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Washington College Access Network College Attendance, Persistence, and Graduation Rates.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington College Access Network College Attendance, Persistence, and Graduation Rates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington College Access Network College Attendance, Persistence, and Graduation Rates

2 Agenda Discuss partnership with OSPI/Collection of Data College Attendance, Persistence, and Graduation

3 State-Wide College Attendance and Persistence Data Partnership between OSPI and National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) began in 2009 –Contract is renewed on a yearly basis –Benefits Common definition of college attendance and persistence Cost savings to state and districts College attendance data for all graduating students from 2004 – 2010 –Data can be seen at

4 BERC Group Process OSPI sends BERC Group the list of students graduating from each school in Washington State. BERC Group cleans data and submits to National Student Clearinghouse NSC submits data file back and BERC does initial analyses

5 Response Rates 93% of students attend colleges reporting to National Student Clearinghouse –Colleges that don’t report include military academies or specialty colleges Estimate that Washington response is higher

6 Non-Participating College Washington non-Participating Colleges –Digipen Institute of Technology –Henry Cogswell College –Northwest College of Art –Northwest Indian College –Pacific Oaks College Northwest –Puget Sound Christian College –Seattle Vocational Institute –The Art Institute of Seattle –Trinity Lutheran College

7 College Direct

8 College Direct by Gender

9 College Direct by Ethnicity

10 College Direct by Free/Reduce Lunch

11 2- vs. 4-Year College Attendance

12 Persistence


14 Persistence for 9 th Grade Cohort

15 Graduation Rates Graduating Class% Receiving a Two- Year Degree % Receiving a Four- Year Degree 200410.5%21.2% 20059.8%21.7% 200610.1%21.3% 20078.9%14.3% 20087.7%2.2%

16 Graduation Rates – Four Year Colleges

17 Graduation Rates – Two Year Colleges

18 Graduation Rates – Four Year Colleges

19 Graduation Rates – Two Year Colleges

20 College Attendance Anytime After Graduating High School


22 Reflection What stands out for you about this data? What are the implications?

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