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Chapter 2 Review.

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1 Chapter 2 Review

2 26 Multiple choice (notes)
9 T or O (Egyptians) 3 pts--Compare/ contrast pyramid to ziggurat 20 pts--Fill in Chart 17 Map Matching

3 Ziggurat vs. Pyramid

4 “Wedding cake” vs. “Triangle”
Shape from side? “Wedding cake” vs. “Triangle”

5 How tall or how many layers?
vs. 481 ft. tall

6 Clay/mud bricks vs. Limestone blocks
What was it made of? Clay/mud bricks vs. Limestone blocks

7 Yes-3 (King’s, Queen’s & Gallery/Hall)
Chambers? NO vs. Yes-3 (King’s, Queen’s & Gallery/Hall)

8 Shape from top (aerial view)?
Square vs.

9 Where in the world were they built?
Sumer, Mesopotamia vs. Giza, Egypt

10 Temple in center of social, economic & religious life
Purpose? Temple in center of social, economic & religious life vs. A tomb or place for burial

11 In each city-state vs. For each pharaoh
One built… In each city-state vs. For each pharaoh

12 Windows? NO vs.

13 Shape of Entrance(s)? Arched vs. Rectangular

14 Number of Entrances? 1 (2 doorways) vs. Just 1

15 One god or goddess vs. One pharaoh
Made for… One god or goddess vs. One pharaoh

16 Vegetation? Sometimes vs. No

17 Few layers still do vs. Yes
Still stand? Few layers still do vs. Yes

18 When built? Around 3,000 B.C. vs. Around 2,600 B.C.

19 Contributions

20 iron working Match the group with its contributions: coinage Lydians
Hanging Gardens of Babylon Israelites/Hebrews iron working Lydians Pyramids, embalming, 365-day calendar, geometry Hittites Judaism, Old Testament & 10 Commandments Egyptians coinage Chaldeans

21 Match the group with its contributions:
Alphabet, Royal purple dye, & clear glass Persians Babylonians “pony express” & Library at Nineveh Phoenicians Royal Road; Zoroastrianism Wheel, sail, bronze, X / tables, #60, sundial, Epic of Gilgamesh, Star charts, arch & dome Assyrians Sumerians Code of Hammurabi; “Eye for an eye, & a tooth for a tooth”

22 Asia Minor Assyria Babylon Canaan Egypt Euphrates River Hattusha Jerusalem Lydia Mediterranean Sea Mesopotamia Nile River Persia Persian Gulf Phoenicia Red Sea Tigris River

23 Hattusha TigrisRiver Euphrates River Lydia Asia Minor Assyria Mesopotamia Phoenicia Mediterranean Sea Babylon Canaan/Palestine Persia Jerusalem Egypt Persian Gulf Red Sea Nile River

24 Vocabulary review

25 Match the item with its definition:
Mesopotamia Basic units of Sumerian civilization silt Gov’t by a divine authority city-state Greek for “land between rivers” A massive stepped temple dedicated to a god or goddess ziggurat Material deposited by a river theocracy

26 Match the item with its definition:
empire People who learned to write patriarchal Society dominated by men cuneiform A large political unit or state, usually under a single leader that controls many peoples and territories Wedge shaped writing of the Sumerians scribe Family of rulers dynasty

27 Match the item with its definition:
An administration organization with officals & regular procedures bureaucracy A process of slowly drying a dead body to prevent it from rotting pharaoh Rectangular structures for tombs of a pharaoh’s officials mastabas Egyptian spirit found in all people Ka Egyptian king which means “great house” or “palace” mummification

28 Match the item with its definition:
Belief in one god hieroglyphics Preserving a dead body hieratic script Person who moves along regular migration routes with animals embalming Egyptian writing meaning “priest carvings” or “sacred writings” pastoral nomads Highly simplified form of hieroglyphics monotheism

29 Match the item with its definition:
Belief in many gods monarchy satrapies Govenor of a province in the Persian Empire polytheism Ruled by a king or queen A monotheistic religion which taught about the struggle between good & evil satrap Zoroastrianism 20 provinces of the Persian empire

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