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Pregnancy and Childbirth Human Sexuality Workbook Ch. 5 Pg.63 Fertilization: the union of a single sperm and an ovum (egg).

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1 Pregnancy and Childbirth Human Sexuality Workbook Ch. 5 Pg.63 Fertilization: the union of a single sperm and an ovum (egg).

2 Page 2 Zygote: a fertilized ovum (egg) Blastocyst: a ball of cells with a cavity in the center Embryo: an implanted blastocyst from the time of implantation until about the eigth week of development.

3 Page 3 Amniotic Sac: a fluid-filled sac that surrounds the embryo.

4 Page 4 Placenta: a structure that forms along the lining of the uterus as the embryo implants. Umbilical Cord: ropelike structure that connects the embryo and the mother’s placenta.

5 Page 5 Fetus: a developing baby from the end of the eighth week after fertilization until birth.

6 Page 6 Genes: units of heredity that determine which traits, or characteristics off spring inherit from their parents. Examples Height Hair Color Skin Type Genetic Counseling: process in which genetic histories of prospective parents are studied to determine the presence of certain hereditary diseases.

7 Lesson 2-Prenatal Care Pg. 69 Prenatal Care: care occurring or existing before birth. Prenatal care is for both the mother and the developing fetus. Obstetrician: doctor who specializes in the care of pregnant mothers and their fetus. A normal or full term pregnancy lasts 9 full months or 40 weeks.

8 Page 8 A pregnancy is broken down into 3 trimesters or periods of 3 months and each is characterized by different physical changes and symptoms. Dangers to the Fetus  Tobacco: babies born to females who smoke can have lower birth weight, heart and brain abnormalities and cleft lips and palates.

9 Page 9  Alcohol Women who drink alcohol during pregnancy may develop fetal alcohol syndrome. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: a condition of physical, mental, and behavioral abnormalities that can result when a pregnant female drinks alcohol.  Medications and Drugs All medications and supplements must be approved for use during pregnancy.

10 Page 10  Caffeine: Many women choose to avoid caffeine during pregnancy.  Rubella: Virus, which if a woman is exposed to during pregnancy can lead to birth defects.  Other Dangers: Exposure to radiation and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

11 Page 11 Ultrasound: a test that produces an image on a screen by reflecting sound waves off the body’s outer structures. Amniocentesis: procedure that reveals chromosomal abnormalities and certain metabolic disorders in the fetus.

12 Page 12 Birth Defects: an abnormality in the structure or function of the body that is present at birth. Birth defects can be caused by abnormal genes or environmental factors. Environmental factors=things in the mothers environment (Ex: polluted air)or things the mother does while pregnant. (Ex: drinking, smoking, poor nutrition)

13 Chapter 5 Lesson 3 Childbirth Text Page 77 Labor: process by which contractions gradually push the baby out of the uterus and into the vagina to be born. 3 Stages of Labor First Stage of Labor: -Contractions gradually open the cervix to a diameter of about 4 inches. This process is called dilation. -Rupture of the amniotic sac. (Water breaking) -1 st stage may last for 12 hours or longer.

14 Page 14 Second Stage of Labor: -Cervix is fully dialated. -Mother pushes the baby’s heat through the cervix and into the vagina. -Mother continues to push until the baby is delivered. -This stage generally lasts from ½ hour to 2 hours. Episiotomy: an incision made from the vagina toward the anus to enlarge the opening for delivery of the baby.

15 Page 15 Third Stage of Labor: -Final stage of labor lasts about 20 minutes. -Contractions separate the placenta or afterbirth from the uterine wall and expel the placenta from the uterus and out of the body through the vagina. Afterbirth: detached placenta Cesarean Birth: a method of childbirth in which a surgical incision is made through the abdominal wall and the uterus. The baby is lifted out through the surgical incision.,


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