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Presentation on theme: "TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Create a Continuum of Human Relationships

3 Continuum of Human Relationships
As you move away from family, you will meet new people and develop a variety of new relationships Relationships vary in their degree of intimacy/commitment Human Contact Acquaintances Proximity Friends Selected Friends Significant Friends Intimate Others

4 Human Contacts No commitment

5 Acquaintances We acknowledge them

6 Proximity Friends Only because we live, work, or play in the same area

7 Selected Friends Develop from proximity friendships due to common interests, backgrounds, enjoy their company, etc.

8 Significant Friends Share personal feelings and disclose things about ourselves (more than ‘selected friends’)

9 Intimacy Involves deep emotional bond and high level of trust.
DOES NOT necessarily imply ‘sexual closeness’ Sexual involvement doesn’t always involve intimacy We can be ‘intimate’ with family or very close friends

10 Social Media How has Facebook and other forms of social media impacted friendship and the continuum of human relationships?

11 In your notes…. A) Describe different ways of being intimate. Provide believable examples (real or pretend). B) What are some individual prerequisites (personality traits/characteristics) that would help someone with intimacy? C) What are some individual impediments (personality traits/characteristics) that would stop/impede one’s ability to be intimate Remember, INTIMACY = deep emotional bond and high level of trust.


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