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Characterization Board and Analysis of Discrete Novel Memristor mLabs research Know more about world’s simplest memristor on Shikhar Kwatra**,

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Presentation on theme: "Characterization Board and Analysis of Discrete Novel Memristor mLabs research Know more about world’s simplest memristor on Shikhar Kwatra**,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Characterization Board and Analysis of Discrete Novel Memristor mLabs research Know more about world’s simplest memristor on Shikhar Kwatra**, Gaurav Gandhi* and Varun Aggarwal* NSIT, Delhi**, mLabs Delhi*  Passive non-linear state-dependant resistive elements  Currently generalised as 2-terminal non-volatile memory devices based on resistance switching effects.  Originally Envisioned in 1971 by circuit theorist, Leon Chua as a missing passive two terminal element relating charge and magnetic flux linkage.  Discovered in 2008 by Hplabs announcing the first nano-scale memristor based on Titanium oxide film Features and Applications include:  A new form of fast, inexpensive, low power, and long lasting non-volatile memory.  Used for stateful logic implication replacing CMOS logic computiation  Artificial synapse for neural computing. TiO2 based Memristive array MEMRISTOR – THE FOURTH FUNDAMENTAL CIRCUIT ELEMENT NEWLY DISCOVERED MEMRISTOR  We Replicated three embodiments of the coherer (Fig. on right) and Cat’s whisker.(Fig. below) S Fig. Working flow diagram  A Complete and Immersive Electronics Education Kit consisting of all the four passive elements, online control and collaborative circuit Design Modules.  Performs self automated calibration via linear motorized mechanism and uses easily available devices to get the desired I-V characterization of Memristive devices.  Low cost, easy to build, Arduino and Raspberry Pi compatible Board for Simulations, Testing and developing various programmable analog circuits. MEMRISTOR KIT FOR CHARACTERISATION AND STATISTISTICAL ANALYSIS These memristors were activated by different current-mode input signals in their non- linear mode, and their transient behaviour was recorded as shown: I. Multi State Behaviour Once cohered, the device exhibits a state-dependent resistance, the state variable being the maximum current Imax. (a).Input triangular waves for (b).Characteristics of Memristive Unipolar triangular waveform device for unipolar waveform EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS AND SIMULATIONS II. PINCHED HYSTERESIS (c).Input Voltage Vs. Time for Memristive Device in case of Bipolar Triangle waveform (d).I-V Characteristics of Output Of Memristive Device demonstrating Pinched hysteresis PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF MEMRISTOR VIA MEMRISTOR KIT World’s first demonstration of a programmable amplifier using a real memristorWorld’s first demonstration of a programmable amplifier using a real memristor Published in mLabs, India World’s first patent pending discrete memristor component The education is immersive if it is aided by ease of experimentation, collection of results, observation and analysis. With the above breakout board, we were able to perform experiments with ease due to clubbing the entire circuitry to produce relevant input as part of a single breakout board. This poster demonstrates the electrical properties of cat’s whisker, subset of larger class of devices called coherer, which were recently proposed to be a canonical implementation of memristor and current mode operation of the characterization board. The device’s memristive properties were found to be dependent on the contact area, pressure and the state-variable controlling the device is found to be maximum current flown through the device. By controlling the state-variable, we found that the device can be programmed into multiple resistance states and can be reset to a higher resistance state, which has immediate applications in programmable analog circuits. Since the device under consideration was found to be pressure dependent, calibration was performed by taking numerous samples without human intervention with the help of linear motor, interfaced in conjunction with the board, performing self-automated characterization. Because of its simplicity and user programmable feature, it is can be used to perform a detailed analysis of any two terminal device corresponding to varying inputs. Since the memristive device resistance state was found to be a function of Imax, it has usage in applications involving multiple resistance states including multi-bit storage, programmable amplifier etc. Fig.(a) Raspberry pi Fig. (b) Fig. Arduino based memristive boards Characterizarion board These hardware systems(shown above) make it easy for the students to study and further develop various hardware- software based platforms and perform real time simulations of any two terminal passive component with much less complexity. CONCLUSION Publications Gandhi, G., V. Aggarwal, and L. Chua. “The First Radios Were Made Using Memristors!.” Circuits and Systems Magazine, IEEE 13.2: 8-16. - See more at: IEEE Spectrum :“The Memristor’s Fundamental Secrets Revealed Avantika Sodhi, G. Gandhi, “Circuit Mimicking TiO2 Memristor: A Plug and Play Kit to Understand the Fourth Passive Element “, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 20, issue 08, p. 2537.Circuit Mimicking TiO2 Memristor: A Plug and Play Kit to Understand the Fourth Passive Element Simple metallic contacts and granular media exhibit bipolar switching, Gaurav Gandhi and Varun Aggarwal mLabs Technical Report MT-001, Aug, 2012; detailed paper on V. Aggarwal, “Jagadish Chandra Bose: The Real Inventor of Marconi’s Wireless Detector“, The Ancient Wireless Association Journal, July 2006, Vol. 47/#3, pp. 50-54.Jagadish Chandra Bose: The Real Inventor of Marconi’s Wireless Detector mLabs memristor work: memristor/#sthash.h4po5tTE.dpuf memristor/#sthash.h4po5tTE.dpuf Contacts : Shikhar Kwatra(NSIT), Email ID: ; Gaurav Gandhi(Phd, Non Linear Systems) Email ID: ; Varun Aggarwal(MS in EECS, MIT), Email ID:

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