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Ideal World/World of Forms.  c. 427-347 B.C.E. Athens, Ancient Greece  Teacher of Aristotle  Influenced by Socrates, Heraclitus, Parmenides and the.

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Presentation on theme: "Ideal World/World of Forms.  c. 427-347 B.C.E. Athens, Ancient Greece  Teacher of Aristotle  Influenced by Socrates, Heraclitus, Parmenides and the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ideal World/World of Forms

2  c. 427-347 B.C.E. Athens, Ancient Greece  Teacher of Aristotle  Influenced by Socrates, Heraclitus, Parmenides and the Pythagoreans.  Most Reliable source on Socrates  Most Famous work The Republic  Theories on ethics, political philosophy, epistemology and metaphysics are very interconnected

3  What are the basic structures of reality?  Plato theorized about reality consisting of 2 separate but connected worlds. The World of Forms and the World of Particulars.

4  A perfect form of everything exists in the World of Forms.  World of Forms exists independent of humans and exists without us.  Forms are unchanging and perfect  Is not a physical space. Does not exist in time and space (transcendent).  It is the Purest form of Existence possible. Archetypes/perfect examples.  Can not be known by the senses, only by Pure Reason  The Form/Essence is needed for particulars to exist

5  Forms of all types of things exist in the World of Forms ie) emotions, concepts, objects. Book, person, rat, love, justice..  Forms are not all equal. There is a hierarchy. Good is the ultimate Form because it encompasses all other forms. All particulars partake in the form of Good.



8  Our world, the external world  Things in this world are Particulars that are based on Forms. They are simply copies/shadows  Particulars may partake of many forms ie) apple, red, round, sweet  Particulars are imperfect and ever-changing  We recognize particulars because we know the forms. We recognize all dogs as dogs because they are all based on the Ideal Form of dog.

9 Ideal Dog Particular Dogs


11  Disagreed!  Believed that in idea of ideal form but believed instead particulars being copies of the form, they have the essence of the form embedded in them.  Essence is what it is to be that thing  The real (form) is found within the particular.

12 XTltA XTltA – Explained and connected The Cave

13 

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