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2 1.Purpose 2.2016/17 Annual Performance Plan 3.Medium Term Budget allocations per Programme PRESENTATION OUTLINE 2

3 To brief the Select Committee on the Department of Traditional Affairs 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan and Budget Vote 4. PURPOSE OF PRESENTATION 3

4 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS 4 Vision Transformed, cohesive, developed and sustainable traditional and interfaith communities

5 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS 5 Mission Informed by the NDP, Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF)/government outcomes and Back-to-Basics (B2B), the Department’s mission is to transform, develop and promote cohesiveness of traditional and communities through, amongst others: Monitoring and providing support to the institution in its administration of the affairs of traditional communities in accordance with customs and traditions; Developing mechanisms for structures of traditional leadership to support municipalities in the identification of community needs; Facilitating the involvement of traditional communities in the development or amendment of IDPs within their areas; Monitoring and providing support to the structures of traditional leadership in their participation and promotion of development and service delivery within their communities;

6 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS: Strategic Outcome Orientated Goals 6 The Department’ strategic outcome oriented goals for the MTSF period are:  Transformed, functional, accountable and sustainable institution of traditional leadership;  Stable and cohesive traditional and interfaith communities; and  Community focused, development-oriented, efficient and effective Department that complies with legislation and good corporate governance principles

7 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS: Medium Term Strategic Priorities 7 The Department has the following five priorities over the medium term period:  Restoration: Stabilisation and strengthening of traditional leadership institution  Development of policies, legislation and regulations towards transformation of the sector (harmonisation of relations between the institution of traditional leadership and government);  Establish partnerships for revival and activation of economic activities and participation towards sustainable livelihoods in traditional communities; working in collaboration with other sector departments and private sector  Promotion of cultural and customary way of life which conforms to the Bill of Rights, constitutional and democratic principles; and  Coordination of interfaith to promote social cohesion and nation building

8 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS: DTA 2015-2020 Strategic Objectives 8 Aligned to the department’s outcomes-oriented goals, the Department identified the following strategic objectives : To monitor and evaluate traditional affairs programmes and improve sector planning and departmental corporate governance systems by 31 March 2020; To reduce the number of deaths resulting from cultural initiation practices by 31 March 2020; To promote socio-economic development within traditional communities by 31 March 2020; To promote culture, heritage and cohesiveness of traditional and interfaith communities by 31 March 2020; To increase the number of functional structures of traditional leadership by 31 March 2020; and To develop, review, monitor and support implementation of traditional affairs policies and legislation for transformation of the institution of traditional leadership by 31 March 2020.

9 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS: Links and Alignment with Government-wide Priorities and Outcomes 9 The Department’s 2015-2020 Strategic Plan and 2016/17 Annual Performance Plans support the following National Development Plan (NDP) Chapters and Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF)/government outcomes: o Chapter 6: Inclusive Rural economy o Chapter 13: Building a capable and developmental state o Chapter 15: Transforming society and uniting the country Government Outcomes/MTSF :  Outcome 7: Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities and food security for all;  Outcome 9: Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient developmental local government system; and  Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service  Outcome 14: Nation Building and Social Cohesion

10 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS: ALIGNMENT OF DTA STRATEGIC PLAN AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN WITH NDP AND MTSF 10 The tables below provides examples of the alignment of DTA strategic goals and objectives with the National Development Plan and Medium Term Strategic Framework (Government Outcomes). NDP Chapter 2014-2019 MTSF (Government outcomes) DTA Priorities DTA outcome- oriented goals Strategic objectives DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan Indicators DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan (2015-2020) Targets DTA 2016/17 APP Targets Chapter 6: Inclusive Rural economy Outcome 7: Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities and food security for all Establish partnerships for revival and activation of economic activities and participation towards sustainable livelihoods in traditional communities; working in collaboration with other sector departments and private sector Development of policies, legislation and regulations towards transformation of the sector (harmonisation of relations between the institution of traditional leadership and government) Transformed, functional, accountable and sustainable institution of traditional leadership To promote socio-economic development within traditional communities by 31 March 2020 Number of provinces monitored annually on promotion of partnerships for traditional communities by 31 March 2020 Number of possible private and public sector partners identified and engaged on proposed areas of collaboration i.r.t. traditional affairs by 31 March 2020 Number of Projects in the NHTL Programme for Socio-economic development of Traditional Communities implemented by 31 March 2020 8 provinces monitored annually on promotion of partnerships for traditional communities by 31 March 2020 25 possible private and public sector partners identified and engaged on proposed areas of collaboration i.r.t. traditional affairs by 31 March 2020 10 Projects in the NHTL Programme for Socio- economic development of Traditional Communities implemented by 31 March 2020 8 provinces monitored on promotion of partnerships for traditional communities Plan on possible traditional affairs partnership areas between DTA and economic sector Departments, private sector and civil society developed This project relates to the above projects, however, it involves identification of socio-economic projects initiated by traditional leadership within traditional communities and identification of the possible partners from both the public and private sectors willing to support those projects for purposes of community development, working in collaboration with provinces and local government

11 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS: ALIGNMENT OF DTA STRATEGIC PLAN AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN WITH NDP AND MTSF 11 The tables below provides examples of the alignment of DTA strategic goals and objectives with the National Development Plan and Medium Term Strategic Framework (Government Outcomes). NDP Chapter 2014-2019 MTSF (Government outcomes) DTA Priorities DTA outcome- oriented goals Strategic objectives DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan Indicators DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan (2015-2020) Targets DTA 2016/17 APP Targets Chapter 13: Building a capable and developmen tal state Outcome 9: Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient developmental local government system Development of policies, legislation and regulations towards transformation of the sector (harmonisation of relations between the institution of traditional leadership and government) Transform ed, functional, accountabl e and sustainabl e institution of traditional leadership To increase the number of functional structures of traditional leadership by 31 March 2020 Number of TCs assessed on their functionality by 31 March 2020 Number of Provincial support plans developed and monitored by 31 Mar 2020 Number of Traditional courts monitored on documenting, recording and filing traditional courts decisions with the Clerks of Magistrate courts by 31 March 2020 166 TCs assessed on their functionality by 31 March 2020 8 Provincial support plans developed and monitored by 31 Mar 2020 158 Traditional courts monitored on documenting, recording and filing traditional courts decisions with the Clerks of Magistrate courts by 31 March 2020 100 TCs assessed on their functionality 4 Provincial support plans developed and monitored 30 Traditional courts monitored on documenting, recording and filing traditional courts decisions with the Clerks of Magistrate courts

12 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS: ALIGNMENT OF DTA STRATEGIC PLAN AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN WITH NDP AND MTSF 12 The tables below provides examples of the alignment of DTA strategic goals and objectives with the National Development Plan and Medium Term Strategic Framework (Government Outcomes). NDP Chapter 2014-2019 MTSF (Government outcomes) DTA Priorities DTA outcome- oriented goals Strategic objectives DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan Indicators DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan (2015-2020) Targets DTA 2016/17 APP Targets Chapter 13: Building a capable and developmen tal state Outcome 9: Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient developmental local government system Development of policies, legislation and regulations towards transformation of the sector (harmonisation of relations between the institution of traditional leadership and government) Transform ed, functional, accountabl e and sustainabl e institution of traditional leadership To increase the number of functional structures of traditional leadership by 31 March 2020 Number of reports on implementation of the National Traditional Leadership Capacity Building Programme in partnership with Anglo American Platinum Number of provinces monitored on implementation of Framework for minimum tools of trade for the institution of traditional leadership 4 reports on implementation of the National Traditional Leadership Capacity Building Programme in partnership with Anglo American Platinum 8 provinces monitored annually on implementation of Framework for minimum tools of trade for the institution of traditional leadership DTA- Anglo Platinum National Traditional Leadership Capacity Building Programme implemented and monitored 8 provinces monitored on implementation of Framework for minimum tools of trade for the institution of traditional leadership Table continued from previous slide

13 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS: ALIGNMENT OF DTA STRATEGIC PLAN AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN WITH NDP AND MTSF 13 The tables below provides examples of the alignment of DTA strategic goals and objectives with the National Development Plan and Medium Term Strategic Framework (Government Outcomes). NDP Chapter 2014-2019 MTSF (Government outcomes) DTA Priorities DTA outcome- oriented goals Strategic objectives DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan Indicators DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan (2015-2020) Targets DTA 2016/17 APP Targets Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and development- oriented public service -Communit y focused, developme nt- oriented, efficient and effective Departmen t that complies with legislation and good corporate governanc e principles To monitor and evaluate traditional affairs programmes and improve sector planning and departmental corporate governance systems by 31 March 2020 Gazette of Traditional affairs sector indicators by 31 Mar 2020 Aligned Strategic plans and APPs of DTA and Provincial Traditional Affairs reflecting core sector indicators by 31 March 2020 Number of evaluations on traditional affairs policies and programs conducted Traditional affairs sector indicators gazetted by 31 March 2020 Strategic plans and APPs of DTA and Provincial Traditional Affairs aligned and reflect core sector indicators by 31 March 2020 5 evaluations on traditional affairs policies and programs conducted To date Technical MINMEC and 7 COGTA Provincial HoDs have endorsed the indicators and the department will continue engagements in 2016/17 until obtaining endorsement from all HODs. 1 evaluation conducted on the effectiveness of one of the Department’s programmes

14 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS: ALIGNMENT OF DTA STRATEGIC PLAN AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN WITH NDP AND MTSF 14 The tables below provides examples of the alignment of DTA strategic goals and objectives with the National Development Plan and Medium Term Strategic Framework (Government Outcomes). NDP Chapter 2014-2019 MTSF (Government outcomes) DTA Priorities DTA outcome- oriented goals Strategic objectives DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan Indicators DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan (2015-2020) Targets DTA 2016/17 APP Targets Chapter 15: Transformin g society and uniting the country Outcome 14: Nation Building and Social Cohesion Promotion of cultural and customary way of life which conforms to the Bill of Rights, constitutional and democratic principles Coordination of interfaith to promote social cohesion and nation building Restoration: Stabilisation and strengthening of traditional leadership institution Stable and cohesive traditional and interfaith communiti es To promote culture, heritage and cohesiveness of traditional and interfaith communities by 31 March 2020 Number of traditional leadership claims and disputes researched by 31 March 2020 Closeout report of the Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims Traditional leadership protocols aligned with and included in the state protocol by 31 March 2020 253 traditional leadership claims and disputes researched by 31 March 2020 Closeout report of the Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims developed Traditional leadership protocols aligned with and included in the state protocol by 31 March 2020 160 claims and disputes researched - Traditional leadership protocol guidelines for 9 kingships/queenships endorsed by the respective Kingships/queenships

15 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS: ALIGNMENT OF DTA STRATEGIC PLAN AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN WITH NDP AND MTSF 15 The tables below provides examples of the alignment of DTA strategic goals and objectives with the National Development Plan and Medium Term Strategic Framework (Government Outcomes). NDP Chapter 2014-2019 MTSF (Government outcomes) DTA Priorities DTA outcome- oriented goals Strategic objectives DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan Indicators DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan (2015-2020) Targets DTA 2016/17 APP Targets Chapter 15: Transformin g society and uniting the country Outcome 14: Nation Building and Social Cohesion … Development of policies, legislation and regulations towards transformation of the sector (harmonisation of relations between the institution of traditional leadership and government) Stable and cohesive traditional and interfaith communiti es To promote culture, heritage and cohesiveness of traditional and interfaith communities by 31 March 2020 Number of customary laws of succession and genealogies for Kingships/Queenship s documented and endorsed by the royal families by 31 March 2020 Number of books on customary laws of succession and genealogies for principal traditional leadership/kingships/q ueenships developed by 31 March 2020 Customary laws of succession and genealogies for 10 Kingships/Queenships documented and endorsed by the royal families by 31 March 2020 10 books on customary laws of succession and genealogies documented for 3 principal/ traditional leadership/kingships developed Customary law of succession and Genealogy for 1 Kingship/queenship documented and endorsed by the royal family Book on customary law of succession and Genealogy for 1 principal traditional leadership/kingship/queenship developed Table continued from previous slide

16 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS: ALIGNMENT OF DTA STRATEGIC PLAN AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN WITH NDP AND MTSF 16 The tables below provides examples of the alignment of DTA strategic goals and objectives with the National Development Plan and Medium Term Strategic Framework (Government Outcomes). NDP Chapter 2014-2019 MTSF (Government outcomes) DTA Priorities DTA outcome- oriented goals Strategic objectives DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan Indicators DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan (2015-2020) Targets DTA 2016/17 APP Targets Chapter 15: Transformin g society and uniting the country Outcome 14: Nation Building and Social Cohesion … Development of policies, legislation and regulations towards transformation of the sector (harmonisation of relations between the institution of traditional leadership and government) Stable and cohesive traditional and interfaith communiti es To promote culture, heritage and cohesiveness of traditional and interfaith communities by 31 March 2020 Plan to harmonise relationships and role clarification between elected and traditional leadership at local level developed and endorsed by the institution of traditional leadership and local government by 31 Mar 2020 Number of Provinces monitored on implementation of the Plan to harmonise relationships and role clarification between elected and traditional leadership at local level by 31 Mar 2020 8 Provinces monitored annually on implementation of the Plan to harmonise relationships and role clarification between elected and traditional leadership at local level by 31 Mar 2020 Plan to harmonise relationships and role clarification between elected and traditional leadership at local level developed Development of the plan includes among others, hosting an indaba of Traditional and elected local government leaders and other key stakeholders, and the resolutions thereof will inform the content and projects within the plan. Table continued from previous slide

17 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS: ALIGNMENT OF DTA STRATEGIC PLAN AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN WITH NDP AND MTSF 17 The tables below provides examples of the alignment of DTA strategic goals and objectives with the National Development Plan and Medium Term Strategic Framework (Government Outcomes). NDP Chapter 2014-2019 MTSF (Government outcomes) DTA Priorities DTA outcome- oriented goals Strategic objectives DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan Indicators DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan (2015-2020) Targets DTA 2016/17 APP Targets Chapter 15: Transformin g society and uniting the country Outcome 14: Nation Building and Social Cohesion … Development of policies, legislation and regulations towards transformation of the sector (harmonisation of relations between the institution of traditional leadership and government) Stable and cohesive traditional and interfaith communiti es To promote culture, heritage and cohesiveness of traditional and interfaith communities by 31 March 2020 Traditional Affairs Social Cohesion, Culture and Heritage Promotion Plan/Programme endorsed by Interfaith, Local Government and the institution of Traditional Leadership by 31 March 2020 Number of provinces monitored annually on implementation of Traditional Affairs Social Cohesion, Culture and Heritage Promotion Plan/Programme 8 provinces monitored annually on implementation of Traditional Affairs Social Cohesion, Culture and Heritage Promotion Plan/Programme Traditional Affairs Social Cohesion, Culture and Heritage Promotion Plan/Programme developed Table continued from previous slide

18 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS: ALIGNMENT OF DTA STRATEGIC PLAN AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN WITH NDP AND MTSF 18 The tables below provides examples of the alignment of DTA strategic goals and objectives with the National Development Plan and Medium Term Strategic Framework (Government Outcomes). NDP Chapter 2014-2019 MTSF (Government outcomes) DTA Priorities DTA outcome- oriented goals Strategic objectives DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan Indicators DTA MTSF/ Strategic Plan (2015-2020) Targets DTA 2016/17 APP Targets Chapter 15: Transformin g society and uniting the country Outcome 14: Nation Building and Social Cohesion Promotion of cultural and customary way of life which conforms to the Bill of Rights, constitutional and democratic principles Stable and cohesive traditional and interfaith communiti es To reduce the number of deaths resulting from cultural initiation practices by 31 March 2020 Number of awareness campaigns on customary initiation practice conducted Provincial initiation teams and schools monitored and number of monitoring reports developed Reduction in the number of deaths and injuries resulting from initiation customary practice by 31 March 2020 16 awareness campaigns on customary initiation practice conducted Provincial initiation teams and schools monitored quarterly and 20 monitoring reports developed Deaths and injuries resulting from initiation cultural practice reduced from 91 to zero by 31 March 2020 4 initiation awareness campaigns conducted Provincial initiation teams monitored and 4 monitoring reports developed This target is an outcome target and involves different role players and therefore take longer to achieve, hence no target in 2016/17 and the above outputs are building blocks towards achievement of the target

19 DTA 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan Targets and Performance Indicators 19 PROGRAMME/ ENTITY Government Outcomes (MTSF) 2016/17 Performance Indicators 2016/17 APP (annual) Targets Description of Project AdministrationOutcome 12 An efficient, effective and development- oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship Number of evaluations on traditional affairs policies and programs conducted 1 evaluation on traditional affairs policies and programs conducted The project entails evaluation of the effectiveness of Traditional Leadership Capacity Building Programme on governance of structures of Traditional Leadership (Houses and Traditional Councils) and their participation in municipal councils

20 DTA 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan Targets and Performance Indicators Cont … 20 PROGRAMME/ ENTITY Government Outcomes (MTSF) 2016/17 Performance Indicators 2016/17 APP (annual) Targets Description of Project Research, Policy and Legislation Outcome 14 Nation Building and Social Cohesion Number of Kingships/queenships /principal traditional councils consulted to determine the number of members of their councils 4 Kingships/queenship s/principal traditional councils consulted on the formula for the determination of the number of members of kingship/queenship and principal councils The target is a legislative requirement for the establishment of kingship/queenship/pri ncipal traditional leadership councils To date, 5 of 12 kingships have been consulted on the formula. The remaining 3 cannot be consulted due to disputes that are still in court

21 DTA 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan Targets and Performance Indicators Cont … 21 PROGRAMME/ ENTITY Governm ent Outcomes (MTSF) 2016/17 Performance Indicators 2016/17 APP (annual) Targets Description of Project Number of Protocol Guidelines for Senior Traditional Leaders in 1 Province developed Protocol Guidelines for Senior Traditional Leaders in 1 Province developed The purpose of the target is similar to the one above, however this one focuses on development of protocols for senior traditional leadership in 1 province Number of customary laws of succession and genealogies for Kingships/Queenships documented and endorsed by the royal families Customary law of succession and Genealogy for 1 Kingship/queenship documented and endorsed The purpose of the target is to reduce the number of traditional leadership succession disputes. It involves documenting customary law of succession and genealogy for 1 kingship in consultation with the kingship, and finally endorsement (sign-off) by respective kingship/queenship To date 6, customary laws of succession and Genealogies have been developed and 3 are remaining and will be finalised during the MTSF Number of books on customary laws of succession and genealogies for principal traditional leadership/kingships/quee nships developed 2 books on customary law of succession and Genealogy for 2 principal traditional leadership/kingships/qu eenships developed This target is similar to the one above, however, this one involves drafting of books, which will ultimately be handed to all the 9 kingships/queenships without disputes

22 DTA 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan Targets and Performance Indicators Cont … 22 PROGRAMME/ ENTITY Governm ent Outcomes (MTSF) 2016/17 Performance Indicators 2016/17 APP (annual) Targets Description of Project Traditional Affairs Social Cohesion, Culture and Heritage Promotion Plan/Programme endorsed by Interfaith, Local Government and the institution of Traditional Leadership Number of provinces monitored annually on implementation of Traditional Affairs Social Cohesion, Culture and Heritage Promotion Plan/Programme by 31 March 2020 Traditional Affairs Social Cohesion, Culture and Heritage Promotion Plan/Programme developed This target is aimed at promoting social cohesion, heritage and interfaith tolerance. It includes facilitating provincial and national social cohesion dialogues, interfaith dialogues, promoting traditional communities’ artefacts and coronation of kings and queens. From the resolutions of the dialogues, a programme with various projects will be developed in 2016/17 and implemented from 2017/18 FY.

23 DTA 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan Targets and Performance Indicators Cont … 23 PROGRAMME/ ENTITY Governm ent Outcomes (MTSF) 2016/17 Performance Indicators 2016/17 APP (annual) Targets Description of Project Plan to harmonise relationships and role clarification between elected and traditional leadership at local level developed and endorsed by the institution of traditional leadership and local government Number of Provinces monitored annually on implementation of the Plan to harmonise relationships and role clarification between elected and traditional leadership at local level Plan to harmonise relationships and role clarification between elected and traditional leadership at local level developed This project is part of the Traditional Affairs Social Cohesion, Culture and Heritage Promotion Plan/Programme above, and DTA contribution to B2B. It includes among others facilitation of an indaba/dialogue between traditional leaders and elected local government leaders to harmonise relations, clarify roles and facilitate cooperation between the two. From the resolutions of the indaba, a programme will be developed for endorsement by both parties in 2016/17 and implementation starting from 2017/18 FY

24 DTA 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan Targets and Performance Indicators Cont … 24 PROGRAMME/ ENTITY Government Outcomes (MTSF) 2016/17 Performance Indicators 2016/17 APP (annual) Targets Description of Project INSTITUTION AL SUPPORT AND COORDINATI ON Outcome 7 Comprehensi ve rural development and land reform Outcome 9 Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient development al local government system Number of provinces monitored on the promotion of partnerships for traditional communities 8 provinces monitored on the promotion of partnerships for traditional communities The Department has developed a partnership strategy to guide establishment of partnerships within the institution of traditional leadership. This project involves monitoring if the strategy is implemented and providing support where necessary. It also involves monitoring partnerships between public sector, private sector and the institution of traditional leadership. The target is a contribution to rural development Number of possible private and public sector partners identified and engaged on proposed areas of collaboration i.r.t. traditional affairs Plan on possible traditional affairs partnership areas between DTA and economic sector Departments, private sector and civil society developed This target involves identification of possible areas of partnerships and public and private sector partners in order to enhance socio-economic development of traditional communities. It also contributes to rural development.

25 DTA 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan Targets and Performance Indicators Cont … 25 PROGRAMME/ ENTITY Government Outcomes (MTSF) 2016/17 Performance Indicators 2016/17 APP (annual) Targets Description of Project Outcome 9 Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient development al local government system Number of Traditional Councils (TCs) assessed on their functionality 100 TCs assessed on their functionality This target is DTA contribution to B2B. This project entails assessment of TCs in order to develop support plans to ensure that they perform their legislative role in support of municipalities To date, 66 TCs have been assessed in 4 provinces, and the remaining provinces will be assessed throughout the MTSF Number of provincial support plans developed and monitored 4 provincial support plans developed and monitored This target is also DTA contribution to B2B, and is aligned to the above target. It entails development of provincial support plans for dysfunctional and at risk TCs from the 66 assessed in 4 provinces.

26 DTA 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan Targets and Performance Indicators Cont … 26 PROGRAMME/ ENTITY Government Outcomes (MTSF) 2016/17 Performance Indicators 2016/17 APP (annual) Targets Description of Project Number of Traditional courts monitored on documenting, recording and filing traditional courts decisions with the Clerks of Magistrate courts 30 Traditional Courts monitored on documenting, recording and filing traditional courts decisions with the Clerks of Magistrate courts Traditional court is a component of a Traditional Council. The Department has a partnership with the South African Judicial Institute (SAJEI) and Justice College. To ensure that the presiding officers and administrators of traditional courts are effective, and that there is effective record keeping of courts decisions and filing with the Clerks of Magistrate Courts, SAJEI and Justice College provides training to the courts. This target The target monitors if the training is effective and the courts can apply the training content, and if necessary to provide support to the courts. Number of reports on implementation and monitoring of the DTA- Anglo Platinum National Traditional Leadership Capacity Building Programme DTA- Anglo Platinum National Traditional Leadership Capacity Building Programme implemented and monitored The Department has signed a partnership agreement with Anglo- Platinum to provide Capacity Building Programme for Traditional Leaders. The programme is implemented in Limpopo and North West; and this project aims to monitor and support implementation of the programme

27 DTA 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan Targets and Performance Indicators Cont … 27 PROGRAMME/ ENTITY Government Outcomes (MTSF) 2016/17 Performance Indicators 2016/17 APP (annual) Targets Description of Project Number of provinces monitored on implementatio n of Framework for minimum tools of trade for the institution of traditional leadership 8 provinces monitored on implementation of Framework for minimum tools of trade for the institution of traditional leadership Framework for minimum norms and standards for tools of trade for the institution of traditional leadership was developed and endorsed by MINMEC in 2013/14. This target aims to monitor implementation of the framework by provinces (where there are recognised traditional leaders)

28 DTA 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan Targets and Performance Indicators Cont … 28 PROGRAMME/ ENTITY Government Outcomes (MTSF) 2016/17 Performance Indicators 2016/17 APP (annual) Targets Description of Project NATIONAL HOUSE OF TRADITIONA L LEADERS Outcome 14 Nation Building and Social Cohesion Number of awareness campaigns on customary initiation practice conducted 4 awareness campaigns on customary initiation practice conducted This target contributes towards the achievement of the outcome target of reducing initiation deaths from 91 (in 2015- both winter and summer initiation seasons) to zero by the end of the MTSF - 31 Mar 2020. Provincial initiation teams and schools monitored and number of monitoring reports developed Provincial initiation teams monitored and 4 monitoring reports developed This target also contributes towards the achievement of the outcome target of reducing initiation deaths from 91(in 2015- both winter and summer initiation seasons) to zero by the end of the MTSF. Reduction in the number of deaths and injuries resulting from initiation customary practice by 31 Mar 2020 -This is an outcome target to reduce fatalities from 91 to 0 by the end of the MTSF, and it has several outputs as indicated above which the different stakeholders need to produce throughout the MTSF to achieve the target

29 DTA 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan Targets and Performance Indicators Cont … 29 PROGRAMME/ ENTITY Government Outcomes (MTSF) 2016/17 Performance Indicators 2016/17 APP (annual) Targets Description of Project Outcome 7 Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communitie s and food security for all Number of Projects in the NHTL Programme for Socio- economic development of Traditional Communities implemented 2 Projects in the NHTL Programme for Socio-economic development of Traditional Communities implemented This project involves identification of socio-economic projects initiated by traditional leadership and traditional communities and identification of possible partners from both the public and private sectors willing to support those projects for purposes of community development, working in collaboration with provinces and local government

30 DTA 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan Targets and Performance Indicators Cont … 30 PROGRAMME/ ENTITY Government Outcomes (MTSF) 2016/17 Performance Indicators 2016/17 APP (annual) Targets Description of Project COMMISSION ON TRADITIONAL LEADERSHIP DISPUTES AND CLAIMS (CTLDC) Outcome 14 Nation Building and Social Cohesion Number of traditional leadership claims and disputes researched 160 traditional leadership claims and disputes researched 253 of the 1244 traditional leadership disputes and claims lodged with CTLDC are outstanding. In 2016/17 160 of the 253 will be researched, investigated and recommendations submitted to relevant authorities for finalisation, to the President in the case of kingships/queenships and to Premiers in the case of levels below kingship/queenship. The main purpose of this target is to bring stability to traditional communities.

31 DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AND MEDIUM TERM ESTIMATES 31 The Department will over the medium term period focus on reducing the number of fatalities emanating from customary practices, increasing the number of functional Traditional Councils, finalization of traditional leadership disputes and claims cases lodged and ensuring that the partnership between traditional leadership, private sector and government are functional and benefit traditional communities.


33 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 33 The Programme will over the medium term period focus on institutional mechanisms to coordinate joint planning, performance monitoring, reporting, information management within the Traditional Affairs sector and importantly ensuring the alignment of strategic plans with Provincial Traditional Affairs Departments. The Programme will further strengthen its corporate governance structures, development and implementation of systems, procedures and policies.

34 PROGRAMME 2: RESEARCH, POLICY AND LEGISLATION 34 The Programme will focus over the medium term period on conducting anthropological research, review and monitor implementation of Traditional Affairs policies across the country. The Programme will further provide and implement national frameworks and strategies for coordination of social cohesion within the sector. The immediate deliverable would be the enactment of the Traditional Affairs Bill as well as finalisation of the Initiation Bill.

35 PROGRAMME 3: INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT AND COORDINATION 35 80% of the allocation represents transfer payment to CRL Rights Commission (Chapter 9 Institution) and the remainder is appropriated to National House of Traditional Leaders as well as Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes & Claims. The programme’s primary role is to coordinate traditional affairs across the three spheres of government, promote institutional development and facilitates partnerships and collaborative relations.

36 Thank You 36


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