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IN VAS Presentation Sept. 16, 2005. Prepaid Calling Card (PPC) Home Country Direct (HCD) Utility Bill Payment (UBP) Prepaid Telephony (PPT) Universal.

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Presentation on theme: "IN VAS Presentation Sept. 16, 2005. Prepaid Calling Card (PPC) Home Country Direct (HCD) Utility Bill Payment (UBP) Prepaid Telephony (PPT) Universal."— Presentation transcript:

1 IN VAS Presentation Sept. 16, 2005

2 Prepaid Calling Card (PPC) Home Country Direct (HCD) Utility Bill Payment (UBP) Prepaid Telephony (PPT) Universal Personal Telecom (UPT) Premium Rate Service (PRM) Number Portability (NP) Free Phone / International Free Phone (FPH) Credit Card Calling (CCC) Universal Card (UC) Contents

3 PrePiad Card (PPC)

4 Introduction PPC service is Prepaid Calling Card Service where user buy s prepaid cards to make call The user, after purchasing a PPS card with a fixed face value, obtains the balance in the card. When he initiates a call with the card, the system accepts or rejects the call according to the card status, balance, and validity period. During a call, the system deducts the cost from the card in real time, namely, real-time charging. If the balance is used up, the call is terminated. This is the process of prepayment of the service. Its very convenient and popular service among both users and operators

5 Features Calling Number Black List –If wrong PIN inputs reach the specified threshold from the same calling number, the blacklist count will be accumulated. If the call from this calling number passes the authentication without reaching the threshold, the blacklist count will be cleared. When the blacklist count reaches its threshold, the calling number gets locked. In this condition the calling number cannot access the PPS service in period of time. –After entering the blacklist for a preset period, the calling number will automatically be cleared from the blacklist if calls are made from this calling number. Then the calling number can use PPS normally.

6 Features Originating Call Screening –This feature is used to permit or bar some regions or calling numbers to access the service. The screening number may be country code, area code or partial (or complete) calling number. –The screening type can be “ None ”, “ Restricted ” or “ Permitted ” : –“ None ” means this function is disabled. –“ Restricted ” means that the screening numbers are not allowed to call in. –“ Permitted ” means that only the screening numbers are allowed to call in.

7 Terminating Call Screening –This feature is used to screen the called number which is dialed by the user. The screened number may be country code, area code or specific calling number. Features

8 Balance Prompt After Called Party Hooks On –After a call ends, service can prompt the balance to the user if the called party hooks on first. Call Duration Prompt After Called Party Hooks On –After a call ends, the service can prompt duration of last call if the called party hooks on first. Call Cost Prompt After Called Party Hooks On –After a call ends, the service can prompt cost of last call if the called party hooks on first. Features

9 Language Selection –PPS service can provide up to 8 types of prompt language for the user to select. If user ’ s selection fails, service will use default prompt language. Before user makes the selection, service will play prompt message by all type prompt languages in turn. Features

10 Charge Discount Based on Account Number –In PPS service, each card has a ChargeRateModulator. And cards from different batch calling different called number from different country or area may have different discounts. If a card has one discount, the final ChargeRateModulator will be ChargeRateModulator * (1-discount).

11 Feature Recharge Bonus –A bonus is applied to user balance when he recharges his account –Depending on rules some bonus is added to the user account –Bonus rules are configurable by the operator

12 Feature Usage Bonus –This bonus is applied when subscribers usage exceeds a certain threshold set by the operator. –Here user recharges to the same card/account –This feature can stimulate the user to further use the service –The more you use, the more bonus you get –Principle of usage bonus can be % of amount used during a certain period

13 How it works User dials 1010 and enters the service flow for this service The service asks for the PIN number on the scratch card. IN verifies the PIN number and sends a signal to SSP to connect the call The call continues until the balance is consumed. At this time SCP instructs the SSP to disconnect the call.

14 Example If a user wants to dial 021-34558588 using calling card, he will dial 1010 and then upon prompt enter the PIN number. After entering the PIN, he can dial his desired number to make this call. After ending the call he may hand up or dial another number.

15 Home Country Direct (HCD)

16 Introduction Home country direct is the same service as PPS service. Only difference is that HCD is accessed from overseas like USA, UK or UAE etc.

17 Features Multi-Language Selection –This service feature enables the subscriber to select prompt language type, such as English or Urdu, etc. The type of prompt language is configurable. –After subscriber dials the access code, the system will prompt him to select language. If the total times of user ’ s wrong selection or operation timeout reaches the pre-defined times, the system will play a prompt to the subscriber and release the call.

18 –Currently only 2 languages are supported, English and Urdu. PTCL to request additional languages like Arabic or Spanish if they require Validity Period –This service feature enables the operator to set the fixed validity period and the validity period after first use. When the subscriber uses his card the first time, the system will calculate the card ’ s validity period by the time of its first use, and the fixed validity will be disabled. For example the operator can configure a card to be valid for 60 days after first use. Features

19 Abbreviated Dialing –This service feature enables the subscriber to make a call with dialing a simple number instead of the real destination number. –The length of abbreviated number is 1 and every subscriber can have 10 abbreviated numbers. –Abbreviated Number is from 0 to 9. Features

20 Abbreviated Number Query –This service feature enables the subscriber to inquire about his abbreviated numbers. Abbreviated Number Setting –This service feature enables the subscriber to set his abbreviated numbers Features

21 Follow-On Call –This service feature enables the subscriber to make a continuous call when the called party ends his conversation, the called party is busy or the called party doesn ’ t answer. So subscriber needn ’ t to input the access code or PIN again.

22 How it works When the subscriber is going abroad, he can buy the HCD card similar to PPC card Upon dialing a special number, he will be connected to the IN system in his home country IN will prompt for his PIN number and he can then initiates a call. The subscriber can only use the HCD Service outside his home country.

23 Example If a user wants to dial 051-2800000 from USA. He will have to buy HCD before going abroad. From USA he will dial the 1800-xxxx number listed on the card. After hearing prompts he will dial his PIN and enter the desired number and his call will be connected.

24 Utility Bill Payment (UBP)

25 Introduction The UBP service provides the service subscribers with the function of paying for the bills of the charging center with UBP cards.

26 Basic Features Bill Query –In the service call, the user can query the bill and its transaction information by entering his customer number. Bill Payment –The user can perform the operations of bill payment by calling, The service would modify the received billing data in such a way that it would depict the true balance of the due amount as given in the bill to any UBP user.

27 –If a user makes a service call before the due date, but his final payment is made after due date, this payment will be considered as within due date. –If a payment is considered as after the due date, surcharge can be added. For this purpose a data field showing “ Amount after Due Date ” in the data layout of billing data should be supplied by PTCL. –So during the payment, the UBP caller would get some indication whether he has paid the bill before the due date or after the due date with an additional surcharge. Basic Features

28 Features Authentication –Before using functions provided by the service call, the caller must pass UBP card authentication successfully. In the UBP card authentication, the caller should enter card number and pin together.

29 Features Payment Log –When the user performs the operations of call fee payment, the system will record the corresponding log, and store these logs in the FEP, FEP will send payment logs to billing center automatically or manually. Balance query –In the service call, the user can query the balance of the UBP card. Card Recharging –The service enables the subscriber to transfer the card ’ s balance into another card by inputting the target card number and PIN. The service supports not only UBP card recharging, but also PPS card.

30 Feature The max amount that can be transferred is configurable, at service level, if the value is zero, it means there is not limitation. The default value is zero. Enable PPS card recharging is also configurable, at service level, if “ enabled ”, it means PPS card can be used in card recharging, If “ disabled ”, PPS card can ’ t be used; The default value is “ disable ”

31 Charging –The service can charge the calls according to the function used by the caller. The usage fee for each provided function can be configured by the service provider at service level. e.g., if there is a bill query, PTCL can charge some fixed amount against that subscriber for this particular bill inquiry. Feature

32 How it works After the service subscriber buys a UBP card issued by the service provider, he can dial the service access code provided by the service provider to enter the telephone flow, and then complete the bill payment according to the voice announcements played by the system.

33 Example If a user want to pay bill using UBP. He dials 1226, and listens to the prompts. After entering card number he can query his bill balance and pay his phone bill.

34 Prepaid Telephony (PPT) Asaan Phone

35 Prepaid Telephone is a service where user must pay first before making a phone call. Here the calling PSTN number is used to identify the prepaid account Prepaying is done through “PPT Recharge” cards Introduction

36 Features Prepaid Account - PSTN Number –Calling PSTN number is the prepaid account –Charging is done to this number Account Number Recharge –This service feature enables the subscriber to recharge the account number of prepaid telephony by a Recharge Card. But it has strict requirements for the Recharge Card as follows: –Active –In Validity Period –Not in Calling Number Block State –Balance>0 –Not in Use

37 When a subscriber begins to recharge the prepaid phone, he must input the right account number and PIN of the Recharge Card. Without considering success or failure of recharging, a log will be generated that will contain at least one of the following: –Recharge Date and Time –Balance of Prepaid Phone Account Number Before Recharging –Account Number of Recharge Card –Balance of Recharge Card –Currency Type of Recharge Card –Currency Type of Prepaid Phone Account Number –Balance of Prepaid Phone Account Number after Recharging –Calling Telephone Number (as same as Prepaid Phone Account Number) –Success/Failure of Recharging Features

38 Outgoing Call PIN Setting –This service feature enables the subscriber to set his outgoing call PIN, through which he can prevent from the unauthorized call. The length range of Outgoing Call Pin is from 4 to 8 digits. Cancel Outgoing Call PIN –This service feature enables the subscriber to cancel his Outgoing Call PIN, so it’s easier to make a call without inputting PIN. Features

39 Abbreviated Dialing –This service feature enables the subscriber to make a call with dialing a simple number instead of the real destination number. –The length of abbreviated number is 1 and every subscriber can have 10 abbreviated numbers. For example, if subscriber set “1” as the abbreviated number of his friend’s number “07556812888”, then he only need to dial “1” to call this friend. –Abbreviated Number is from 0 to 9. Features

40 Recharge Prompt –This service feature enables the subscriber to enter the Account Number Recharge flow automatically when his balance is not enough to make the call. Follow-On Call –This service feature enables the subscriber to make a continuous call when the called party ends his conversation, the called party is busy or the called party has no answer. So subscriber needn’t to input the access code or PIN secondary. Features

41 Monthly Fee –The service feature enables the operator to charge monthly fee to the subscribers. The system will deduct the current month fee from the subscriber’s balance, if the balance is not enough, the balance will be negative, and at this time, the subscriber cannot make any calls before she/he recharges his account. –The system will not charge monthly fee to the subscriber who registers her/his account at the current month. Features

42 –The charging date can be configured by operator, and the default value is the first day of every month. –The monthly fee can be configured from SMAP at subscriber level, this means different subscribers have different monthly fee.

43 Features Account Blacklisting –Wrong PIN inputs for a specified number of times, then blacklist the account – Now this telephone number will be restricted to make a prepaid phone call. –There are two ways to unchain the Calling Number Block State. –Automatically Clear Up by System after a certain time when subscriber input the correct Outgoing Call PIN –Operator clears up the Block State manually.

44 Called Number Screen –This service feature enables the subscriber to specify that outgoing calls are either restricted or allowed, according to a screen list. –The screen type: None, Permission or Restriction. –None type means no screen for called number. –Permission type means the numbers in list is permitted but other numbers is restricted. For example, if a screen number of permission type is 075568, only the calls that calling telephone numbers like 075568… are permitted to connect. Features

45 –Restriction type means the numbers in list is restricted but other numbers is permitted. For example, if a screen number of restriction type is 075568, the calls that calling telephone numbers like 075568… are restricted. –This feature can be at service level and subscriber level. The called screen numbers can be country code, area code or office code. –The length limit of screen number is 24 digits. Features

46 Max Management Function Times Limit –This service feature enables the operator to specify the Max Management Function Times Limit for avoiding the unlimited use of management function. The call will be ended if the times of subscriber’s management function usage reach the limit.

47 Example After recharging account, user can originate a call with the PPT service on the telephone say 051-2824098 to originate a call to 042-5115289 He dials 1225-0425115289 where 1225 is the access code for PPT service, and then hears the announcement prompting him to enter the call PIN. If he enters the correct PIN, the call is connected.

48 Example After the called hooks on, he hears the announcement prompting the call duration and the call cost. He hooks on to end the call.

49 Universal Personal Telecom

50 Introduction UPT service is a mobility service which enables the subscriber to make use of telecommunication services on the basis of a unique personal telecommunication number (PTN) across multiple networks at any network access, so people can contact with him more easily than before. In this service a UPT number can be translated to a corresponding communication number according to the route strategy. At present, there are two route modes, namely., the temporary forwarding number mode and the timetable forwarding number mode. The subscriber can also make any type of calls across multiple networks, or enter management flow to modify information related to the services, such as incoming PIN, temporary forwarding number, activation of incoming call screen or modifications of abbreviated dial code, etc.

51 Service Features Incoming Call –This service feature enables the user to connect the subscriber using an unique personal telecommunication number, and the subscriber can receive the incoming calls at different places and through different communication devices. Temporary Forwarding Number –This service feature enables the system to forward the incoming call to an appointed telephone number which is registered by the subscriber. –The subscriber can enter the management flow to change the temporary forwarding number.

52 Forwarding by Timetable –This service feature enables the system to forward incoming calls to the number according to the timetable registered by the subscriber. –A subscriber has up to 10 types of dates (holiday, working day, etc.). And for each day type, it can be divided into 4 segments with time precise to minute. In each time segment, up to 3 forwarding numbers can be registered. And the number is arranged from high priority to low. When the number with higher priority is busy or no reply, it can be forwarded to the next number with lower priority. It goes on thus and so up to the last number. Features

53 –Subscriber can request operator to register or modify the time segment table, including the date type, definition of time segments of a day and forwarding numbers in each time segment. –The UPT subscriber can activate this timetable forwarding function through management flow. And when a subscriber activates the temporary forwarding function, the Forwarding by Timetable function will be deactivated automatically. Features

54 Forwarding Number On Busy –This service feature enables the system to forward the incoming calls to another number if they encounter a busy condition of temporary forwarding number. –It’s to say, if registered temporary forwarding number is on busy, the system can transfer the call to the forwarding number on busy. If the subscriber set the forwarding number as “0”, the system will cancel the forwarding number on busy. Features

55 Forwarding Number On No-reply –This service feature enables the system to forward the incoming calls to another number, if they encounter no reply of temporary forwarding number. If the subscriber set the forwarding number as “0”, the system will cancel the forwarding number on no-reply. –The temporary forwarding number and the numbers forwarding numbers on busy and no reply can be modified through the management flow. Features

56 –When a subscriber modifies a temporary forwarding number, the temporary forwarding function is automatically activated in the system, including the forwarding on busy and no reply functions, and at the same time, the timetable forwarding function is deactivated. –And when a subscriber activates the timetable forwarding, the temporary forwarding function is also deactivated automatically. Features

57 Incoming Call PIN –This service feature enables the subscriber to set up, modify or activate incoming call PIN through management flow. The length limit of PIN is from 4 to 6 digits. If this service feature is enabled, the system will send a voice prompt and release the incoming call if the PIN input by caller cannot pass the validity check. –Enable or Disable of this service feature is possible at subscriber level. Features

58 Incoming Call Screen –This service feature enables the subscriber to specify that incoming calls are either restricted or allowed, according to a screen list. –The screen type: None, Permission or Restriction. –None type means no screen for called number. –Permission type means the numbers in list is permitted but other numbers is restricted. Features

59 –Restriction type means the numbers in list is restricted but other numbers is permitted. –The subscriber can activate or deactivate this function through management flow. Each subscriber can register 10 screen numbers at most. The screen number can be area code, office code or calling number. Features

60 Outgoing Call –This service feature enables the subscriber to make a call using UPT number conveniently, the call can be ordinary local, domestic or international call. Outgoing Call PIN –This service feature enables the subscriber to set up, modify outgoing call PIN through management flow. The length limit of PIN is from 4 to 6 digits. If outgoing call is enabled, the system will not connect the outgoing call or enter management flow until the PIN pass the validity check. Features

61 Abbreviated Dialing –This service feature enables the subscriber to make outgoing call with dialing a simple number instead of the real destination number. –The length of abbreviated number is 1 and every subscriber can have 10 abbreviated numbers. –Abbreviated Number is from 0 to 9. Features

62 Call limit –This service feature enables the subscriber to set the max threshold of allowed calls in one certain period, if such threshold is reached, the system shall refuse connection and play voice prompt to the caller. –The call limit can be the day call limit or the month call limit, and the limit type can be by call fee or by call times. A subscriber can request the operator to set or cancel the call limit or modify the limit value. After the incoming or outgoing call limit has been set, the incoming fee or the outgoing fee of a subscriber will be accumulated in the system. And each time before a call is made, the system will first check if the limit has been reached before continue the connection. Features

63 Called Number Screen –This service feature enables the subscriber to specify that outgoing calls are either restricted or allowed, according to a screen list. –The screen type: None, Permission or Restriction. –None type means no screen for called number. –Permission type means the numbers in list is permitted but other numbers is restricted. –Restriction type means the numbers in list is restricted but other numbers is permitted. Features

64 –Each subscriber can register 10 screen numbers at most. The screen number can be area code, office code or calling number. Follow-On Call –This service feature enables the subscriber to make a continuous outgoing call when his last conversation is ended by called party. So subscriber needn’t to input the access code or PIN secondary, his time and energy is saved. Features

65 Benefits for operators: –A lot of potential business customers can be developed –Increased revenue for the operator Benefits for subscribers: –Apply for only one contact number, but can use many communication devices –Can be found anywhere more easily –Can appoint route mode and route numbers by himself –New device, no need to tell others his new number Benefits for users: –Only need to remember one number –Can find the subscriber more easily than before Benefits

66 How it works This service works on the principle of forwarding the called number to a pre-configured number set by the subscriber of this service. Example follows

67 Example (Incoming) Malik has subscribed to UPT service. His number is 034838938. He gives this number to his friends. When his friends want to call him anytime, they will dial 034838938. If Malik has set incoming PIN then he first needs to enter his PIN. After successfully entering the PIN he can receive this call.

68 Example (Outgoing Call) Now Malik wants to use his UPT number to make an outgoing call. First he will dial the UPT access code. He will listen to the prompt to enter the PIN of his account. After successfully passing the PIN check, the system will check his balance to see if he has enough balance. Now the system will prompt him to dial the destination number.

69 Weather Report Sports Info Airline Info Exam Results Premium Rate Service

70 Introduction PRM is used for accessing info/content and recreational services In PTCL this service is 0900 service. The end user is charged with a premium rate for this information access Content provider and operator split revenue Subscribers of this service are content providers

71 Red List –All telephone subscribers on the red list can enjoy free-of-charge service and the bills for their calls are not charged. Blacklist –For subscribers who do not want to enjoy this service, you can put them onto the black list, so that the telephone subscribers on the black list will be refused to call this type of service. PRM Service Features

72 Call Forwarding on Busy/No Answer –When information console is on busy or no answer, the call can be transferred to the same type of information console. Information Valid Period –The valid period of information service can be set as required. For example, an information service can be provided from 10th to 12th March. Features

73 Integrated Service Window –The system provides information for subscribers to select, and connect to corresponding information service console according to the selections of subscribers. It is possible for multiple subscribers to use one PRM number to be their access code jointly. Features

74 –For example, two subscribers, one is entertainment information hotline, another is stock hotline, these two information providers share one PRM number. The end user dials the PRM number will get the announcement “ Welcome, please dial 1 to connect entertainment information hotline, dial 2 to connect stock hotline”. These announcement and choice is different from different subscribers. So service can define the announcement and the selection by using Integrated Service Window Function. Features

75 How Does it Work Call Connection Process –1. Subscriber dials information console number from telephone; –2. If subscriber is not directly connected to SSP, terminal office will send the call to the nearest SSP –3. SSP judges that this call is a PRM call and reports it to SCP –4. SCP checks this information console is valid or not.

76 –5. If this information console has no integrated service window, SCP will add route flag before the information console number and instructs SSP to select route to this information console. –6. If this information console has an integrated service window, SCP will instruct SSP to collect subscriber’s selections from the caller and report the collected information to SCP –7. SCP retrieves the information console number required by subscriber according to subscriber’s selections, and instructs SSP to connect subscriber to this information console. –8. SSP connects How Does it Work

77 Benefits Benefits for Operators: – Operator host content and charge a premium fee –Flexible and powerful charging methods for the premium charge Benefits for Subscriber: –One contact number and many information channels –Profit earning with less initial investment Benefit for Users: –Content services are accessible easily through normal DTMF phone –Only need to remember one number

78 Example For example a user wants to listen to flight schedule from PIA. The number is 0900-11786 He will dial 0900-11786 and will listen to the prompts by IN. Upon selecting his desired flight number and its related info he requires, he will be played the information

79 Number Portability

80 Introduction Number Portability is changing location but retaining the telephone number with in the operator. To use this service the subscriber, who is relocating to another city, applies for this service. Other people can reach him by calling his same old number.

81 Service Features Auto Connection – Automatic connection with the new number without informing the caller about the new number. – Automatic connection with the new number after the caller is informed about the new number by playing an announcement. Auto Connection must be enabled if the announcement function is disabled.

82 How it works To use this service the subscriber, who is relocating to another city, applies for this service. Other people can reach him by calling his same old number. His old number will be ported to new number according to the routing modes. Routing modes are described next.

83 Routing Modes 3 routing modes available –Onward mode –Query on release mode –All Call Query mode

84 NP Networks There are three types of network in the NP service: Originating Network: the network where the call is originated from Donor Network: the network to which the number range has been allocated Recipient Network: the network where a number is located after being ported

85 On-Ward Mode –When a user initiates a call, the exchanger routes the call to the exchanger of the network where the called locates in according to the called number. –The exchanger where the called locates in checks if the called number is an NP number, if yes, trigger the NP service.

86 Onward mode Caller Called 1 2 3 4 5 No additional requirement on exchanges Ideal for networks with NP ratio < 30%

87 –When a call is launched, the exchange routes the call to the exchange of the network where the called originally located. –The exchange where the called originally located in checks if the called number is an NP number, if yes, releases the call. –The exchange of the network where the calling party locates triggers the NP service according to the release code set by the exchange of the network where the called party locates Query on Release mode

88 Caller Called Donor Network has to send release codes Higher requirement on existing network

89 All Call Query mode –When a user initiates a call, the call will not be routed to the exchange of the network where the called located in. –All calls will trigger the NP service, the NP service checks if the called number is an NP number. –If the called number is an NP number, The exchange of the network where the calling party locates triggers the NP service. The NP service queries the new number according to the called number, and delivers the call connection

90 All Call Query mode All calls are forwarded to IN, thus increased traffic Volume, ideal for networks with NP ratio > 60 %

91 Example Mr. Jawad has subscribed for this service who moved from Lahore to Islamabad. His old number was 042-567899 His new number in Islamabad is 051-2823456. Now if his friends wants to reach him, they can still dial 042-567899 and reach him due to number portability service.

92 Free Phone / International Free Phone

93 Introduction FPH allows “reverse charging” where subscriber receives calls at his own expense Subscriber can posses multiple sets that can be accessed by a single number International Free phone ( introduced in IN expansion project) extends free phone service through out the world

94 Service Features TDR ( Time of the Day routing) –For example, the service subscriber can set to connect all the calls initiated during the period of 08:00 ~ 11:59 hours to the number 075526869880, connect all the calls made during the period of 12:00 ~ 18:59 hours to the number 075583371091 and release the calls in other time segments after an announcement is played.

95 Day of Year Routing (DOY) –For example, the service subscriber can set to connect all the calls initiated during the period from July 1,2003 to August 31, 2003 to the number 075526869880, connect all the calls made during the period from September 1, 2003 to December 31,2003 to the number 075583371091 and release the calls in other time segments after an announcement is played. Service Features

96 Day of Week Routing (DOW) –For example, the service subscriber can set to connect all the calls initiated during the period from Monday to Wednesday to the number 075526869880, connect all the calls made during the period from Thursday to Saturday to the number 075583371091 and release the calls in other time segments after an announcement is played. Service Features

97 Call Limit Simultaneous Call Limit This service feature realizes the function of limiting the number of the simultaneous calls to a terminal number or a forwarding number. When the limit is reached, the calls routed to the terminal number or forwarding number will not be connected, and an announcement will be played. –For example, a service subscriber has a hunt number 075582960321 and has two terminals in this hunt group. Now the service subscriber can set simultaneous call limit for the number 075582960321 as two. By doing this service subscriber can make sure that the hunt number 075582960321 handles only two calls simultaneously.

98 Call Cost and Time Limit –This service feature allows a service subscriber to define the maximum number of calls or the call cost within a window of time. Once the call count or the cost equals the call limit, any subsequent call received will not be serviced. This lessens the possibility of congestion at the service subscriber ’ s call handling equipment. The maximum number of calls and call cost limit can be defined on a daily or monthly basis. –For example, if the limit of daily call times is 100, and that of daily call cost is 500 USD, when the call times in a day reach 100 or the call cost in a day reaches 500 USD, the system will not connect the new calls for the subscriber ‘ s FPH service number. Call Limit

99 Configurable Maximum Single Call Duration –The service subscriber can set the maximum duration for each call in advance. If the maximum call duration is reached, the call will be released without any announcement played. –For example, if the maximum single call duration is set to 180 seconds for a service subscriber then, any call terminating on that service subscriber terminal can be of maximum duration 180 seconds. If the call duration exceeds 180 seconds, then system will automatically release the call. User Interaction Welcome Message Language Selection Call Limit

100 Welcome Message –When a user accesses a subscriber service, the system can play the welcome message to the user, which is customized by the service subscriber and can be configured on the service subscriber level. If the service subscriber selects the welcome message, the welcome message will be the first announcement in the subscriber service and cannot be interrupted. Features

101 How it works In PTCL this service is 0800 service To access the service user dials the 0800- xxxxx number and listen to the prompts as set by the subscriber (usually a company/business) His call can be directed to different number depending upon his selection and or time segment.

102 FPH Call Flow FPH service user FPH service subscriber SMS SCP SSP LE 1. Dials the freephone number 800- 810-8888 2. SSP triggers FPH service for FPH number 810-8888 3. Send the FPH service subscriber terminal number based on the routing rule set. 4. Routing call based on FPH service subscriber terminal number Service Management System

103 Intern ’ l FPH call Flow FPH service subscriber iGW International Gateway SMS SCP SSP LE 2. SSP triggers FPH service for FPH number 810-8888 3. SCP Send the FPH service subscriber terminal number based on the routing rule set. 4. Routing call based on FPH service subscriber terminal number International Line 1. User dials 800 service number from outside Pakistan XYZ Enterprise HQ’s

104 Example A user want to reach 0800 number of a company. He will dial the 0800-xxxxx number and will be prompted to select one of many options. Depending on his selection he will be directed to particular deptt. Or office and on time of the day. See next slide.

105 ExampleSales Technical Info …,... FPH Menu Configurable FPH Menu Enhanced Routing Algorithm Split Charging Strategy LHR 800xxxxxxx Time Table No Answer / On Busy 21:00~0:00 0:00~5:00 5:00~21:00

106 Credit Card Calling (CCC)

107 Introduction Allows to make a phone call on any DTMF telephone set using his Credit card User must register his credit card for calling at his bank first

108 Service features Destination Restricted Calling country code, area code, office code or full destination Charge Limit The cost limit authorized by the bank will be used to monitor the call When phone charge reaches the maximum limit, the call ends Follow On Calling No need to input card number and PIN if –Called part hooks on –Caller gives up dialing in the middle

109 User enters access code, card number and PIN The bank returns the authorized cost limit after authentication. A bill-report is sent to the bank server after a call is completed and money is then deducted Registering, changing password and recharging is done through banks How it works

110 Example Mr. Malik wants to call his friend in Karachi using his Master Card. His friends number is 042-6543211 He has already applied for credit card calling feature with his bank and bank has given him a certain PIN. He will dial the access code for CCC service and will be prompted to enter his PIN number that his bank gave him.

111 Example After getting the authorization from the bank his can start dialing the desired location After he finished his call, he can be prompted for the call cost etc.

112 One card does it all Universal Card

113 Introduction Currently four types of Prepaid cards in use PS, HCD, PPT and UBP. Difficult for both users and PTCL to manage these 4 different cards Huawei suggests creating a universal card solution to increase efficiency and convenience of maintenance.

114 Features The universal card holds all the features that were originally in the prepaid calling card function. The UBP service and PPT service keep all their functions as normal.

115 Scenario 1- How it Works Huawei suggested various scenarios to PTCL earlier and it agreed to scenario 1. The details are below. The original service flow of all service remain same but the databases will be combined into one DB. All cards will unify into one card and features of the cards will be converged Operator issues one type of card.

116 Scenario 1

117 After analyzing the solution and requirement by Huawei R&D, they have suggested an advanced and new solution (Scenario 2). As development on HCD and UBP will be frozen in next version, Huawei is suggesting to merge HCD and UBP service into PPC service. HCD service is already almost like PPC service except its usage location, they can be combined easily Scenario 2

118 In scenario 2, there will be only 2 services instead of the original 4. PPS, HCD and UBP converge into one service, while PPT service remains same. The database for all the services will be combined into one database. Scenario 2 – How it works

119 Scenario 2

120 Scenario 2 – Old Cards To cater for old cards in circulation, the UBP (1226) service flow will be changed to prompt the user as follows: “ The old system have migrated to new system, the access number has changed to 1010, please dial 1010 again and select the UBP function in the main menu, thank you ”, then release the call. This prompt can be stopped until the old cards are almost used up for some while.

121 Example For example a user buys a Universal Card to use for prepaid calling card. He will dial the 1010 number and after following the prompts he will select the call option. He will dial the desired number and he may hang up the call or he can again enter into the prompts menu to use the card for UBP.

122 Thank You! For questions and comments please contact:

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