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Published byImogen Watson Modified over 8 years ago
Ofsted: Keeping One Step Ahead Inspections and Governance 2015 - 2016 Briefing for School Governors
Aims of session Overview of the Ofsted framework Role governors have in respect to an Ofsted inspection Preparation for an Ofsted interview
Education landscape 2015 Ofsted Inspection Handbook Assessment without levels National Curriculum 2015 Floor Targets and Coasting Schools Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings KCSIE (DfE) Prevent Duty The Common Inspection Framework 2015
Key Documents:- The Common Inspection Framework Education, Skills and Early Years (revised August 2015) School Inspection Handbook (revised August 2015) Inspecting Safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings School inspection – Key Documents
Purpose of Inspection Encourage Service Providers to Improve Inform parents, carers learners and employers about the quality of education Inspectors:- Compliant and Curious Assure the public and Government about minimum standards and value The Purpose of Inspection
The CIF – Sets out Key Judgements The ‘extent to which’ Effectiveness of leadership and management Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outcomes for children and other learners And in schools:- The effectiveness of the early years provision The quality of post-16 study programmes
The Handbook – Sets out the inspection process and the ‘grade descriptors’ The grade descriptors 1. Outstanding 3. Needs to Improve 4. Inadequate 2. Good
An Overall effectiveness Judgement : an evaluation of what its like to be a pupil in the school In the case of a section 5 full inspection a published report and required action if appropriate In the case of a section 8 inspection (or for previously good schools, a ‘short inspection’) a letter summarising key points If a short inspection proposes a change of grade then a full section 5 will take place ASAP These judgements lead to:-
The four key judgements:-
The extent to which it is successful.. Quality of teaching, learning and assessment
Inspectors must take into account teachers and the schools:- – High expectations – Understanding and knowledge – Gathering of assessment information – Use of assessment information – Feedback – Engagement with parents – Equality of opportunity – Promotion and impact of teaching basic skills (Literacy, Mathematics)
In reaching a judgement they must consider:- Leaders' evaluations Use of transition information Demanding work in all year groups Pupils' views Discussions with staff Parents' viewsScrutiny of work
Assessment Use – at start and during learning to modify teaching Range assessed - Pupils know, understand and can do across curriculum Consistency of use - Progress and attainment Assessment – accuracy and impact
Inspecting the Impact Literacy - The extent to which the school intervenes and supports. Mathematics Consistency and outcomes Teaching - literacy, reading and mathematics
Clarification for school:- In March 2015 Ofsted confirmed facts to dispel myths about inspections. These particularly apply to judgments concerning teaching Governors should consider these carefully. They are set out in paragraph 11 of the Inspection Handbook
The extent to which Personal development, behaviour and welfare
Please note the name change The behaviour and safety of pupils at school Personal development, behaviour and welfare
Personal development, behaviour & welfare Pride, Commitment to learning Self-awareness and confidence Next stage preparation Employability skillsAttendanceBehaviourKeeping safeKeeping healthy Personal development Key Issues:-
Inspection still focuses on the safety of pupils Inspectors will consider : Bullying & use of derogatory language (including racist, disability, homophobic & transphobic) E-safety Risk assessments School’s procedures and safeguarding policies (including FGM) Evidence: SCR/Logs/Records/Risk Assessments/Referrals Views of pupils, parents, staff and governors
§162 – ‘Inspectors must make a clear written judgement about behaviour and a separate clear written judgement about personal development and welfare in the report.’ An Important Sub Judgment
Overall and persistent (against national figures) Improvement and consistently low (in lowest 10%) Punctuality (for school and lessons) Attendance Issues reported on:-
Defined in the handbook (para 133 onwards) SMSC also reported on:-
The extent to which Outcomes for children and other learners
Key question:- What are the current standards and progress of all pupils and what are their learning outcomes – Progress from different starting points (focus on previous three years of data) – Achieve or exceed standards expected for their age (NC assesments and key performance indicators) – Attain relevant qualification so that they can and do progress to the next stage of education
Key groups <#><#> All pupils Disadvantaged pupils Disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs Most able and lower attaining pupils
(para 172) …In judging achievement, inspectors will give most weight to pupils’ progress. They will take account of pupils’ starting points in terms of their prior attainment and age when evaluating progress. Within this, they will give most weight to the progress of pupils currently in the school, taking account of how this compares with the progress of recent cohorts, where relevant. Inspectors will consider the progress of pupils in all year groups, not just those who have taken or are about to take examinations or national tests. As part of pupils’ progress, inspectors will consider the growth in pupils’ security, breadth and depth of knowledge, understanding and skills.
Focus:- The learning and progress across year groups of different groups currently on role in the school (including EYFS/sixth form) Pupils' progress in the last three years Pupils’ attainment
The extent to which Effectiveness of leadership and management
Effectiveness of leadership, management and governors Key question ‘ to what extent is leaders, managers and governors successful in:- – Creating and setting the schools vision and expectations – Improving provision – Evaluating provision – Devising the curriculum – Implementing the curriculum – Promoting equality – Promoting British values – Safeguarding and securing the ‘prevent’ strategy
Other considerations How successful is:- – The use of PE and sport premium – Preparation for life in modern Britain – Ensuring a motivated, respected and effective teaching staff – CPD – Tracking progress of all – Engaging parents – The use of Pupil premium funding
§142 – ‘Inspectors must also judge whether the school’s arrangements for safeguarding pupils are effective, and whether the governing body ensures that these arrangements are effective’ Key Sub Judgement
Of particular note …. Inspectors will consider whether governors: work effectively with leaders to communicate the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school and develop a culture of ambition provide a balance of challenge and support to leaders, understanding the strengths and areas needing improvement at the school provide support for an effective headteacher or are hindering school improvement because of a lack of understanding of the issues facing the school understand how the school makes decisions about teachers’ salary progression and performance performance manage the headteacher rigorously
And… understand the impact of teaching, learning and assessment on the progress of pupils currently in the school ensure that assessment information from leaders provides governors with sufficient and accurate information to ask probing questions about outcomes for pupils ensure that the school’s finances are properly managed and can evaluate how the school is using the pupil premium and the primary PE and sport premium are transparent and accountable, including in recruitment of staff, governance structures, attendance at meetings and contact with parents.
British Values of Democracy Governors should ensure that the school is actively promoting the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Specifically: An understanding of how citizens can influence decision- making through the democratic process; An appreciation that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their well-being and safety;
British Values of Democracy cont’d An understanding that there is a separation of power between the executive and the judiciary, and that while some public bodies such as the police and the army can be held to account through Parliament, others such as the courts maintain independence; An understanding that the freedom to hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law; An acceptance that people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour; and An understanding of the importance of identifying and combatting discrimination.
Primary PE and Sports Funding Primary Schools will receive PE and sports funding for 2015-2016 on the same basis as last year LA school will receive this funding on 29 th October 2015; academies on 2 nd November Full details will be made available during September 2015
Ofsted Interview Who will be interviewed? How have you prepared?
Maintain the focus of the interview by having the handbook available to ensure you keep to the point and the key vocabulary is made clear Be brief and to the point There will be a mix of closed questions to gather precise information and open questions to allow you to express your views and provide evidence – recognise them! If in doubt evaluate rather than describe provision; provide evidence of the impact of any actions taken The number of questions for the time allowed will be tight so ensure you allow the interviewer to ask them all (don’t go on.. & on.. & on.. ) Criteria for an effective interview
ACTIVITY Look at the ‘Questions for Governors’ hand- out Take one section and discuss in your group how you could answer those questions Be prepared to feedback to other groups on your section Criteria for an effective interview
Time for reflection Which areas/questions are you/your Governing Body confident in answering? Which areas/questions are you/your Governing Body less confident in answering? Where would you get the evidence from to back up your judgement Look at the quality of leadership grade descriptors which judgment would you give your Governing Body? OfSTED judgment
. Governor file How does your Governing Body collate evidence on its activities?
Governor File (With grateful acknowledgement to Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School Governing Body) Initial section –‘ Meet the governors’ with a grid of responsibilities –Key meeting dates –Executive summary for each of the termly committees –Induction booklet for all new governors (written by Development Governor) –Spread sheet with review dates of all policies 2nd section –Governor SEF (taken from Bucks template)
Governor File 3rd section –Headteacher’s impact statements on achievement –Information on governor learning walks, lunch with pupils –Parent view –Linked governor reports – also on line 4th section –Health and Safety information 5th section –Leadership and management –Anonymous performance management –Press bits –Pay policy –Actions from previous OfSTED –PR plan
Time for reflection What are the next steps for your governing body? Governance development plan External validation of effectiveness of governance Sustainable governance
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