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“Spring To Equalities” SMSC: Developing A College Values Strategy 17 March 2016 National Council Of Faiths And Beliefs In Further Education Dr J. P. WiseChief.

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Presentation on theme: "“Spring To Equalities” SMSC: Developing A College Values Strategy 17 March 2016 National Council Of Faiths And Beliefs In Further Education Dr J. P. WiseChief."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Spring To Equalities” SMSC: Developing A College Values Strategy 17 March 2016 National Council Of Faiths And Beliefs In Further Education Dr J. P. WiseChief Executive

2 Values “ democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs”.

3 Public Sector Equality Duty Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

4 Leadership and Management The Common Inspection Framework Inspectors will make a judgement on the effectiveness of leadership and management by evaluating the extent to which leaders, managers and governors: – actively promote equality and diversity, tackle bullying and discrimination and narrow any gaps in achievement between different groups of children and learners – actively promote British values

5 Leadership and Management (2) The Inspection Handbook “In making this judgement, inspectors will consider: (a) the extent to which leaders promote all forms of equality and foster greater understanding of and respect for people of all faiths (or those of no faith), (b) how well the provider prepares learners for successful life in modern Britain and promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different backgrounds, faiths and beliefs”

6 Teaching and Learning The Common Inspection Framework “Inspectors will make a judgement on the effectiveness of teaching, learning and assessment by evaluating the extent to which: equality of opportunity and recognition of diversity are promoted through teaching and learning -where relevant, English, mathematics and other skills necessary to function as an economically active member of British society and globally are promoted through teaching and learning. “

7 Inspection handbook Teaching, learning and assessment : a) promotes equality, raise awareness of diversity and tackle discrimination, victimisation, harassment, stereotyping, radicalisation and bullying b) promotes learners’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

8 Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare The Inspection Handbook -the extent to which learning programmes, including enrichment activities, allow all learners to explore personal, social and ethical issues and take part in life in wider society and in Britain

9 Prevent Guidance for FE Staff training “will enable teachers and others supporting the curriculum to use opportunities in learning to educate and challenge. It will also allow leaders and teachers to exemplify British values in their management and teaching …,including through opportunities in the further education curriculum. We expect institutions to encourage students to respect other people with particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010.”

10 The FE Sector Context British values Equalities Act and PSED Sector Mission and Purposes Prevent Duty for F.E. SMSC/Citizenship “democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs” WHY DELIVER SMSC EDUCATION The educational and economic mission of FE equip learners with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary for their roles as citizens, employers and employees actively promote equality, diversity and equal opportunities respond flexibly to local circumstances, the views of learners and the requirements of partners and stakeholders Sector Context Ofsted

11 Student Safety Discipline procedures ID Badges Codes of Conduct Student Behaviour Policy Safeguarding

12 Student Participation Student Union Learner Voice Voter registration Student Governor Meeting Principal and Governors

13 Personal Development Career Development Employability Health and Wellbeing Celebration of Equality and Diversity

14 Respect Every student matters Debates and discussion Understanding others Quiet Room Inter-faith events Challenging extremism

15 College Community Cohesion Codes of Conduct Health and Safety Anti-Bullying Anti-Harassment Community Celebration

16 Contentious Issues What are contentious issues? What are the characteristics of contentious discussions Where and when might contentious issues arise?

17 Contentious Issues (2) “sensitive”…”lead to extreme views or perhaps violence”….”generate heated debate”…sharp differences of opinion”…potential to give offence”…strong disagreement”…may leave some students feeling vulnerable within the group”… “ revealing…perhaps of ignorance or prejudice” Significant feature may be the absence of a clear answer….staff not in control…staff lack knowledge…fear of saying the wrong thing”

18 Where Might Contentious Issues Arise? Unexpectedly in any lesson or training session Planned or unplanned in tutorial Deliberately as a planned way of stimulating discussion in vocational courses, English or Humanities

19 Contentious Issues (3) Why should we respond to them? What challenges might we face? What are the benefits for students from well managed discussion sessions?

20 Why Should We Respond? Contentious issues and disagreement are part of life In later life students will encounter people with backgrounds and values different from their own They need to appreciate “ not everyone thinks like me” Learning to manage disagreement is part of personal and social development Understanding and appreciating freedom of expression is an essential element of civil discourse and citizenship

21 Challenges Students unwilling to listen to each other or accept other opinions Comments that address the person rather than the issue Domination of discussion by a few voices Students challenged by opinions that are contrary to their own, family or community values

22 Challenges (2) Links to tensions that exist outside the classroom Minority students feeling threatened Do we have the time to do this

23 What Are The Benefits? Learning to “ agree to disagree” Opportunity to examine their own beliefs and values and broaden horizons Opportunity to engage difficult issues in a safe environment Chance to be imaginative and creative in resolving difference Develop personal learning, active listening and thinking skills

24 Safe Spaces What might be acceptable ground rules for discussion sessions ?

25 Ground Rules for Safe Spaces Show respect for others views Do not ridicule others opinions Listen without interruption and allow other to participate Challenge ideas not people Agree to disagree when appropriate Identify common ground as well as difference Back up views with evidence or reasons Distinguish between facts and opinions

26 Managing Discussion How can tutors maximise the benefits for students? What expectations should we place upon tutors? What is the role of the tutor in managing discussion? How can different approaches to organising discussion maximise the outcomes for students?

27 Structuring Discussion Tutor Tasks Act as a facilitator and involve everyone in discussion Ensure a variety of opinions are heard Encourage awareness of opinion and fact Encourage exploratory talk rather than adversarial debate – help students to unpack problems Use questions to expand or develop arguments

28 Language and Questions Ask questions to : seek clarification probe reasons and evidence explore alternative views test implications and consequences Keep discussion moving & encourage participants to develop their arguments

29 Tutor Roles Impartial Chairperson Committed participant Devil’s advocate Advocate all viewpoints

30 Student Activities Working in pairs Bring pairs together to share ideas Listening triads – talker, recorder and questioner Ambassadors Discussion summaries

31 fbfe website


33 Ideas/topics for teachers to embed the widest possible understanding of equalities (and therefore inequalities)in their teaching, learning and assessment – across all curriculum areas #EqualitiesTLA#EqualitiesTLA - Daily tweets

34 More Spring to Equalities sessions?


36 Break the rules

37 Contact Email  Network in the left sidebar  Ctrl + F and type in ‘Wise’ John’s contact will come up and you can send him a ‘private message’ via the website

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