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Homer’s Odyssey. Odysseus  King of Ithaca Penelope  Odysseus’s wife.

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Presentation on theme: "Homer’s Odyssey. Odysseus  King of Ithaca Penelope  Odysseus’s wife."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homer’s Odyssey

2 Odysseus  King of Ithaca

3 Penelope  Odysseus’s wife

4 Telemachus  Son of Odysseus & Penelope

5 Penelope’s Suitors  Antinous  Eurymachus  Amphinomus  Leodes

6 Eurycleia  A servant in Odysseus’ palace

7 Nausicaa A Phaeacian princess

8 Alcinous King of the Phaeacians; Nausicaa’s father.

9 Arete Wife of Alcinous; Nausicaa’s mother.

10 Eurylochus A man in Odysseus’ crew

11 Eumaeus A swineherd (pig farmer) and loyal servant of Odysseus.

12 Greek Gods & Goddesses

13 Zeus  King of the gods on Mount Olympus.

14 Athena  Goddess of wisdom; Zeus’ daughter

15 Poseidon  God of the sea and of earthquakes.

16 Hermes  Messenger of the Gods; he also guides human souls to the land of the dead.

17 Calypso  A nyph (half- goddess) who loves Odysseus.

18 Polyphemus  A Cyclops (one-eyed giant)

19 Circe  Another nymph.

20 Ghost of Tiresias  A seer (person who tells the future)

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