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Labor Day! No school! Yes, homework! Monday, 9/5/2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Labor Day! No school! Yes, homework! Monday, 9/5/2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Labor Day! No school! Yes, homework! Monday, 9/5/2011

2 Tuesday, 9/6/11 1.Find the max, min, range, median, mode, and mean: 3, 9, 4, 6, 7, 3, 8 2.Prime factorization, with and without exponents, plus all factors for: 24 3.What is the LCM for 4 and 9? 4.985.15 - 5.985 = 5.36.1 + 2.859 + 33.33 = 6.Which is greater, 5.59 or 5.56? 7. Put the following on a number line: 4, -6, -3, 9, -10 Change each singular noun to a plural noun: 8.leaf 9. box Write the sentence and circle the conjunction. Tell me if it is a compound sentence or not: 10.The ice on the river looked thick, but no one walked on it. Challenge! 11.Order the following from least to greatest: 7/5, 1.25, 10% (We haven’t studied this yet, so work together to figure it out!) This week’s Brain Gym exercise: Riddle on Next Page!



5 Wednesday, 9/7/11 1.Find the max, min, range, median, mode, and mean: 6, 2, 3, 6, 5, 8 2.Prime factorization, with and without exponents, plus all factors for: 36 3.What is the LCM for 8 and 6? 4.806.15 - 805.039 = 5.3886.1 + 2.859 + 44.46 = 6.Which is greater, 58.59 or 5.856? 7.Put the following on a number line: -15, -2, 7, 14, -3 8.Round to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10 th, and 100 th : 789.458 9.Write this number out in words: 5.489 10.Name the value of the underlined digits: 47,583.5825 Divide each word into syllables correctly: 12. giant13. funnel 14.shelter15. reporter 16.Order the following from least to greatest: 5/4, 1.8, 20 % (We haven’t studied this yet, so work together to figure it out!) 17.PLEXERS! 18. If you could change one thing about the way you look, what would it be?

6 Thursday, 9/8/11 1.Find the max, min, range, median, mode, and mean: 2.2, 5, 3, 6, 5, 3, 2, 5 3.Prime factorization, with and without exponents, plus all factors for: 18 4.What is the LCM for 2 and 9? 5.What is the LCM for 12 and 30? 6.235.05 - 17.235 = 7.3.1 + 2.825 + 88.88 = 8.Which is greater, 508.59 or 508.856? 9.Put the following on a number line: -14, -10, 8, 10, -6 10.Round to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10 th, and 100 th : 658.235 11.Write this number out in words: 256.235 12.Name the value of the underlined digits: 203,407.508 13.Round to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10 th, and 100 th : 1,258,365.235 14.Order the following from least to greatest: 5/3, 1.5, 20% 15.PLEXERS!

7 Friday, 9/9/11- Quiz 1.What is the LCM for 4 and 6? 2.What is the LCM for 9 and 6? 3.Prime factorization, with and without exponents, plus all factors for: 50 4.37.89 + 4.19 + 5 = 5.987.456 – 199.99 = 6. Round to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10 th, and 100 th : 2,345,678.985 Write the plural for each of these words: 12.thief13. child 14.(worth 6 points!) What is your BEST physical attribute? Why is that?

8 Remember September 11 th ! We will have special activities on Monday, but please be prepared to discuss what you see and hear this weekend!

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