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SLOVAK TRAGEDY. Who is the real hero? It is difficult to explain.. We decided to describe people who died innocently just because of their destiny. We.

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Presentation on theme: "SLOVAK TRAGEDY. Who is the real hero? It is difficult to explain.. We decided to describe people who died innocently just because of their destiny. We."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who is the real hero? It is difficult to explain.. We decided to describe people who died innocently just because of their destiny. We are talking about a huge Slovak tragedy, which happened on 19th January 2006.

3 The plane AN-24 crashed. Forty-three soldiers were coming back from their mission in Kosovo. Everybody of them was looking forward to their families and friends.

4 However, destiny decided instead of them. They had finished their mission successfully but their journey home was not finished.

5 All these people were keeping safety in this country because it isn’t safe there. They were helping people who are dependent on help of the others.

6 Slovak soldiers in Kosovo...

7 Just one of them survived – Martin Farkaš How is it possible that only he went through? Does it mean luck or suffering of his life ?

8 Do not forget about people who were helpful immediately after the plane had fallen. Many unselfish people were helping with consequences of the accident. Doctors, caregivers, police and others were trying to save as many people as possible. We think that everybody of them got closer to heroes, because some people never forget their actions.

9 ... National funeral...... National funeral...

10 Everybody of deceased had a coffin with his own photo In front of every coffin a member of Slovak army was standing and holding a photo of deceased soldier

11 This monument was built in memory of this tragedy at the place where it happened. Besides of this memorial, this song was also devoted to these Slovak soldiers.

12 It is difficult to speak about a tragedy of largeness like this, but we think that it is important to mention people who deserve our attention because of their heroic acts.

13 We would like you to know about these people, everybody of them is a hero from our point of view.We would like you to know about these people, everybody of them is a hero from our point of view.

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