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Lesson 15 Review. Objective: To listen for a purpose. Teacher Pick Read Aloud A Winter Story.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 15 Review. Objective: To listen for a purpose. Teacher Pick Read Aloud A Winter Story."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 15 Review

2 Objective: To listen for a purpose. Teacher Pick Read Aloud A Winter Story

3 Objective - To read high frequency words. Word Wall: books about read writing people what family name want where

4 Objective: To blend phonemes into words. Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Segmentation

5 Objective: To recognize and generate the sound /kw/qu. Digraphs /kw/ qu When I say a word that has the /kw/ sound at the beginning, put your thumb up say /kw/. When I say a word that does not have /kw/, put your thumb down.

6 Objective: To recognize and generate the sound /hw/wh. Digraphs /hw/ wh When I say a word that has the /hw/ sound at the beginning, put your thumb up say /hw/. When I say a word that does not have /hw/, put your thumb down.

7 Word Blending Objective: To blend words containing qu, wh, and other known sounds. iqu z a ck qui ck whiz ich when

8 Read Spelling Words in Context We had a quick quiz in class. Which part goes here? When is the quiz? Beth is a whiz at math. Quit pinching my arm! Objective: To blend sounds into words; to read this week’s spelling words in context.

9 Let’s review adding –ed and –ing to the end of a word Objectives: To recognize root words To read inflectional forms with –ed and –ing with a doubled final consonant On my signal tell me what the word stop would become when we add -ed On my signal tell me what the word stop would become when we add -ing

10 Root Word step drag hop bat Double the consonant add –ed stepped dragged hopped batted Double the consonant add –ing stepping dragging hopping batting

11 Pam hopped up and down. She was looking for Grandma. Pam spotted Grandma and hugged her. Pam grinned and began clapping her hands. She said, “Let’s go shopping!” “Yes! Shopping and chatting are fun,” said Grandma.

12 I tap my feet. 1, 2, 3. Now tap your feet. You’re just like me! I clap my hands. 1, 2, 3. Now clap your hands. You’re just like me! I is in the naming part of the blue sentences. Me is in the telling part of the brown sentences. Fill in the blanks of the naming and telling parts of the green sentences. __________________ like snacks. A duck quacked at ____________. Objective: To use I in the subject of the sentence and me in the predicate; to use knowledge of basic rules of capitalization.

13 Personal Narrative A personal narrative tells about something that has happened in a person’s life. It has a beginning, middle, and an ending. It has words like I and me. To understand that a personal narrative tells about someone’s experiences. To develop a list of criteria for effective personal narratives.

14 I moved to Texas when I was five. We packed boxes and put them in a big truck. I felt so sad. We drove for many hours. Then we saw our new house. It looked nice. My new room was just right for me. I decided that day that I liked Texas! Student Model: Personal Narrative To understand that a personal narrative tells about someone’s experiences. To develop a list of criteria for effective personal narratives.

15 Personal Narrative A personal narrative tells about a person’s life. When I was a little girl, my parents took me to the ocean. My first time in the ocean was scary. I felt so nervous. Then my mom held me while we walked through the waves. Now the ocean does not scare me! Objective: To compose coherent sentences in a personal narrative; to generate ideas before writing on assigned tasks; to select a focus for writing.

16 Writing Write 2 or 3 sentences about something you did one time that was scary the first time you did it. WILF: Remember that the first word of each sentence begins with a capital letter. Remember that proper names begin with capital letters. Remember that sentences end with periods, exclamation points, or question marks. Objective: To compose coherent sentences in a personal narrative; to generate ideas before writing on assigned tasks; to select a focus for writing.

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