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Welcome to Years 1 & 2 Calculation Evening. Mental Methods  Years 1 & 2 use many practical methods to solve a variety of problems involving addition,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Years 1 & 2 Calculation Evening. Mental Methods  Years 1 & 2 use many practical methods to solve a variety of problems involving addition,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Years 1 & 2 Calculation Evening

2 Mental Methods  Years 1 & 2 use many practical methods to solve a variety of problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  Children will learn to develop their mental strategies.  Emphasis on children developing their reasoning skills e.g. sometimes, always never. Convince me…, Prove it.

3 Addition

4  Read, write and interpret mathematical statements using symbols +, -, =  Represent and use number bonds and related addition facts within 20 (know number bonds to 10 by heart)  0+10=10 1+9=102+8= 10

5 Using number bonds (number pairs) 3 + 7 = 10 12 + 8 = 20 35 + 65 = 100

6  3 + 4 =  16 + 3 =  10+10=

7  Addition is commutative e.g. 10+3 = 13  3+10=13  13 = 10 + 3

8 Dienes

9 Partitioning ++ +  34 + 25

10 Singapore bar model ks_addition_subtraction.html

11 Near doubles 8 + 9 Think of 8 + 8 then add 1

12 Add near multiples of 10 and adjusting 24 + 19 Think of 24 + 20 then -1

13 Bridging through 10 182023 18 + 5 +2 +3

14 Subtraction

15  Finding the difference between…  Provide children with a range of equipment. Teach them to explore different strategies.  6 - 2= ?


17  Number line

18 Counting up  33 – 29 =

19 Partitioning 54 – 23 = 50 – 20 = 4 – 3 =

20 Using known number facts I know 7 – 2= 5 So 70 -20=50

21 Adjusting the numbers, while keeping the difference 46 – 27 = Add 3 to both numbers 49 –30 =19

22 Multiplication

23  Children should be familiar with times tables 2,5,10’s (rapid recall of these by the end of year 2)  Children should be very proficient at doubling and halving up to 20.  Recognise odd and even numbers.

24  Use socks (link to odd and even numbers)

25  Represent multiplication pictorially/ use concrete objects

26  Multiplication linked to doubling and halving  Early stages of arrays

27 Arrays  5 x 3 =  3 x 5=

28  Draw an array to show 6 x 5 =

29 Informal Methods  Multiplication is commutative 2 x 4 = 4 x 2

30 Applying and reasoning What do you know about 10? 2+2+2+2+2 =10 2 +8 = 10

31 Division

32  Pictorial representation  8 ÷2 = 4


34  15 ÷ 5 = 3

35 Thank you for listening

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