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 4SybV4UE 4SybV4UE.

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2  4SybV4UE 4SybV4UE

3  Read “ Why This Young Girl Is a Masterful Storyteller in Sign Language ”.

4  Introduce a noun phrase (“a mouse that was running about”) and say something about it (“is now still”)  Use raised eyebrows for topic  Lower eyebrows for comment

5  Narration occurs in a neutral position.  Shift your gaze to where you are setting up a location.  Now you can reference it and react to it. › Ex: The stockings were hung perfectly and looked beautiful.

6  Shift your body, expressions, etc. to become a character in the story.  Each character will have their own expressions and body language. › Santa- old, fat, jolly › Dad- was awakened by a loud noise in the night › Consider for all characters: are they tall? Short? Old? Young? Speak quickly? Slowly?

7  Try to think of how your voice would sound if you spoke it; then find a face that would match. › Signing OLD as if it were a creaking door  Make your story interesting enough that an audience would want to pay attention. › Use your energy and your emotions.

8  When signing a story, choose something you feel strongly about so you don’t have to fake your emotions.  You can let your own feelings and emotions shine through, “without breaking the rhythm of the story”. › “I’m excited about the gifts” › Screaming, “SANTA!!!!”

9  Pantomiming and signing at the same time. › Santa turning his head, winking  Make the story visual.

10  Slow down and speed up when appropriate to the story.  Feel the flow of the story. › Speed up: “Away to the window I flew like a flash” › Slow down: “Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night”.

11  No journals, earplugs or phones.  You will be taking notes.  Warm-Up: turn in your selfie collage if you haven’t already! You have 3 minutes.

12  A song is a story set to music.  Every storytelling technique also applies to interpreting songs. › Topic-comment structure › Gaze Shift › Role Shift › Engage and show emotions › Pacing › Bottom line: make it visual!

13  It’s easy to focus only on the lyrics; don’t forget about the instruments!  What face does a shredding guitar solo make?  What face does a tender, sweet piano piece make?  Think about tempo (speed), pitch (high v. low notes) rhythm (flow), is there a beat?

14  You MUST understand the meaning of your song. If you don’t understand it, you CAN’T sign it.

15  KSKS3TTbc KSKS3TTbc  Performed and Translated by Rosa Lee Timm, Azora Telford, and students at Camp Mark Seven  Watch for their expressions and enthusiasm.

16  pzHBUo-z4 pzHBUo-z4  Interpreter: Molly Bartholomew  Watch for her use of role shifting, gaze, and pacing.

17  VDZJqTmRo VDZJqTmRo  Interpreter: Shelby Mitchusson  Watch for how she incorporates the instrumental music.

18  Read sheet being handed to you.  You are allowed to choose your own song.  Song interpretation must be at least one verse and one chorus, or at least 1 ½ minute long.  Must have prior approval from me. › Little to no cursing › No sexual overtones or innuendos › No heavy drug references

19  Lyric submission for approval due by Friday, 1/27.  You’ll be graded on each of the aspects we’ve already discussed on a rubric.  Do not wait until the last minute: you only have a maximum of two in-class days to work on this.  These will be performed in class on February 9 th, 10 th, and 11 th.

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