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A NEW CLIMATE DEAL – and the critical role of forests Gerald Steindlegger WWF International Manager Forest ProgrammeXIII th World Forestry Congress

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Presentation on theme: "A NEW CLIMATE DEAL – and the critical role of forests Gerald Steindlegger WWF International Manager Forest ProgrammeXIII th World Forestry Congress"— Presentation transcript:

1 A NEW CLIMATE DEAL – and the critical role of forests Gerald Steindlegger WWF International Manager Forest ProgrammeXIII th World Forestry Congress Aires, October 2009

2 The year 2009 will be remembered as the year of the financial crises, right?

3 Wrong, we hope. 2009 needs to be remembered as the year the world found an answer to climate change

4 The world‘s financial and climate crises have a common cause: living beyound our means. “The financial crisis is a result of our living beyond our financial means. The climate crisis is a result of our living beyond our planet’s means.” Yvo de Boer, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Climate Convention

5 Droughts, floods, hurricans, food insecurity…. Climate Change already happens.

6 Scientists say, we should keep global warming well below 2°C.

7 We must cut emissions of Greenhouse Gases by at least 80 percent by 2050 compared to 1990 level.

8 The World has a duty to act. There is no time to waste. The good news is….

9 We can do it.

10 Six key tasks that have to be agreed upon at the Copenhagen meeting: oRich countries to set strong binding emission reduction targets – 40 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020. oFunds and technology cooperation must be established to support the implementation of low-carbon economies in the developing world. oWith the appropriate needs-based support, developing countries should commit to emissions 30 per cent lower by 2020 than those they are currently projecting.

11 Six key tasks that have to be agreed upon at the Copenhagen meeting: oActions by developing countries should include the halting of forest destruction and its concomitant emissions. oRich nations need to leverage support to help the most vulnerable countries, communities and ecosystems, which are hardest hit by climate change, and finance their adaptation work. oAll countries need to agree that global greenhouse gas emissions must be at least 80 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050.

12 Copenhagen has to do better than Kyoto

13 The critical role of forests

14 Deforestation and Forest Degradation contribute up to 20 % of total global greenhouse gas emission

15 WWF‘s position on REDD: oREDD included. All governments should support the inclusion of a REDD mechanism within a post-2012 UN climate treaty. oA Global objective is needed. Countries should commit to reducing gross forest –based GHG emissions by at least 75% by 2020. oFinancing commitments by industrialized countries. Fast start financing of approx $6 bn public funding for the period 2010 to 2012 to launch REDD. Longer term funding annually to be in order of $40 bn year.

16 WWF‘s position on REDD: oNatural forests protection prioritized. REDD+ in addition or in support of REDD but not instead of it. oStrong safeguards to benefit biodiversity, eco-system services, local communities and indigenous people need to be addressed in the treaty. oMRV systems (Monitoring, Reporting, Verification on emission reduction) and mechanisms for reviewing national baselines and financing need to be approved by UNFCCC.

17 WWF‘s position on REDD - a 3 phased national level approach: PLANNING (Phase 1) oStakeholder engagement processes established oNational government authority identified oPlan to acquire capability to meet reporting requirements (MRV) oApproved National REDD plan including assessment of drivers of deforestation.

18 WWF‘s position on REDD - a 3 phased national level approach: PREPARING (Phase 2) oFull MRV capability oAuthentic and documented engagement of stakeholders oTesting framework (MRV,engagement, improved capacity through pilot activities at the sub-national and national level oApproval of framework and institutional readiness by appropriate international body designated by the convention.

19 WWF‘s position on REDD - a 3 phased national level approach: EXECUTING (Phase 3) oFull functioning REDD authority to verify emission reductions oFully-functioning MRV capability operationalized with assessments of deforestation and forest degradation. Assessments independently verified and transparent. oFully-functioning dispute or conflict resolution capacity established.

20 tck tck tck… “It is irresponsible, reckless and deeply immoral to question the seriousness of the situation we are in. The time of diagnosis is over. Now is the time to act…” Gro Harlem Brundtland Special Envoy for the Secretary General of the United Nations Climate Convention

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