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How many different types of clerics (religious people) can you identify?  Who is missing?  starter activity.

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Presentation on theme: "How many different types of clerics (religious people) can you identify?  Who is missing?  starter activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 How many different types of clerics (religious people) can you identify?  Who is missing?  starter activity

2 How far did Wolsey improve the Church? TBAT evaluate the extent to which Wolsey reformed the Ch  Learning objectives  Key words: pluralism doctrine

3  Your task Review p.4-10 ( you only have 5 minutes). You teacher will give you a quick factual knowledge quiz.

4  Your task Read p.49-50 and under the heading, ‘Anti-clericalism’ note as many examples as you can of people becoming increasingly critical of the Church  Study Source E (p.49), from Luther’s famous 95 Theses. Which of these issues may have been especially relevant to the Church in Tudor England?

5 Study the information on p.50-1 and in two columns note down evidence that Wolsey was an effective reformer and that Wolsey was either ineffective or corrupt  Read Source F. What are Marshall’s views on Wolsey as a Church leader? What evidence do you have to support or challenge these views?

6  Homework Produce a fact file on Martin Luther (German Protestant Reformer). Include the following sections: Early life and background Key events in his adult life Key ideas contained in 95 Theses Impact of his ideas  Key quotes and interpretations by historians

7 To what extent would you say Wolsey was a successful reformer of the medieval Church? Use evidence of his successes and failures as well as views of historians to write a judgement for today’s lesson  Do you think the drive for reform came more from Wolsey and the people of England or from abroad?

8 How far did Wolsey improve the Church? TBAT evaluate the extent to which Wolsey reformed the Ch  Learning objectives  Key words: pluralism doctrine

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