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Do Now: Argumentative Terms. Objective: SWBAT evaluate 1paired nonfiction text for specific quotations and analysis of a claim at 70% mastery by writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Argumentative Terms. Objective: SWBAT evaluate 1paired nonfiction text for specific quotations and analysis of a claim at 70% mastery by writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Argumentative Terms

2 Objective: SWBAT evaluate 1paired nonfiction text for specific quotations and analysis of a claim at 70% mastery by writing responses to a template for integrating 10 quotations and 6 stems for explaining the connection to an argument. Agenda  1. Word Search  2. Lecture: Integrating Quotations  3. Template: Quotations & Explanations  4. Samples  5. Partner Activity  6. Project (Research): Group Collaboration  7. Independent Practice: Written Component  7. Exit Ticket Common Core ELA Standards  CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.1.A CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.1.A  Introduce claim(s), acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically.  CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.1.B CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.1.B  Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.  CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.1.C CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.1.C  Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.

3 The Essential Questions  1. How does the best selection of quotations enhance an argument or claim?  In what ways do a clear explanation reinforce a quotation in an argumentative response?

4 Integrating Quotes The Purpose of Quoting  1. Gives credibility to your summary  2. Ensures that the summary is fair and accurate Mistakes  1. not quoting enough  2. Quoting too much  3. No explanation

5 Integrating Quotes Choosing quotations wisely  Claim: Television has a negative impact on the brain development of a child.  A) “Children watch more than five hours a day.”  B) “Children who watch television at less than 2 years of age develop signs of ADD.”  Surrounding each quotation with a frame and explanation.  Explaining whose words, what it means, and how it relates to the text.

6 Connecting the quotation with your point of view.

7 Avoid the hit and run quotations

8 Templates for Introducing Quotations  X states, “ _______________________.”  As the prominent philosopher X puts it, “ _____.”  According to X, “__________.”  X himself writes, “________________.”  In her book, ___________, X maintains that “ _______.”  Writing in the journal Commentary, X complains that “___________________.”  In X’s view, “______.”  X agrees when she writes, “_________________.”  X disagrees when he writes, “ _______________.”  X complicates matters further when she writes, “_________.”

9 The verb should fit the quoted message.

10 Verbs for Making a Claim  Argue  Assert  Believe  Claim  Emphasize  Insist  Observe  Remind us  Report  Suggest Verbs for Expressing Agreement  Acknowledge  Admire  Agree  Celebrate the fact that  Corroborate  Do not deny  Endorse The Right Verb

11 Verbs for Questioning or Disagreeing  Complain  Contend  Contradict  Deny  Qualify  Question  Refute  Reject Verbs for Making Recommendations  Advocate  Demand  Encourage  Exhort  Plead  Urge  Warn

12 Templates for Explaining Quotations  Basically, X is saying __________.  In other words, X believes ___________.  In making this comment, X argues that ________  X is insisting that _______________.  X’s point is that _________.  The essence of X’s argument is that __________.




16 Guided Practice- Partner Work

17 Project: Group Collaboration (3)  Pair up the reading text with “Social Media Dependency…”  As a group take a position on the topic and formulate your argument or claim in one strong statement.  Identify 5 pieces of data that best support your group’s claim.  Prioritize the evidence in order of significance, one being the strongest.  Construct a different frame to introduce each example ( be sure to use the correct verb).

18 Independent Practice  Using the sentence frames for explaining each quotation, write I explanation for each quote.

19 Exit Slip  Construct your own template for either introducing a quotation or a summary.

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