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Day 2 Kick-Off What does it mean to you to be a healthy person?

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Presentation on theme: "Day 2 Kick-Off What does it mean to you to be a healthy person?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 2 Kick-Off What does it mean to you to be a healthy person?

2 Day 2 of Health Game Plan Today… 1. Notes on “Health” 2. Mad Gab Game 3. Health Triangle Activity

3 Health and Wellness

4 Objectives: 1.You will learn about the health triangle. (mental/emotional; social; physical) 2.Promoting health: prevention and lifestyle factors (risk behaviors, sleep, stress, etc) 3.Influences on your health.

5 Health: Is the combination of physical, mental/emotional and social well-being.

6 What do you believe is a “healthy person?”

7 Wellness An overall state of well-being, or total health.

8 Prevention A key to your wellness… practicing health and safety habits to remain free of disease and injury… EXAMPLE: sunscreen, seatbelts, sleep, managing stress, eating healthy foods, safe behaviors to prevent injury.

9 Your Health Triangle: B: Physical: How well does your body function? SLEEP, EATING WELL, WATER, BEING ACTIVE A: Social: How do you get along with others? COOPERATE WITH PEOPLE, CARING, RESPECT FOR OTHERS. C: Mental/Emotional: How do you feel about yourself? How do you meet the demands of daily life? How do you process information.

10 How might something affecting the physical side of your triangle-affect the other 2 sides? (Example: and injury)

11 What can influence your health? Heredity Environment Peers and Social Environment Culture Attitude Behavior Media Technology

12 Risk Behaviors Actions that can potentially threaten your health or health of others.

13 What are RISK behaviors you can think of?

14 Health Skills Life skills, are specific tools and strategies that help you to maintain, protect, and improve all aspects of your health.

15 STRESS Is the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands… STRESSOR Is anything that causes stress.

16 What things are is stressing you out now?

17 Short cartoon on stress… u7Y u7Y

18 Stress Management… Ways to deal with or overcome the negative effects of stress. What are 5 stressors for you now? How do you cope with the stressors???

19 How to manage stress… Plan AHEAD GET ENOUGH SLEEP Get regular physical activity Eat nutritious food Avoid Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Redirect your energy Relax and laugh Keep a positive outlook Seek help or support Express yourself.

20 Preventing Sleep Deprivation… Teens need 8.5- 9 hours of sleep each night…

21 Side Effects of Sleep Deprivation Affects every part of the body…

22 8 Minute documentary on sleep deprivation… Saw&feature=related Saw&feature=related

23 Side Effects of Sleep Deprivation “Mad Gab” Game… Figure out the side effects of sleep deprivation… one major side effect is “SLURRED SPEECH and difficulty listening/concentrating”. With a partner.. Take turns sounding out the word or words on the card. Each is an effect of sleep deprivation. (5 MINUTES)

24 Hard Tis Ease

25 Heart disease

26 Deep Russian

27 Depression

28 Slaw Yours Peach

29 Slows your speech

30 High Pretend Shin

31 Hypertension (high blood pressure)

32 Way To Gain

33 Weight Gain

34 We Kim You N Cyst Hem

35 Weakened immune system (keeps you from getting sick)

36 Hi Year Is Cove Cant Sir

37 Higher Risk of Cancer

38 Bring Mat Tour Deaf

39 Premature Death

40 Hawk You Pay Shun All- In Jury

41 Occupational injury

42 Sir Oak

43 Stroke

44 May More He Laws

45 Memory Loss

46 Dye Ab Eat Tees

47 Diabetes

48 Health Triangle Activity Take 10 minutes and complete your personal health triangle. Each section should have 3 items; written and drawn. TURN IN WHEN COMPLETED… IF NOT COMPLETED= HOMEWORK!!!

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