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REFERENCE: QUATERNIONS/ Ogre Transformations.

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2 Overview Most of this lecture will be about (Ogre) SceneNodes  What are they?  How do we set up a scene graph?  How do we transform a scene node?

3 SceneGraph Made up of SceneNodes Goals:  Frustrum calling  Limit the number of material swaps  Hierarchical Transformations

4 SceneNodes can hold MoveableObject’s Lots of things are derived from MoveableObject:  Entities  Lights  ParticleEmitters  Billboards …… SceneManager::create___  Optional unique name (string)  SceneManager::get____  SceneManager::destroy___  Don’t forget SceneNode::detach before doing this. MoveableObject::getParentSceneNode()

5 SceneNode class Attributes:  Pointer to parent and children scene nodes.  Pointers to attached objects  A 3x4 transformation matrix: from the parent. Rendering the graph  Depth-first traversal  Matrix concatenation  Override with SceneNode::setInheritXXX(bool) (orientation or scale) Set up the scene graph with:  SceneNode::createChildSceneNode  SceneNode::addChild(Node *)  SceneNode::removeChild(Node *) To set / modify a scene node's matrix, you normally call methods.  Translation and scaling are pretty easy  Rotations (and orientations) require Quaternions… …so let's get this out of the way.

6 Quaternions Discovered by Hamilton in 1843 Originally to visualize complex numbers (a 2d plane), but we can extend it to 3d. (in Dublin, Ireland)

7 Complex numbers If you want to solve x^2 + 1 = 0, you’ll attempt to take the square root of a negative number.  Not possible!  …but mathematicians invented a fictional quantity I  i^2 = -1 A complex number is of the form  z = a + bi  Real numbers have b = 0  Imaginary numbers have a = 0

8 Complex numbers operations Adding complex numbers  (a + bi) + (c + di) = (a + c) + (b + d)i Subtracting complex numbers  (a + bi) – (c + di) = (a – c) + (b – d)i Complex * scalar  k (a + bi) = ka + kbi Complex * Complex  (a + bi) (c + di) = (ac – bd) + (ad + bc)i Complex 2  (a + bi) * (a + bi) = (a 2 – b 2 ) + 2abi Complex Conjugate  (a + bi)* = (a – bi)  (a + bi) (a + bi)* = a 2 + b 2

9 Powers of i … i -5 = -i i -4 = 1 i -3 = i i -2 = -1 i -1 = -i i 0 = 1 i 1 = i i 2 = -1 i 3 = -i i 4 = 1 i 5 = i i 6 = -1 … See a pattern? i n = rot(90 0 * n) on the real / imaginary plane …extending that… Taking a point on the complex plane and multiplying by i rotates it 90 degrees. Real Imaginary

10 An example Real Imaginary

11 Arbitrary Rotations

12 Now to 3D!


14 Quaternion Operations

15 A Quaternion "rotation"

16 Quaternion rotation

17 SLERP-ing

18 Comparison to other rotation methods Rotation Matrices  Not very easy to interpolate Euler angles  A series of rotations about the cardinal (world) axes  Can lead to gimbal lock  Hard to visualize, but happens in games – the camera is rotating smoothly, but suddenly flips. We can convert each of these back & forth between quaternions.

19 Quaternions in Ogre Several constructors. The main one:  Quaternion(Radian r, Vector3 axis);  e.g Quaternion(Radian(3.14), Vector3(0,1,0));  Quaternion(Degree(45), Vector3(0,1,0)); Slerping:  Quaternion::slerp(Real t, const Quaternion & Q, const Quaternion & P, bool shortest_path=false); Useful methods:  Use * operator for multiplication.  Quaternion UnitInverse() const  Vector3 xAxis()  Real normalise();

20 Transformation methods (of Node class) Adjusting  translate(const Vector3 & offset, Node::TransformSpace space)  space can be one of: Node::TS_LOCAL, Node::TS_PARENT, Node::TS_WORLD.  rotate(const Quaternion & q, Node::TransformSpace space)  Also, pitch, yaw, and roll methods.  scale(const Vector3 & factor); Setting (all are relative to parent  setPosition(const Vector3 & pos);  setScale(const Vector3 & factor)  setOrientation(const Quaternion & q); Conversion  Quaternion convertLocalToWorldOrientation(const Quaternion & local);  Quaternion convertWorldToLocalOrientation(const Quaternion & world);  // Similar functions for Position (but not scale).

21 Some interesting scene node setups Gimbals: e.g. for our camera control  [Describe] [more to be added later]

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