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G ROWING G ERMS Kimberly Burks Katie Creeger February 16, 2015.

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1 G ROWING G ERMS Kimberly Burks Katie Creeger February 16, 2015

2 O BJECTIVES To learn the importance of washing hands by demonstrating the growth of mold on bread Learn how easily germs can spread by observing the mold growth on the bread slices that were passed around the class

3 S TANDARDS TX-Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Subject / Chapter: 112 Science Subchapter : A. Elementary Grade/Course: 112.11. Kindergarten Standard: (2) Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student develops abilities to ask questions and seek answers in classroom and outdoor investigations. The student is expected to: Student Expectation: (A) ask questions about organisms, objects, and events observed in the natural world; Student Expectation: (E) communicate observations with others about simple descriptive investigations. Standard: (4) Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student uses age appropriate tools and models to investigate the natural world. The student is expected to: Student Expectation: (B) use senses as a tool of observation to identify properties and patterns of organisms, objects, and events in the environment.

4 Summary of the activity in the lesson. Begin with a class discussion. 1. Label the outside of each bag. The bags should be labeled controlled, clean hands, and dirty hands. 2. Take a slice of bread and pass it around the classroom to each student letting them touch the slice with their dirty (not washed) hands. Place this slice in the correctly labeled bag and seal it. 3. Have each student wash their hands with soap and water making sure they do not touch their desks or chairs with their “clean” hands. 4. Pass around the second slice of bread letting each student touch it with their clean hands. Place this slice in the correctly labeled bag and seal it. SUMMARY OF ACTIVITY

5 Activity of Lesson Continued 5. Use the last correctly labeled sandwich bag to grab the third slice of bread. Using the bag as a glove ensures no one handles the slice of bread. Seal it. 6. Place the bags in a cool, dry place. 7. Pass out paper (12x18) labeled “Growing Germs” at the top. Students will be directed in folding their paper to make four squares. Number each box, one to four, and write the date of each observation as it occurs. Students will start with box 1 on day 1 and draw each slice of bread in box 1 (they should look the same) 8. At the end of each week the students observe, draw, and label their bread slices as they change. At the end of the experiment they will have a visual representation of the changes that took place. Continue the process for 3 weeks. They will be surprised how fast the mold grows! This will give the students first-hand proof that washing hands does reduce or prevent the spread of germs.

6 L EARNING C ONTEXT Introduction to Germs: What are germs? How do they make us sick? Closure of Germs: How can we prevent germs from getting us sick? What are other ways germs can be spread? Lesson BeforeLesson After

7 I NSTRUCTIONAL A PPROACHES Discuss Germs (Class Discussion) How do germs get spread around? How important is it to wash your hands? Exceptional Learners – o Exceptional learners will have a small booklet to follow along with for the discussion. It will include pictures of hand washing and passing of germs for visual learning. o Ask the exceptional learners questions regarding their booklet to ensure they are following along well. DirectExceptional Learners

8 I NSTRUCTIONAL A PPROACHES Teacher passes out paper (12x18) to each student. Students label their paper “Growing Germs” at the top. Students will be shown how to fold their paper to make four squares and number each box from one to four. Write the date of each observation as it occurs (starting with current date) Students will start with box 1 on day 1 and draw what each slice of bread looks like. *Box 1 Day 1 they should all look the same. At the end of each week have the students observe, draw, and label the bread slices as they change. **Continue this process for 3-4 weeks. Exceptional Learners will be given a paper already folded and labeled correctly. Exceptional Learners will be able to work with a partner for the drawings. Exceptional Learners will also be able to have direct help from the teacher if/when needed while making the observational drawings. IndependentExceptional Learners

9 W HAT DID WE LEARN ? Understands how to keep germs from getting us sick. Student knows what germs look like. Student understands the importance of washing hands with soap and water *Short paper test consisting of 5 yes or no questions and drawing of a germ *Students will work Individually Exceptional learners can show their understanding by orally discussing 2 ways germs are passed from one person to the other. Exceptional students choose from 3 picture options to identify what a germ looks like. Exceptional learners can show they understand by demonstrating proper hand washing. AssessmentExceptional Learners

10 *Additional Handout: Germ Coloring Sheet

11 Assessment

12 A SSESSMENT C ONTINUED Different Levels of Mastery: Student fully comprehends what germs are and we can prevent them from getting us sick. Student is interested in the lesson, understands what a germ is, but does not fully comprehend how we can prevent germs from getting us sick. Student is interested in lesson, understands how we can prevent germs from getting us sick, but does not fully comprehend what a germ is. Student is interested in the lesson but does not fully comprehend what a germ is or how we can prevent them from getting us sick. Special Education Assessment: Exceptional students will only need to answer questions 1, 2, and 3. Can be assisted with answering the questions (i.e. which answer says yes or not, etc) Exceptional learners will discuss how germs spread with the teacher to show they know how they spread and get us sick. Exceptional students will not have to draw a germ but will need to pick which is a germ from 3 pictures.

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