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From Hunter-gatherers to Farmers

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1 From Hunter-gatherers to Farmers

2 What do you think was the greatest discovery humans have made?

3 How early humans found food
Like hominids before them, early modern humans hunted & gathered their food Over thousands of years, people learned to produce food by farming Farming changed how people lived forever

4 From Old Stone Age to New Stone Age
PALEOLITHIC AGE “Old Stone Age” named for stone tools used about 2 million BCE BCE nomadic hunter-gatherers hunted animals gathered plants shelter in caves left cave paintings NEOLITHIC AGE “New Stone Age” when people started farming & producing food from 8000 BCE BCE learning this took thousands of years created permanent settlements raised animals planted crops

5 Early Neolithic Settlements
Many were in the Fertile Crescent Why would the first settlements be there? ex. Catal Hoyuk (Turkey), Jericho (Israel), & Jarmo (Iraq)

6 What features of a town makes it successful or desirable?
good schools cleanliness nice people safety (police) location (stores) food/water source housing education effective government good jobs climate tourist attractions good soil taxes crime rate

7 Early Neolithic Settlements
Farming let people do other things: build permanent shelters large communities make better tools & clothes trade for items they needed & wanted Life was safer, more comfortable & more interesting

8 Creating a Stable Food Supply
PALEOLITHIC AGE got food by hunting & gathering no stable or dependable food supply wild plants & animals scarce if people stayed too long hunting was dangerous NEOLITHIC AGE discovered they could plant seeds & harvest crops learned which seeds produced the most crops domesticated animals (raise & use them for people’s needs) sheep (wool, meat) goats (milk, meat) mules (carry loads, pull plows) cattle (milk, meat, carry loads, pull plows) agriculture - the growing of crops & domestication of animals for human use

9 Making Permanent Shelters
PALEOLITHIC AGE temporary shelters people lived in caves or tent-like structures people were nomads NEOLITHIC AGE permanent shelters needed to stay in the same place to raise crops & animals made mud bricks, built rectangular houses openings high in the walls several rooms, stored food, cooking pits Houses = protection, comfort, cook food new ways, larger communities

10 Establishing Communities
PALEOLITHIC AGE small bands of people NEOLITHIC AGE towns & villages Catal Hoyuk, Jericho Communities could organize divided work farmers, built houses, made tools Cooperation ex. toolmakers could share work (faster, efficient) What are the benefits to people living in a town with specialized jobs?

11 Developing New Jobs PALEOLITHIC AGE
Job: finding enough food to survive making tools to hunt & gather NEOLITHIC AGE steady food supply left time for jobs weavers basket makers tool makers traders Specialized jobs let people get better at them Had time to create art (decorate pottery, jewelry, rooms for worship) Inspired to improve skills

12 Beginning of Trade PALEOLITHIC AGE trade was rare mostly concerned with plants, animals, & other resources “every man for himself” NEOLITHIC AGE trade to get resources they didn’t have specialized jobs needed materials that were more beautiful or stronger traveled thousands of miles (walked, donkeys, cross deserts, sail Mediterranean) wanted: flint, obsidian, shell ornaments, red pigments What effect did trade have on cultures & interaction?

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