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Need for Quality Management Jim Stewart Dune Collaboration meeting UT Arlington January 13 th 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Need for Quality Management Jim Stewart Dune Collaboration meeting UT Arlington January 13 th 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Need for Quality Management Jim Stewart Dune Collaboration meeting UT Arlington January 13 th 2016

2 Content Introduction to QA/QC Examples of what is achievable Next Steps Stewart | Need for Quality Management2

3 Quality Assurance The requirements for every component need to be well understood.  You need to know how important each function is to the detector performance. Every assembly needs tested to insure it meets its requirements. The systems need studied to understand possible failures.  Extensive testing will help uncover hidden problems. Every component needs to be tested to insure it functions together with the rest of the detector elements. Integration is critical.  Everyone contributing to the detector must take responsibility for insuring the detector performs as a whole. Parts Sub-Components DUNE Detector Stewart | Need for Quality Management3

4 Acceptable performance range Need to Define “Failure” for any given test.  This is a difficult issue and can require extensive studies and simulation. Best to start thinking about it now.  Verification of requirements and developing specifications are a key working group responsibility. Examples How flat must the wire frames be? What impact will it have if a frame is a few mm out of tolerance? What is the impact of a bad readout chip. What reliability is necessary? What wire placement accuracy is needed. Would you throw away an entire APA if the wires are misplaced by 1mm? If a wire has reduced tension when do you cut it? This is the most important thing and must be done system by system! Stewart | Need for Quality Management4

5 Performance and the QA Plan The performance requirements for each detector element need to be documented in the QA plan.  This defined the level of testing and QA required for DUNE.  The requirements may differ for different physics so the most stringent should be adopted after discussion.  If the impact on performance is not known then the operating assumptions need listed and a plan of study should be generated. Stewart | Need for Quality Management5

6 Quality Control The quality of each step in the manufacture needs to be verified and documented. All the parts forming a components should either be tested or certified tested by the manufacturer. The tests must be documented. Every assembly needs tested to insure it meets its requirements.  A traveler is normally used to document this. Parts Sub-Components DUNE Detector Stewart | Need for Quality Management6

7 Common practice from industry Some more information on industrial practice and jargon will be covered near the end of the talk. Stewart | Need for Quality Management7

8 Potential benefits of QA/QC? A strong QA/QC system will reduce the number of failures, increase detector performance, and reduce risk. Evidence of QA/QC problems  The 35t TPC has ~2% broken wires (all due to a single design flaw).  The 35t TPC has around 3% bad electronics channels.  MicroBooNE and 35t have significant noise issues.  Many failures in the 35t feedthru caused extensive delays.  …. Other experiments have achieved an order of magnitude less failures! Need to document the lessons learned from the past Stewart | Need for Quality Management8

9 Reliability of Cold Electronics wrt thermal contraction- expansion PCB and Cold Electronics in ATLAS: ATLAS LAr Calorimeter –182,468 readout channels EM Barrel Mother Board and Summing Board –EMB has ~110,000 detector channels read out by 896x128-ch FEBs –960 Mother Boards (MB) –7,168 Summing Boards (SB) –20,480 resistor network chips, 0.1% –~110,000 protection diodes on MBs/SBs EM Barrel Calorimeter has been cold since 2004 –Operation: 11 years so far –MB/SBs will remain in operation without upgrade for HL-LHC ‘Inoperative’ channels <0.5%, as of 05/10/2011 (outside the cryostat) Dead channels in the cryostat ~0.02% since 2008 EMB Mid/Back MB+SB Assembly EMB Wheel C Stewart | Need for Quality Management9

10 10 Stewart | Need for Quality Management

11 Liquid Krypton calorimeter in NA48-NA62 –JFET preamplifiers in LKr: 13,212 channels; surface mounted components –Operated at very high voltage Tested up to 7kV, operated at 3kV –Failures ~50 because of an HV accident in 1998 ~25 cold electronics failures after 1998, < 0.2% in 17 years The last failure recorded was more than 7 years ago –Always kept at LKr temperature since 1998 –Operation 17 years so far Plan to run until 2018, expected to be in operation for 20 years Stewart | Need for Quality Management11

12 Take away message Very low failure rates are achievable in practice but extensive testing and process control are needed. This is a lot of work but it yields results. Stewart | Need for Quality Management12

13 Quality Goal for ProtoDUNE ProtoDUNE is an opportunity to develop and debug the quality management for DUNE. We should plan in having production testing set up as much as possible given the time constraints. Quality assurance will be an important factor in the design reviews for ProtoDUNE. Stewart | Need for Quality Management13

14 Suggested next steps Document the tests which have been performed. A lot of work has already been done and a lot of tests were performed on the 35t TPC. For every component think about what functionality must the component have. What needs to be tested. For every test you will need to define success and failure.  This requires understanding what impact some degradation in performance will have on the detector performance.  This can be a lot of work and can take time. Start early! For each step in the manufacturing process think about what needs tested. Stewart | Need for Quality Management14

15 QA planning Each working groups should be planning the QA program for their deliverable now.  Each group can review their requirements and study/document the impact of failures. If the design if fixed then work on a written Quality Management Plan should begin.  Start drafting the table of contents. List existing test. I hope drafting of the document can primarily be done by the conveners and managers.  I understand input from the engineers will be needed to document the studies and tests. Design review are expect in Spring and Fall so we need to start working on this. Stewart | Need for Quality Management15

16 Quality Control DUNE does not have a uniform Quality Control documentation system in place.  The photon group used paper travelers.  Electronics measurements are stored data in files.  No central data base exists. More effort here is needed. Stewart | Need for Quality Management16

17 Quality Assurance Support LBNF will hire a Quality Management Specialist soon.  The scale and cost of LBNF/DUNE are such that expert input will be needed.  They will be available to help us define and implement a professional QA program. Having some draft QA plans in place first will really boost this effort! Have the experts think through what testing they feel is needed and documenting this first could be most efficient. This is an area which will be critical for the success of DUNE. Stewart | Need for Quality Management17

18 And now to the formal definitions …

19 Quality management Quality assurance comprises administrative and procedural activities implemented in a quality system so that requirements and goals for a product, service or activity will be fulfilled.  QA focuses on insuring your product does what you need/want it to. Quality control is focused on process output.  Quality control emphasizes testing of products to uncover defects  QC focuses on insuring your product is defect free. Stewart | Need for Quality Management19

20 QA vs. QC Quality Assurance is process oriented and focuses on defect prevention, while quality control is product oriented and focuses on defect identification. Stewart | Need for Quality Management20

21 Quality Management System The FDA has identified in the Quality System regulation the essential elements that a quality system shall embody for design, production and distribution, without prescribing specific ways to establish these elements. (Medical QA/QC) These elements include: personnel training and qualification controlling the product design controlling documentation controlling purchasing product identification and traceability at all stages of production controlling and defining production and process defining and controlling inspection, measuring and test equipment validating processes product acceptance controlling nonconforming product instituting corrective and preventive action when errors occur labeling and packaging controls handling, storage, distribution and installation records servicing statistical techniques all overseen by management and quality audits. Wikipedia Stewart | Need for Quality Management21

22 Conclusions Work has focused on developing the detector design. Now as we move more toward production QA/QC will need more focus. Many tests have been setup and performed. We need to document this now. Written QA plans are needed for the design reviews this year. Quality assurance is critically important for the success of DUNE and it is important to lay solid groundwork now. Stewart | Need for Quality Management22

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