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Live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639

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1 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639

2 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 C AMPUS EAI M EMBER S HOWCASE S NAPSHOT Presented by: Daniel Tyger, CampusEAI Consortium Jerry Smith, Associated Colleges of Central Kansas Sharlene Harris, University of the Virgin Islands Ron Spaide, Ross University Dr. Charles Hutchison, Ross University Jansen Burris, Our Lady of the Lake College Dennis Thibeault, Curry College Sheri Thompson, Louisiana State University

3 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 D AN ’ S S LIDES  Introduction  Recent Projects  Virtual Orientation  Student Usage & Feedback  Your Questions

4 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639

5 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 A N I NTRODUCTION T O ACCK  The Associated Colleges of Central Kansas (ACCK) is a consortium of six private colleges located within 40 miles of McPherson, Kansas. Over 4,000 students are enrolled. They are served by faculty and staff of over 800.

6 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 Bethany College Lindsborg, KS 67456 785-227-3311 Bethel College North Newton, KS 67117 316-283-2500 Kansas Wesleyan Univ. Salina, KS 67401 785-827-5541 McPherson College McPherson, KS 67460 620-241-073 Sterling College Sterling, KS 67579 620-278-2173 Tabor College Hillsboro, KS 67063 620-947-3121 ACCK

7 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 The Associated Colleges of Central Kansas is established: 1) To be a voluntary association of church-related colleges in close geographical proximity that represents value-oriented, independent higher education; 2) To benefit each institution through cooperation that provides economy and enrichment of academic programs, yet preserves individual identity through the unique emphasis of each institution; 3) To encourage international and intercultural programming, thereby expanding the educational opportunities available to the members of each college community; 4) To enhance collegiality among disciplines and administrative offices and the quality of the academic offerings; and 5) To provide technical assistance of a range and level of sophistication not possible as six separate institutions. ACCK Missions

8 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 A L ONG H ISTORY OF S HARED IT S ERVICES  The Consortium has provide central IT services to the 6 colleges since the early 1970’s

9 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 ACCK AND C AMPUS EAI  The Associated Colleges of Central Kansas (ACCK) and CampusEAI have been working together for three years on a variety of projects.  These Include: The My Campus Single Sign-on Project Building Identity Management at Tabor College as a consortium model Partnering with CampusEAI and Jenzabar to migrate to hosted infrastructure / cloud services ERP environment.

10 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 The First CampusEAI Project (Started in 2010) Goals included: A framework for pulling together a variety of legacy applications from consortium offices and member colleges A demonstration site to help campus leaders visualize current portal technologies Help overcome some limitations of the Jenzabar portal (JICS)when dealing with non-ERP applications Easily adaptable to each campus – but not “cookie cutter” The My Campus Single Sign-On Project

11 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 The My Campus Single Sign-On Project Current Status: A “proof of concept” test deployment was conducted at Bethel College. Provided single sign on for a variety of campus applications Tested the CampusEAI toolkit in using a variety of authentication approaches. Moving toward the first production deployment at Tabor College in conjunction with the IDM project.

12 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 B UILDING A N EW M ODEL F OR IDM  The growing mix of ACCK and third party campus applications created the need for a new approach to Identity Management.  Project goal is to develop an IDM model that can be modified to each college’s unique set of applications and yet provide a standardized interface to the consortium central services.  CampusEAI is providing the consulting and platform (hosting) to support these goals. To find out more about this project, join us for the IDM Showcase and Panel at 4:15 PM this afternoon

13 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 C LOUD S ERVICES / H OSTED I NFRASTRUCTURE P ROJECT  ACCK was faced with an aging data center that needed not only server replacement but also significant environmental hardening  A business case analysis showed moving to a hosted infrastructure and management services would provide the best return on investment  ACCK worked Jenzabar and CampusEAI to develop a hosted /cloud solution

14 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639  The project consisted of moving the entire 6 college ERP platform (Jenzabar CX) to hosted infrastructure  The projected started in late October 2011 and was completed in January 2012 infrastructure and management services Cloud Services / Hosted Infrastructure Project I will be providing the details on this project this afternoon at 3:15 PM

15 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 Contact Information Jerry Smith Associated Colleges of Central Kansas 210 South Main Street McPherson, Kansas 67460 Voice: (620) 241 – 5150 Fax: (620) 241- 5153 Email: Web:

16 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639

17 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 T HE U NIVERSITY OF THE V IRGIN I SLANDS  Two Campuses (St. Thomas & St. Croix) 40 miles of sea water between them  Information & Technology Services Library & IT merged component  Enterprise Applications Banner, Blackboard, Email, Portal, EMS, PeopleAdmin

18 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 UVI AND C AMPUSE EAI  Consortium member since 2009 myCampus portal  myMessages, Communities, 7.0 upgrade, Password Management Suite Self-Service Banner CASified Identity Management

19 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 I DENTITY M ANAGEMENT Session this afternoon 4:15-5:15pm Palace II IDM Showcase and Panel Discussion with UVI and the Associated Colleges of Central Kansas UVI – use of Microsoft’s Forefront Identity Manager (FIM)

20 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639

21 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 R OSS U NIVERSITY MY C AMPUS P ORTAL Project Axis S CHOOL OF M EDICINE S CHOOL OF V ETERINARY M EDICINE

22 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 R OSS U NIVERSITY - RUSM & RUSVM  Founded 1978 – Robert Ross 7700 RUSM alumni; 2500 RUSVM alumni North Brunswick, NJ- Administrative Offices Miramar, FL- Medical Administration; Clinical Programs Dominica- Medical Pre-clinical Sciences and ICM St. Kitts- Veterinary Pre-clinical and ICM&S

23 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639

24 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639

25 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 W HY THE MY C AMPUS P ORTAL ?  Grant….  Multiple Web Sites – Multiple Points of Management  Multiple Portals – Multiple Points of Management; part manual/homegrown Kickoff- February 2011 - Project Axis Project Sponsors- CIO, Dean RUSM, Dean RUSVM

26 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 F IRST C HALLENGE - U SER G ROUPS  Lack of User Groups Policies & Standards  Limited IDM

27 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639  Three different zones for initial launch phases- “different projects?” Multiple leaders/stakeholders/locations Cooperation and Commitment- busy people S ECOND C HALLENGE Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine Community Ross University School of Medicine Community DeVry Medical International Community

28 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 T HIRD C HALLENGE - G ET IT D ONE  Solutions- Establish Committees Steering Vision Direction Governance Policies Compliance (Sarbanes-Oxley DeVry) Management Content Planners- Vision, Support, Training Community Admins- Growth and Support Comm Teams- Message Senders Portal Admin- Bells & Whistles Contributors Content Owners & Developers RSS, Blog, Event, Calendars Owners

29 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639  SSOs high user priority  24/32 operational for first phases myRoss | eCollege | 3 Exchange Zones | E*Value | Sale Site | Live@EDU | iEmployee | Austin Travel | Concur | Campusuite | AccessMedicine | Room Scheduler | School Dude | Housing Site | OVID | MedU | MediaSite | Millennium | SkillPort | | EBSCO DB | EBSCO Journals F OURTH C HALLENGE X XX X X X X X

30 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639  First  Second  Third 2012 I NITIAL L AUNCHES

31 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 Snapshots Guest Web Home Snapshots Guest Web Home

32 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 Snapshots DMI Home Snapshots DMI Home Snapshots RUSM Clinical Pilot Home Snapshots RUSM Clinical Pilot Home Snapshots RUSVM Home Snapshots RUSVM Home

33 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 Snapshots Instructional Technology Faculty Resources Page Snapshots Instructional Technology Faculty Resources Page Snapshots Information Technology Staff Resources Page Snapshots Information Technology Staff Resources Page

34 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639

35 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 O UR L ADY OF THE L AKE C OLLEGE P ORTAL, M OODLE AND H OSTING S ERVICES WITH C AMPUS EAI Hosting, College Portal, and Moodle

36 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 O UR L ADY OF THE L AKE C OLLEGE  We received the grant in November 2010.  By January 2011, the College purchased hardware for the Hosted Site.  By April 2011, CampusEAI setup a copy a test environment for the move of the Student Information System (SIS)

37 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 T ESTING AND S ETUP  April to June, 2011 Testing the SIS on the CampusEAI network.  July 2011 myCampus Portal Set up (College Branding/ Design on the Portal; Single Sign-On Integration Moodle Implementation & Hosting

38 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 M Y C AMPUS P ORTAL G O L IVE  August 2011, Our Lady of the Lady College launches it’s myCampus Portal for the 2011 Fall Semester.  We move and upgrade the SIS, move from Blackboard to Moodle with integration for the SIS in to the myCampus Portal.

39 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 C AMPUS EAI S UPPORT IN THIS P ROJECT  Being a hosted campus, CampusEAI was instrumental in the success of the portal launch.  Working around the clock with administration and technical support.

40 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 H OSTING YOUR SIS (D ATATEL C OLLEAGUE )  CampusEAI manages our Server and system upgrades.  Provides system backup, monitoring and 24 hours support.  On the CampusEAI network, the College has been able to leverage CAS, AD and other network options being all on one network.

41 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 M OODLE  Single Sign-on for Moodle  System of automatic course creation with faculty enrollment in a course  An integrated interface that refreshes course information from Datatel Colleagues every 15 minutes for faculty and student.

42 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 Our Lady of the Lake College myCampus Portal & Moodle Tour

43 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639

44 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 I NTRO  Chief Information Officer – Curry College for 18 years  Live with myCampus since April 2009  Served as Co-chair of the Banner Users Group  Currently serving as a member of the CEAI Advisory Board  Presented sessions about our portal experiences on-line, at these annual conferences, NETECH and Educuase  Exchanged many e-mails or web-sessions with other members to help them reap the benefits of the portal

45 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 S ESSIONS I’ LL BE AT  What’s up for this year at the conference?  Custom PL/SQL Applications and Extending Portal Services at 3:15 today in the Stillman Room – a repeat of last year’s session giving you ideas of what you might want to integrate from your ERP  myCampus Mobile 2.0 Showcase: QuickLaunch Goes Mobile at 9:15 tomorrow in Palace I - if you don’t have mobile apps for your college, this is a must see!  myMessages Showcase and Panel Discussion tomorrow at 2 with Dale Jacobs from Lehigh Carbon Community College and Matt Johnson from Southwest Tennessee Community College – a great chance to hear what others are doing with announcements, alerts and messages

46 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 M OBILE A PPS

47 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639

48 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 H IGHLIGHTS FROM

49 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639  LSU is a Carnegie Research Extensive University  Sea-grant, land-grant and space-grant  28,985 total enrollment (23K undergrads)  70 Baccalaureate, 74 Master’s, 49 Doctoral programs  Around $150M external research funding  Joined CampusEAI in 2010

50 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639  myLSU Links: a QuickLaunch Alternative Today (Wednesday, June 13 th ) at 11:05am  Getting Your Campus Ready for Change Thursday, June 14 th at 8:30am

51 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 F OR D EVELOPERS  LSU’s Sherwin Shaidaee will discuss his development of an alternative to QuickLaunch  Wanted to duplicate the left navigation features of our old portal (PAWS)  Alternative Code available to community

52 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 F OR D EVELOPERS  QuickLaunch enhancements in new code Able to easily add new and reorder existing links Able to expand multiple sections simultaneously Able to filter links as you type them in search function Populate links based on user groups as well as user roles

53 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 F OR ADMINISTRATORS  Getting Your Campus Ready for Change  Discussion of best practices for guiding change  Will share LSU’s story of moving from well- established portal after 17 years to new portal

54 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639

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