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By: Jordan Levine. Sargent Claude Johnson From 1900-1935 Copper on wood base In the Smithsonian American Art Museum MASK.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jordan Levine. Sargent Claude Johnson From 1900-1935 Copper on wood base In the Smithsonian American Art Museum MASK."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jordan Levine

2 Sargent Claude Johnson From 1900-1935 Copper on wood base In the Smithsonian American Art Museum MASK

3 Palmer Hayden Water color Influenced by enjoyment of Jazz during Harlem Renaissance This was painting of popular Jazz club, Savoy JEUNESSE

4 Aaron Douglas 1934 Gouache-heavy water color paint Art institute of Chicago Influenced by ancient Egyptian sculptures STUDY FOR ASPECTS OF NEGRO LIFE: THE NEGRO IN AN AFRICAN SETTING

5 Richmonde Barth 1932 Bronze sculpture Smithsonian American Art Museum BLACKBERRY WOMAN

6 James Lescesne Wells 1938 Lithograph on paper Represented life for blacks during Harlem Renaissance NEGRO WORKER

7 Palmer Hayden 1937 Oil painting Smithsonian American Art Museum Represented artistic side of black culture. THE JANITOR WHO PAINTS

8 Archibald J Motley 1943 Oil on Canvas Art Institute of Chicago Represented lively night life NIGHTLIFE

9 Augusta Savage 1930 Bronze Inspired by a homeless boy on the streets GAMIN

10 Malvin Gray Johnson 1934 Oil Smithsonian American Art Museum Represented strength of family BROTHERS

11 ms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6sqqUoSLHZbgoAT7soHICg&ved=0CAkQ_AUo AQ&biw=1440&bih=828#es_sm=91&espv=210&q=brothers+painting+joh nson&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=Kz_YXdWpCcQuDM%3A%3 5Xk8QZnKVoM%252FTwp3xVo3anI%252FAAAAAAAACPk%252FaBjFNP FsEXY%252Fs1600%252FMalvin%252BGray%252BJohnson%2525252C%25 2BBrothers%2525252C%252B1934%2525252C%252Boil%252Bon%252Bcan F01%252Fmost-handsome-cat.html%3B1270%3B1600 RESOURCES

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