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Language Functions Across Proficiency Levels Use words or phrases related to weather from pictures or photographs Grade level cluster 1-2.

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Presentation on theme: "Language Functions Across Proficiency Levels Use words or phrases related to weather from pictures or photographs Grade level cluster 1-2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language Functions Across Proficiency Levels Use words or phrases related to weather from pictures or photographs Grade level cluster 1-2

2 Language Functions Across Proficiency Levels Grade level cluster 1-2 Make statements about weather from pictures or photographs

3 Language Functions Across Proficiency Levels Grade level cluster 1-2 Ask questions about weather from pictures or photographs

4 Language Functions Across Proficiency Levels Grade level cluster 1-2 Forecast weather and provide reasons from pictures or photographs

5 Language Functions Across Proficiency Levels Grade level cluster 1-2 Evaluate and weigh options related to weather forecasting

6 Change in Function Grade Level: 1-2 Standard: 5 Language Domain: Writing (From Compare to Evaluate) WIDA Consortium Compare attributes of two products in the marketplace from illustrated examples Evaluate attributes of two products in the marketplace from illustrated examples

7 Change in Content Grade Level: 6-8 Standard: 4 Language Domain: Reading (From Cycles/Processes to Ecosystems) WIDA Consortium Predict consequences of alteration of cycles or processes from grade-level text Predict consequences of alteration of ecosystems from grade-level text

8 Change in Support Grade Level: 6-8 Standard: 4 Language Domain: Speaking (From with a partner to based on graphic support or pictures) WIDA Consortium Outline steps of scientific inquiry involving elements or compounds with a partner Outline steps of scientific inquiry involving elements or compounds based on graphic support or pictures

9 Transform All MPI Elements Example Topics Level 1 Entering Level 2 Beginning Level 3 Developing Level 4 Expanding Level 5 Bridging Level 6- Reaching Speaking 2008 USA Presidential Election Identify historical figures or events associated with the 2008 Presidential Election from photographs or illustrations in small groups Describe historical figures or events associated with the 2008 Presidential Election from photographs, illustrations, or videos in small groups Role-play scenes from historical events or lives of figures associated with the 2008 Presidential Election in small groups Re-enact historical events or lives of figures associated with the 2008 Presidential Election from varied perspectives with peers (e.g., presidential debates) Give monologues simulating historical events or figures associated with the 2008 Presidential Election (e.g., scenes in plays) WIDA Consortium Language Function Content Stem Supports

10 Integrating a Content Standard Historical Understandings SS5H6 The student will explain the reasons for America’s involvement in World War II. a.Describe Germany’s aggression in Europe and Japan’s aggression in Asia. b.Describe major events in the war in both Europe and the Pacific; include Pearl Harbor, Iwo Jima, D-Day, VE and VJ Days, and the Holocaust. c.Discuss President Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. d.Identify Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, Hirohito, Truman, Mussolini, and Hitler. e.Describe the effects of rationing and the changing role of women and African- Americans; include “Rosie the Riveter” and the Tuskegee Airmen. f.Explain the U.S. role in the formation of the United Nations.

11 Does the topic match the content standard? Reading Topic: Immigration/Migration Level 1Trace immigration/migration routes on globes or maps with a partner Level 2Match immigration/migration routes on globes or maps... Level 3Organize information on immigration/migration based… Level 4Compare information on immigration/migration based… Level 5Identify reasons or explanations for immigration… Level 6- Reaching WIDA Consortium Grades 3-5 ELP Standard 5: Language of SOCIAL STUDIES, Formative Framework

12 Content Stem Transformed Reading Topic: U.S. role in the formation of United Nations Level 1Trace U.S. role in the formation of United Nations routes on globes or maps with a partner Level 2Match U.S. role in the formation of United Nations routes on globes or maps... Level 3Organize information on U.S. role in the formation of United Nations based… Level 4Compare information on U.S. role in the formation of United Nations based… Level 5Identify reasons or explanations for U.S. role in the formation of United Nations… Level 6- Reaching WIDA Consortium Grades 3-5 ELP Standard 5: Language of SOCIAL STUDIES, Formative Framework

13 Does the language function conform to communication needs? Grades 3-5 ELP Standard 5: Language of SOCIAL STUDIES, Formative Framework Reading Topic: U.S. role in the formation of United Nations Level 1Trace U.S. role in the formation of United Nations routes on globes or maps with a partner Level 2Match U.S. role in the formation of United Nations routes on globes or maps... Level 3Organize information on U.S. role in the formation of United Nations based… Level 4Compare information on U.S. role in the formation of United Nations based… Level 5Identify reasons or explanations for U.S. role in the formation of United Nations… Level 6- Reaching

14 Language Function Transformed Grades 3-5 ELP Standard 5: Language of SOCIAL STUDIES, Formative Framework Reading Topic: U.S. role in the formation of United Nations Level 1Find identifying information related U.S. role in the formation of United Nations routes on globes or maps with a partner Level 2Sequence events related to U.S. role in the formation of United Nations routes on globes or maps... Level 3Sort relevant and irrelevant information on U.S. role in the formation of United Nations based… Level 4Compare /contrast information on U.S. role in the formation of United Nations based… Level 5Research reasons or explanations for U.S. role in the formation of United Nations… Level 6- Reaching

15 Do the supports match the ELP level? Grades 3-5 ELP Standard 5: Language of SOCIAL STUDIES, Formative Framework Reading Topic: U.S. role in the formation of United Nations Level 1Find identifying information … on globes or maps with a partner Level 2Sequence events related … on globes or maps to text and share with a partner Level 3Sort relevant and irrelevant … based on investigation using graphic or visual support with a partner. Level 4Compare /contrast … based on investigation … using graphic or visual support with a partner Level 5Research … based on investigation using grade-level multicultural texts Level 6- Reaching

16 The Supports Transformed Grades 3-5 ELP Standard 5: Language of SOCIAL STUDIES, Formative Framework Reading Topic: U.S. role in the formation of United Nations Level 1Find identifying information … from illustrations, words, or phrases Level 2Sequence events related … depicted in illustrations, phrases, and simple sentences Level 3Sort relevant and irrelevant … from descriptive paragraphs using illustrations and graphic organizers Level 4Compare /contrast … based on investigation … based on investigation in small group from multiple sources… using illustrations and graphic organizers Level 5Research … based on investigation using grade-level texts Level 6- Reaching

17 supports t The supports transformed Reading TopicU.S. role in the formation of United Nations Level 1 … from illustrations, words, or phrases Find identifying information … from illustrations, words, or phrases Level 2 … depicted in illustrations, phrases, and simple sentences Sequence events related to… depicted in illustrations, phrases, and simple sentences Level 3 … from descriptive paragraphs using illustrations and graphic organizers Sort relevant and irrelevant… from descriptive paragraphs using illustrations and graphic organizers Level 4 based on investigation in small group from multiple sources… using illustrations and graphic organizers Compare /contrast… based on investigation in small group from multiple sources… using illustrations and graphic organizers Level 5 … based on investigation using grade-level texts. Research… based on investigation using grade-level texts. Level 6- Reaching WIDA Consortium Grades 3-5 ELP Standard 5: Language of SOCIAL STUDIES, Formative Framework

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