt of the Soul: Reactor factors absent doctrinal thought including irrationality, egocentricity, instability, imbalance resulting in short-circuiting of GAP and doctrinal recall for application is neutralized. 5. Locked-In Negative Volition toward Doctrine: Doctrinal intake is shut down due to apathy leading to wrong priorities that favor the details of life; antagonism and personality conflicts with member of the congregation; failure to use GAP; unresponsive to doctrine; disorientation to logistical grace; malfunction of faith-rest. 6. Blackout of the Soul: A vacuum in the soul that causes human viewpoint, human good, and evil to be sucking into the soul which corrupts the thought process with doctrines of demons. Total disorientation due to the influence of evil. 7. Scar Tissue of the Soul: The buildup of false doctrines in the soul which shuts down any recall of doctrine. The rate of forgetting exceeds the rate of recall. Vocabulary is diminished, norms and standards degenerate, momentum halts; and wisdom is lost; all spiritual functions shut down. 8. Reverse Process Reversionism: The total influence of evil and divorcement from reality. What was previously considered right is now considered to be wrong and vice versa. It is the status quo of unrestrained and perpetual sinfulness, fragmentation, and excessive cosmic involvement. The believer is brainwashed by satanic propaganda. Adapted from: R. B. Thieme, Jr., “Stages of Reversionism,” in Reversionism, 2d ed. (Houston: R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries, 2000), 22−39. © 2000 by R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries. All rights reserved.

13 Grace Apparatus for Perception – Operation Z Grace Apparatus for Perception – Operation Z 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 PASTOR LÒgoj HOLY SPIRIT did£skw HUMAN SPIRIT pneumatikÒj SOUL ACADEMIC UNDERSTANDING gnîsij* HOLY SPIRIT TRANSFERS @ + V kard…a COGNIZANCE OF DIVINE THOUGHT ™p…gnwsij ASSOCIATION CORTEX: SHORT-TERM MEMORY. NEURAL NETWORK CEREBRAL CORTEX: LONG-TERM MEMORY ( troci£ : WHEEL-TRACKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS) * VOLITION CHALLENGED: NEGATIVE ( - ) or POSITIVE ( + )? © 2012 by Joe Griffin Media Ministries. All rights reserved. noàj -V Common Grace Efficacious Grace

14 The FLOT Line is the believer’s Shield of Faith Roman Scútum The traditional shield of the legionary was the curved, oval scutum. A 1st-century BC example measured 50’ long by 25” wide and made of strips of planed wood laminated in three alternate layers. It was faced with felt and calf skin and weighed 22 lb. Ross Cowan, Roman Legionary: 58 BC–AD 69 (Oxford, UK: Publishing, 2003), 27.


16 2 Thessalonians 2:7 - For the mystery of lawlessness is already operational. Only He Who restrains will continue that ministry of restraint until He is taken out of the way. v. 8 -At that time, the lawless one will be revealed (Whom the Lord will later annihilate with the breath of His mouth. In fact, He shall neutralize him by means of the sudden appearance of His Second Advent); v. 9 - whose presence in history shall be according to the modus operandi of Satan with all power and by means of extra natural phenomena and pseudo wonders through propaganda, v. 12 -in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness. ( NASB ) v. 11 - And so for this reason, God shall send them the modus operandi of delusion with the result that they might believe the lie, ( EXT ) 2 Thessalonians 2:10 - and by means of all delusions of unrighteousness for those who are caused to be led astray, deprived, ruined, destroyed among those that perish utterly, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. Joe Griffin Media Ministries

17 2 Thessalonians 2:1 -Now we urgently request you, fellow believers, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together around Him, v. 2 -that you be not easily shaken in mind or disturbed, neither by a spirit, nor by a message as if from us, alleging that the day of the Lord is near. v. 3 -Let no one deceive you according to any rhetorical method, for that day shall not come until after the Rapture occurs first, and the man of lawlessness will then start the process of having his identity revealed, the son of destruction. v. 4 -The Lucifer-indwelt Beast- Dictator opposes God and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, with the result that he symbolically takes his seat in the Holy of Holies of the temple of God in the form of a self-commissioned statue, asserting that he himself is God. v. 5 -Do you not remember what you previously understood, that while I was last with you I was teaching you these doctrines? v. 6 -And now you know what thing restrains him now so that he will be revealed in his dispensation.










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