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First Aid and CPR. First Aid is the immediate care that you give someone with an illness or injury before trained medical help arrives and takes over.

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Presentation on theme: "First Aid and CPR. First Aid is the immediate care that you give someone with an illness or injury before trained medical help arrives and takes over."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Aid and CPR

2 First Aid is the immediate care that you give someone with an illness or injury before trained medical help arrives and takes over Most of the time you will give first aid for minor illnesses or injuries. But you may also be called upon to give first aid for a serious illness or injury, such as a heart attack or major bleeding

3 First Aid The first aid that you provide may mean the difference between life and death. Or it may mean the difference between a quick recovery and a long illness. You can make a difference!

4 The First Aid Kit

5 Counscious victim

6 Uncounscious victim Victim and rescuer safety – A truck has struck an employee in the parking lot. You are a trained first aid provider and are on duty. You see a man lying on the ground. Several co-workers have gathered around him. You note that traffic is moving slowly around the crash. Would you know what to do?

7 Uncounscious victim Check the victim – Tap the victimś shoulder and shout: „Are you ok“ Call 911 Care for victim – It the victim is face-down, roll the victim onto his or her back – Open the airway – tilt the head back and lift the chin – Look for movement and listen, feel for normal breathing no more than 10s – If there is a breathing – Recovery Position

8 Recovery position Kneel at the victim´s side Take the victim´s arm farthest away and move it up next to the victim´s head and take the victim´s other arm and cross it over the chest Grasp the closes leg and bend it up Hold the victim´s shoulder and hip and gently roll the victim´s body as a unit away from you, keeping the head, neck and back straight line Angle the victim´s head toward the ground, allowing fluids to drain away from victim´s throuat

9 CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation First aid procedure that combines rescue breathing and chest compressoins to supply oxygen to the body until normal body funcions can resume

10 Steps… Check the victims for counscious – No responce Call 911 Check the breathing no more than 10s No breathing 2 rescue breath Check for pulse no more than 10s – No puls

11 Start CPR Compress the chest at a rate of about 100 compressions per minute for any victim Compression should be deep! – Adult: 1.5 – 2 inches – Child: 1 – 1,5 – Infant: 0,5 - 1 Let the chest fully recoil to its normal position after compression before the new one

12 CPR Adult Conduct initial assisment Find the correct hand position – Place the heel of one hand on the center of the chest – Place the other hand on the top Give 30 chest compressions Replace the rescitation mask and give 2 rescue breaths – Each rescue breath should last about 1 s – Chest should be clearly rise Perform cycles of 30 compressions nad 2 rescue breaths

13 Continue CPR untill Another trainer rescuer arrives and takes over AED is availagle You are exhausted to continue The scene is unsafe An obvious sing of life

14 CPR - child Initial assesment Correct hand position Aggive 30 chest compressions – 1 – 1,5 inches 2 rescue breaths Cycles 30 comressions and 2 rescue breaths Continue untill

15 CPR - infant Initial assesment Hand position – Put 2 or 3 fingers on the center of the chest just below the nipple line – Keep one hand on th einfant´s forhead to maintain an open airway Give 30 comressions – 0,5 – 1 inch 2 rescue breaths Cycling 30 x 2 Untill

16 CPR – 2 rescuer – adults and child R1 – initial assesment – No breathing – No pulse R2 – correct hand position R2 – compressions – Adults – 30 – Child - 15 R1 – 2 rescue breaths

17 CPR – 2 rescuer - infant R1 – initial assesment R2 – hand position – Place a towel underneath infant´s soulders – Place the thumbs next to each other on the center of the chest just below the nipple line – Place both hands undernath the infant´s back R2 – give 15 compressions R1 – 2 rescue breaths

18 Airway obstruction - video Give 5 back blows with the heel of the hand Give 5 abdominal thrusts Infant – Face- down along the forarm – Gibe 5 back blows – Face- up – 5 chest thrusts

19 External bleeding Minor – small cut – Cover wound by gauze pad – Pressure firmly againts the wound to control bleeding – Wash with soap and water – Apply triple-antibiotic cream – Cover wound with a sterile dressing or bantage

20 External bleeding Major – Cover wound with a dressing, such a sterile gauze – Aplly direct pressure firmly againts the wound – Cover dressing with a roller bandage and tie the knot directly over the wound – Care for shock – Wash your hands

21 Shock In natural reaction by the body – Restlessness or irritability – Altered level of consciousness – Pale, ashen, cool skin – Nausea, vomiting – Rapid breathing and pulse – Excessive trirst

22 To minimaze the effect of shock Make sure that EMS personnel have been summoned Monitor the victim ABCs Control external bleeding Keep the victim from getting chilled or overheated Have victim lie down and elevate the legs about 12 inches Confort and reassure the victim

23 Arm injury Leave the arm in the position in which it was found or in the position in which the victim is holding it Place triangular bandage under the injured arm and over the uninjured shoulder to form a sling Tie the ends of the sling at the side of the neck Place gauze pads under the knots to make it more comfortable for the victim Secure the arm to the chest with a folded triangular bandage

24 Leg injury - immobilization Place several folded triangular bandages above and below injured body areas Place the unijured body part next to the injured body area The triangular bandages securely with knots

25 Foot Injury Place several folded triangular bandages above and below the injured area Gently wrap a soft object (pillow, blanket) around injured area Tie bandages securely with knots

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