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Jewish Picture Book Power Point World Geography Mrs. Adkins.

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Presentation on theme: "Jewish Picture Book Power Point World Geography Mrs. Adkins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jewish Picture Book Power Point World Geography Mrs. Adkins

2 Star of David King David was a Jewish king. The Star of David is a Jewish symbol that represents the shape of King David’s shield.

3 Synagogue A synagogue is like a church. It is the center of the Jewish religious community. In the United States, the front of synagogues face Jerusalem.

4 Torah The Torah is the most important document of Judaism. It is the first five books of the Old Testament.

5 Rabbi Rabbis are religious leaders and teachers of Jewish law.

6 Israel Israel is central to Judaism. This land was promised to the Jews by God.

7 Rosh Hashanah A Jewish High Holy Day that marks the beginning of the New Year, noted for the blowing of the Shofar.

8 Hannukah/Menorah An annual holiday celebrated for 8 days to remember the 8 days the Jewish people hid in the Temple in Jerusalem while under attack. Their candle remained lit for the entire 8 days even though it should have burned out after the first day. During this holiday, Jewish children receive 1 present a day for 8 days. The Menorah is a candelabrum on which a candle is lit every night during Hannukah

9 Dreidel a four-sided top bearing the Hebrew letters nun, gimel, he, and shin, one on each side, used chiefly in a children's game traditionally played on the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.

10 Passover A Jewish festival that commemorates the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and is marked chiefly by the Seder ritual and the eating of matzoth. It is celebrated for either 7 or 8 days.

11 Seder Meals A meal that is part of the Jewish ritual that takes place during Passover.

12 Yom Kippur A holy day observed by the Jewish people and marked by fasting and prayer for the atonement of sins.

13 Sabbath The weekly day of rest in Judaism. It is observed, from before sundown on Friday until after nightfall on Saturday.

14 Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah Jewish boys and girls become of age at 13. After they turn 13, they are responsible for following Jewish law and tradition. Many families celebrate this day with a party.

15 Shalom Means peace in Hebrew. It is used to say hello and goodbye. It blesses the person that you are speaking to.

16 Circumcision/Mohel When a Jewish boy turns 8 days old, his foreskin is surgically removed. The person who performs this surgery is called the Mohel.

17 Yarmulke a skullcap worn, esp. during prayer and religious study, by Jewish males, esp. those adhering to Orthodox or Conservative tradition.

18 Kosher Food allowed to be eaten or used according to the dietary or ceremonial laws of the Jewish people.

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