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The core elements of Digital Citizenship Todd Dinkelmann - 15016315.

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Presentation on theme: "The core elements of Digital Citizenship Todd Dinkelmann - 15016315."— Presentation transcript:

1 The core elements of Digital Citizenship Todd Dinkelmann - 15016315

2 Digital Access Not everyone has the same availability when it comes to technology and many people are excluded due to this. Everyone deserves digital access and it should be a goal for all digital citizens to provide access and expand technology to all citizens

3 Digital Commerce Buying and selling is something that happens all over the internet and is becoming more and more popular but users must know what is illegal and how to be effective consumers in this new age economy.

4 Digital Communication Communication has been revolutionized by the internet, constant communication has made the world much smaller and is a very powerful tool it must be said though that users must be responsible when using such tools.

5 Digital Literacy Education is also another thing that has been heavily influenced by technology although in schools it is common to find that technologies are available but yet the school does not utilize it.

6 Digital Etiquette This is a problem that is often over looked, users behavior must be so like it should be in real life, digital etiquette should be taught like children are taught table manners as this should be vital to children in this technology age.

7 Digital Law Committing a crime online is as bad offline, people must be aware of the things they do online and must know the laws of the internet and these apply to everyone on the internet, nine years old or eighty, it does not matter.

8 Digital Rights and Responsibilities Knowing your rights is important online or in real life none the less although digital rights are sometimes not known by users. Technology must be used appropriately and with these rights will always have responsibilities.

9 Digital Health and Wellness People are often ignorant of health and wellness effects technology has on us, it is known that people become addicted to the internet as well as physical injuries such as repetitive stress syndrome.

10 Digital Security As we know in this world there are bad people out there and it is the same with the internet. Like we do in real life we must protect ourselves from the dangers out there we must look after ourselves online and make use of things such as anti-virus.

11 The Five Fluencies 1. Solution Fluency – Finding the problem, Fixing the problem, evaluate the outcome 2. Information Fluency – The ability to take in all types of information 3. Creativity Fluency – Creating design that adds meaning to the product. 4. Collaboration Fluency – Working as a team to solve problems and create new products 5. Media Fluency – To look at the real meaning behind communication and create effective communication.

12 References digitalcitizenship. 2016. Nine Elements. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11 May 2016]. The Chronicle of a digital citizen: Five Fluencies of Digital Citizenship. 2016. The Chronicle of a digital citizen: Five Fluencies of Digital Citizenship. [ONLINE] Available at: citizenship.html. [Accessed 11 May 2016].

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