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Rome and the Rise of Christianity Chapter 1 Section 3.

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1 Rome and the Rise of Christianity Chapter 1 Section 3

2 Question ► What did modern culture get from Greek Society?

3 1. The Roman State ► A. Society  Romans took over Mediterranean  1. Early Rome was divided into to orders: ► A) patricians: ruling class, great land-owners ► B) plebians: less wealthy craftsmen, merchants, and small farmers  2.Rome overthrew its last king and became a Republic  -no king and certain citizens had the right to vote  Both plebians and patricians could vote, but only the patriciate could hold office

4 2. The Struggle of Orders ► 1. Plebian Revolution  Plebians gained the power to pass laws for all Roman citizens  Equality under the law for all citizens  Roman citizens chose representatives to their assemblies

5 3. Roman Law ► 1. The Twelve Tables  Romes 1 st law code ► 2. The Law of Nations  Similar to American law system  innocent until proven guilty  people allowed to defense before a judge  judge that looked carefully at evidence)

6 4. Influence of Roman Empire ► 1. The Empire Begins  1 st Century A.D., Rome becomes an empire ► 2. Caesar Augustus  After a civil Caesar Augustus takes over Rome  created the Roman Empire btwn 14 and 180 A.D. ► 3. Pax Romana  After the Civil War, long period of peace  Rome extended citizenship to all in the empire

7 ► 4. Latin  Educated citizens spoke Latin throughout the empire  Became the official language of trade ► The birth and expansion of Christianity occurred within the Roman Empire

8 5. The Development of Christianity ► A. Jesus of Nazareth  Born in Bethlehem  Preached throughout Jerusalem  Jews thought that he was trying to change their religion ► B. Jesus’ teachings  Transformation of the inner self  Love God above all thins  Love others as yourself

9 ► C. Jesus’ Death  Misunderstandings about his teaching  Some thought that he wanted to lead a revolt  Pontius Pilate gave the order to have Jesus crucified  His followers claimed that he rose from the dead  Also claimed that he was the Messiah prophesied about in the Old Testament

10 ► D. Roman Reaction to Xianity  Little reaction at first  Xians refused to worship Roman gods or celebrate holidays  Nero set fire to Rome and blamed it on the Xians

11 6. Why Was Christianity so Popular? ► It was a personal religion as opposed to Roman beliefs ► Offered everyone eternal life ► Contained elements familiar in many religions, which made it easy to understand ► Fulfilled the human need to belong ► Especially attractive to the poor and powerless

12 7.Roman and Christian Values ► Both encouraged virtue ► Both encouraged duty to the community and the state ► Christianity began to change in some ways and became Catholicism ► The Catholic church became an institution that was an avenue between the individual and God ► Christianity was dangerous because Christians would obey the law as long as it didn’t violate their conscience

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