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Cryptographic methods. Outline  Preliminary Assumptions Public-key encryption  Oblivious Transfer (OT)  Random share based methods  Homomorphic Encryption.

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Presentation on theme: "Cryptographic methods. Outline  Preliminary Assumptions Public-key encryption  Oblivious Transfer (OT)  Random share based methods  Homomorphic Encryption."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cryptographic methods

2 Outline  Preliminary Assumptions Public-key encryption  Oblivious Transfer (OT)  Random share based methods  Homomorphic Encryption ElGamal

3 Assumptions  Semi-honest party assumption Parties honestly follow the security protocol Parties might be curious about the transferred data  Malicious party assumption The malicious party can do anything  Transfer false data  Turn down the protocol  Collusion

4 Public-key encryption  Let (G,E,D) be a public-key encryption scheme G is a key-generation algorithm (pk,sk)  G  Pk: public key  Sk: secret key Terms  Plaintext: the original text, notated as m  Ciphertext: the encrypted text, notated as c Encryption: c = E pk (m) Decryption: m = D sk (c) Concept of one-way function: knowing c, pk, and the function E pk, it is still computationally intractable to find m. *Check literature for different implementations

5 1-out-of-2 Oblivious Transfer (OT)  Inputs Sender has two messages m 0 and m 1 Receiver has a single bit {0,1}  Outputs Sender receives nothing Receiver obtain m  and learns nothing of m 1-

6  Assume that a public-key can be sampled without knowledge of its secret key (knowing pk only): Oblivious key generation: pk  OG Protocol is simplified with this assumption

7 Protocol for Oblivious Transfer  Receiver (with input ): Receiver chooses one key-pair (pk,sk) and one public-key pk’ (oblivious key generation). Receiver sets pk  = pk, pk 1- = pk’ Receiver sends pk 0,pk 1 to sender  Sender (with input m 0,m 1 ): Sends receiver c 0 =E pk0 (m 0 ), c 1 =E pk1 (m 1 )  Receiver: Decrypts c  using sk and obtains m . Note: receiver can decrypt for pk  but not for pk 1-

8 Generalization  Can define 1-out-of-k oblivious transfer  Protocol remains the same: Choose k-1 public keys for which the secret key is unknown Choose 1 public-key and secret-key pair

9 Random share based method  For simplicity – we may consider two-party case The addition/multiplication protocols have to have >2 parties  Let f be the function that the parties wish to compute  Represent f as an arithmetic circuit with addition and multiplication gates Any function can be implemented with addition and multiplication  Aim – compute gate-by-gate, revealing only random shares each time

10 Random Shares Paradigm  Let a be some value: Party 1 holds a, distributes random values a i and thus knows a-a i Party i receives a i Note that without knowing a-a i, and all random shares a i, nothing of a is revealed. We say that the parties hold random shares of a.

11 Securely computing addition  Party 1,2,3 hold a,b,c respectively  Generate random shares: Party 1 has shares a 1, b 1 and c 1 Party 2 has shares a 2, b 2 and c 2 Party 3 has shares a 3, b 3 and c 3 Note: a 1 +a 2 +a 3 =a, b 1 +b 2 +b 3 =b, and c 1 +c 2 +c 3 =c  To compute random shares of output d=a+b+c Party 1 locally computes d 1 =a 1 +b 1 +c 1 Party 2 locally computes d 2 =a 2 +b 2 +c 2 Party 3 locally computes d 3 =a 3 +b 3 +c 3 Note: d 1 +d 2 +d 3 =d  The result shares do not reveal the original value of a,b,c

12 Multiplication (2 parties)  Simplified (a, b are binary bit)  Input wires to gate have values a and b: Party 1 has shares a 1 and b 1 Party 2 has shares a 2 and b 2 Wish to compute c = ab = (a 1 +a 2 )(b 1 +b 2 )  Party 1 knows its concrete share values.  Party 2’s values are unknown to Party 1, but there are only 4 possibilities (depending on correspondence to 00,01,10,11)

13 Multiplication (cont)  Party 1 prepares a table as follows: Row 1 corresponds to Party 2’s input 00 Row 2 corresponds to Party 2’s input 01 Row 3 corresponds to Party 2’s input 10 Row 4 corresponds to Party 2’s input 11  Let r be a random bit chosen by Party 1: Row 1 contains the value ab+r when a 2 =0,b 2 =0 Row 2 contains the value ab+r when a 2 =0,b 2 =1 Row 3 contains the value ab+r when a 2 =1,b 2 =0 Row 4 contains the value ab+r when a 2 =1,b 2 =1

14 Concrete Example  Assume: a 1 =0, b 1 =1  Assume: r=1 Ro w Party 2’s shares Output value 1a 2 =0,b 2 =0 (0+0). (1+0)+ 1=1 2a 2 =0,b 2 =1 (0+0). (1+1)+ 1=1 3a 2 =1,b 2 =0 (0+1). (1+0)+ 1=0 4a 2 =1,b 2 =1 (0+1). (1+1)+ 1=1

15 The Protocol  The parties run a 1-out-of-4 oblivious transfer protocol  Party 1 plays the sender: message i is row i of the table.  Party 2 plays the receiver: it inputs 1 if a 2 =0 and b 2 =0, 2 if a 2 =0 and b 2 =1, and so on…  Output: Party 2 receives c 2 =c+r – this is its output Party 1 outputs c 1 =r Note: c 1 and c 2 are random shares of c, as required

16 Problems with OT and RS  Theoretically, any function can be computed with addition and multiplication gates  However, as we have seen, it is not efficient at all Huge communication/computational cost for the multiplication protocol

17 Homomorphic encryption  They are “probabilistic encryptions” using randomly selected numbers in generating keys and encryption  properties Homomorphic multiplication  E pk (m 0 )*E pk (m 1 ) = E pk (m 0 *m 1 )  Without knowing the secret key, we can still calculate m0*m1  Implementations: ElGamal method, Pailier Homomorphic addition  E pk (m 0 )*E pk (m 1 ) = E pk (m 0 +m 1 )  Implementation: Pailier method

18 ElGamal method  System parameters (P,g) Input 1 n P is a uniformly chosen prime |P|>n g: a random number called “generator”  keys Private key (P,g,x), x is randomly chosen Public key pk=(P, g, y): y = g x mod P (one way function, impossible to guess x given (P,g,y) )  Encryption: E(pk, m, k) = (g k mod P, mg k mod P), k is a random number, m is plaintext

19 Important property  For two ciphertext E(pk, m0, k0)= (g k0 mod P, m0g k0 mod P) = (a0,b0) E(pk, m1,k1) = ( g k1 mod P, m1g k1 mod P) = (a1,b1)  E(pk, m0*m1, k0+k1) = (g k0+k1 mod P, m0*m1*g k0+k1 mod P) = (a0*a1, b0*b1)

20 Summary  Three basic methods Oblivious Transfer Random share Homomorphic encryption  We will see how to use them to construct privacy preserving algorithms

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