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CIMS Community of Practice (COP) Call CIMS Community of Practice (COP) Call ISD Monitors May 20, 2014 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.

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Presentation on theme: "CIMS Community of Practice (COP) Call CIMS Community of Practice (COP) Call ISD Monitors May 20, 2014 10:30 – 11:30 a.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIMS Community of Practice (COP) Call CIMS Community of Practice (COP) Call ISD Monitors May 20, 2014 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.

2 May 20, 20142 Agenda April Workbook Spring FM Updates –B-13 changes Upcoming dates & events Questions?

3 May 20, 2014 April Workbook 3

4 May 20, 2014 Reports Acknowledged Thank you for your help getting reports acknowledged! As of Monday, 874 locals have acknowledged reports (6 left) If a local in your ISD has not yet acknowledged their reports, they must do so as soon as possible (due May 15, 2014) Failure to acknowledge reports on time does affect a local’s determination rating 4

5 May 20, 2014 Workbook Tasks CAPs are due June 1 Results Transmittals due June 15 B-13 data collection due June 30 5

6 May 20, 2014 Focused Monitoring 6

7 May 20, 2014 Spring FM Update 7 THANK YOU to everyone who helped make Spring FM a success! All 16 FM visits are now complete Reports of Findings/No Findings will be issued in the August Workbook

8 May 20, 2014 SLCAPs 8 Important Reminder – All SLCAPs must be corrected and verified no later than June 13th If SLCAPs are not completed and verified within 30 calendar days from the monitoring activity, the OSE will issue a letter to the superintendent outlining next steps for the local. These next steps may include: Negative impact on determinations, filing of a state complaint, or financial sanctions.

9 May 20, 2014 Updates 9

10 May 20, 2014 Verification of Correction: B-13 CAPs (From August 2013) Note: ISD monitors must visit local to review student records on-site Schedule time with local to visit Ask the CIMS Coordinator to pull the necessary student files/IEPs before you visit 10

11 May 20, 2014 Verification of Correction: Additional Questions? Review the March 2014 COP call for detailed instructions (available under the Events tab on the CIMS training site) Review the How-to document on the CIMS training site ( ments/ComplianceandCorrection.aspx) ments/ComplianceandCorrection.aspx Technical questions? Contact the CIMS Help Desk Policy questions? Contact Shawan or Jeanne 11

12 May 20, 2014 B-13 Changes for 2015 Beginning with the April 2015 B-13 Workbook the checklist for data collection will change The final version of the checklist is not yet complete OSE will continue to monitor ONLY for compliant IEPs IEPs will either be 100% Compliant 100% Non-Compliant 12

13 May 20, 2014 B-13 Changes Cont. Additional changes include: –Measurable postsecondary goals that address Training Education Employment And where appropriate Independent living skills 13

14 May 20, 2014 B-13 Changes Cont. Targeted B-13 training including ISD Monitors and Transition Coordinators will be provided by MI-TOPS and the OSE Guidance documents including optional extended opportunities for improving student outcomes, will be posted on the CIMS Training website when available 14

15 May 20, 2014 MSDS Validation Activity This fall, MSDS submission validation will include: 1 LEA from each ISD Comparison of 10 students’ IEPs to MSDS submission specific to: –Name –Date of Birth –Gender –Primary Disability 15

16 May 20, 2014 Public Reporting The Public Reporting preview window is available to schools and districts through MI School Data ( Data are scheduled to be publically available on May 29, 2014 Please continue to watch for information from MI School Data as it becomes available 16

17 May 20, 2014 Upcoming Events Upcoming COP calls: –June 9 Face-to-Face COP is cancelled –We will meet with the monitors during the Monitor breakfast Wednesday morning at 8:15 am Future dates will be announced soon 17

18 May 20, 201418 Upcoming Dates ●June 1, 2014 - All CAPs issued on April 15 are due. ●June 15, 2014 - Results Transmittals are due. ●June 30, 2014 ‒ All B-13 CAP verification of correction must be complete and submitted to the OSE. ‒ Questions about verification of correction? Review the March 2014 COP call.

19 May 20, 201419Questions?Questions?

20 May 20, 201420 Contact Information MDE –Jessica Brady, Supervisor, –Jeanne Anderson Tippett, Coordinator, –Shawan Dortch, Consultant, –Kathleen Hoehne, Consultant, –Charles Thomas, Consultant, –Sharon Fink, Departmental Analyst, CIMS Web site: CIMS Help Desk: or (877)

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