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CCGPS Mathematics Kindergarten Update Webinar Unit 3: Building Numbers September 25, 2013 Update presentations are the result of collaboration between.

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Presentation on theme: "CCGPS Mathematics Kindergarten Update Webinar Unit 3: Building Numbers September 25, 2013 Update presentations are the result of collaboration between."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCGPS Mathematics Kindergarten Update Webinar Unit 3: Building Numbers September 25, 2013 Update presentations are the result of collaboration between members of 2012 and 2013 Unit Review and Revision Teams Microphone and speakers can be configured by going to: Tools – Audio – Audio setup wizard Turtle Toms- Elementary Mathematics Specialist These materials are for nonprofit educational purposes only. Any other use may constitute copyright infringement.

2 W HAT ’ S N EW IN T HIRD G RADE U NIT 3? Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Patterns in Addition and Multiplication

3 T HE 3 RD G RADE W EBINAR T EAM Lisa Anglea Unity Elementary, Meriwether County Sarah Marshall Tussahaw Elementary, Henry County Stella Newkirt Julia P. Bryant Elementary School, Bulloch County Christy Sutton Lee County Primary School, Lee County

4 T HEY LOOK THE SAME … S O, H OW HAVE THE UNITS C HANGED ? Overall Revisions Areas of Concern Unit 3 Concepts Resources

5 O VERALL R EVISIONS Task Table Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs) FALs Common Misconceptions Number Talks Please see unit 1 and unit 2 webinars for more details on these revisions

6 O LD U NIT 4 N EW U NIT 3 Same unit, Different location Inserted a Multiplication FAL Lesson

7 W HAT ’ S I MPORTANT IN U NIT 3? Building conceptual understanding of area Relate area to multiplication and addition Develop understanding of distributive property of multiplication Your objective in the beginning is to develop the idea that area is measured by covering or tiling. Do not introduce formulas yet. -Van De Walle Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics (2014)

8 W HY NOT JUST GIVE S TUDENTS THE A REA FORMULA ? It is important to let the students develop an understanding of area versus memorizing a formula. Students who develop an understanding are less likely to get the two concepts confused. Often, students confuse area and perimeter.

9 O K …S O IF I DON ’ T GIVE A FORMULA, H OW DO I DEVELOP C ONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING ?? Develop conservation of area Tasks that allow students to explore and experiment with the idea of area being the amount of two dimensional surface within a plane figure without any space or overlap.

10 D IFFERENTIATING BETWEEN A REA AND P ERIMETER  Van de Walle states that students struggle with knowing the difference between perimeter and area. This unit is designed to cultivate a deep understanding of area with a natural discovery of perimeter that will be enhanced in the next unit.

11 W HAT ’ S THE D IFFERENCE ? A RRAYS V S. A REA M ODELS For as much as arrays and area models are the same, they are significantly different. Similarities: They are both repeated picture patterns. They both are connected to multiplication and division and can be repeatedly added or subtracted. Differences: Per Van de Walle, students must know that area has NO gaps and is a covering of space. Area models are measurements unlike arrays which are groupings.

12 C ONNECTING A REA TO M ULTIPLICATION AND A DDITION  Connecting students existing understanding of addition to area by tiling the inside of a rectangle  Connecting their developing understanding of multiplication to area as the measurement inside of a two dimensional figure  Naturally discovering perimeter as they work through the area tasks using inch or centimeter tiles

13 T HE D ISTRIBUTIVE P ROPERTY OF MULTIPLICATION Using arrays or the area model, this concept is naturally developed in this unit by decomposing rectangles.

14 A REAS OF C ONCERN The students need to understand that the same area can have different dimensions. Different dimensions MOST of the time means different perimeter!!! Ex. 2 X 6 sq. in. has a perimeter of 16 in. A 3 X 4 sq. in. has a perimeter of 14 in.

15 R ESOURCES Wikispace- all the math goodness you need (except for the frameworks) is kept on the math wikispace provided by the GaDOE. Please sign up for the Mathematics K-5 list serve- Van De Walle- fresh off the press there is a new edition that is aligned to CCSS One of the best websites out there!

16 What do you believe about learning?

17 With which statements do you agree? 1.My intelligence is something very basic about me which I can’t change very much. 2. I can learn new things, but I can’t really change how intelligent I am. 3. No matter how much intelligence I have, I can always change it quite a bit. 4. I can always substantially change how intelligent I am.

18 What do you believe about learning?



21 Want more?

22 Why RTI? Graphic from-

23 Why RTI? What does it mean to be mathematically fluent? What prevents kids from becoming mathematically fluent? How can we support mathematical fluency development?






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30 Feedback Turtle Toms- Elementary Mathematics Specialist


32 Thank You! Please visit to share your feedback, ask questions, and share your ideas and resources! Please visit to join the K-5 Mathematics email listserve. Follow on Twitter! Follow @GaDOEMath Turtle Toms Program Specialist (K-5) These materials are for nonprofit educational purposes only. Any other use may constitute copyright infringement.

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