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SmartMeter Status Report For December, 2011 (Prepared January, 2012) Work Plan Deliverable Continue the general meter deployment in the Coastal Region.

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Presentation on theme: "SmartMeter Status Report For December, 2011 (Prepared January, 2012) Work Plan Deliverable Continue the general meter deployment in the Coastal Region."— Presentation transcript:

1 SmartMeter Status Report For December, 2011 (Prepared January, 2012) Work Plan Deliverable Continue the general meter deployment in the Coastal Region. Continue “clean up” of remaining installation exceptions in the other regions. Continue network component installation in the South Region. AMI Meter Deployment SummaryTGB (Network) Deployment SummaryUpcoming Month’s Rolling Deliverables Summary of the Month’s Accomplishments During the month, a total of 22,751 Smart Meters were installed. Year to date, 551,897 Smart Meters have been installed. General meter deployment continued in the Coastal Region. One (1) new TGB was installed. The TGB was located in the Coastal Region and was the last to install in that region. Testing of the new RNI software continued. Upcoming Activities Meter Status No. of Meters Region(s) Total Number of Meters Installed 2,173,466 Metro Regions Northeast Northwest West Central In Production (Used For Billing) 2,148,720 Total GPC Meters2,441,039 Total Company (Current Month) AMI As A Percent of Total GPC Meters 89% TGB Status (On Preparation Date) No. of TGB’s Region(s) Total Number of TGB’s Commissioned 192 Metro Regions, Northeast, Northwest, West, Central, East, Coastal, and Southern Number of TGB’s Currently Planned 218 Total Company by 2012 Percent of TGB’s Installed 88% Summary of Meter QualitySummary Of Overall Project Completion Meter Deployment Completion Status Project Areas (See Map On Reverse) Completed Metro West, Metro North, Metro East, Metro South, Northwest, Northeast, Central, West, and East Regions In ProgressCoastal Region (Springfield). Upcoming Twelve Months Coastal Region (Springfield and Savannah, through May), and South Region (through August). Beyond Twelve MonthsProject complete. Type Test Low (<98%) Within Limits (98% to 102%) High (>102%) New meter incoming quality test 06000 Existing in-service meters tested for re-use 03600 Initiated by metering systems 3124 Customer-requested test (AMI) 0110 Customer-requested test (non-AMI) 000 Total 39834 Continue meter deployment in the Coastal Region. Continue installation of TGB network components in identified areas that need additional coverage as well as the site acquisitions for 2012 TGB schedule. Continue testing of new RNI software.

2 Glossary of Terms AMI/SmartMeter – Advanced Metering Infrastructure; describes the complete system to collect customer energy usage, including the meters, towers, and communication systems. A-Men—Also called Metermen; a classification of meter technicians used to install and maintain the more complex meters. ItronEE – A meter data management system used to collect, validate and prepare all meter data for billing. Metadigm– Metadigm Services, Inc., the installation contractor for most meters (formally Lynn Edwards Professional Services, Inc.). Meter Test – Three types of tests are applied: 1) an Incoming Quality Inspection is used upon receipt of meters from the factory to verify their accuracy and basic functionality. 2) A In- service test is applied to meters that have been previously installed at a premise, but before any subsequent installation to verify the meter continues to be accurate. 3) A Customer- requested accuracy test using NIST traceable standards in a metering test van is performed when consultation, audits and comparison tests do not satisfy the customer’s concern. In all tests listed above, meters shown to be registering less than 98% or more than 102% of true accuracy are removed from service. RNI – Regional Network Interface, the servers used to control the operation of the AMI system and to provide limited storage of meter and end point data. TGB – Tower Gateway Base Station, a key network component usually located on a cell tower or pole. The TGB receives data from the meters and other end point devices and is also used to communicate commands from the RNI. Meter Deployment Plan Issues Expected to Result In Material Cost Increases Or Overall Schedule Delays  None Current Challenges  Test and implement next level of cyber-security.  Continue to monitor Smart Meter issues in other states.  Continue to respond to customer concerns on an individual basis (approximately 350 YTD). SmartMeter Status Report For December, 2011 (Prepared January, 2012)

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