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ONIX-PH and Communications Between Preservation Agencies, The Keepers Registry, and Libraries Briefing session, 22 nd May 2013 Tim Devenport & Kathy Klemperer.

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Presentation on theme: "ONIX-PH and Communications Between Preservation Agencies, The Keepers Registry, and Libraries Briefing session, 22 nd May 2013 Tim Devenport & Kathy Klemperer."— Presentation transcript:

1 ONIX-PH and Communications Between Preservation Agencies, The Keepers Registry, and Libraries Briefing session, 22 nd May 2013 Tim Devenport & Kathy Klemperer (EDItEUR)

2 Overview About EDItEUR ONIX formats for subscriptions and serials: origins & status ONIX for Preservation Holdings (ONIX-PH) Related ONIX standards used elsewhere in the supply chain Business input & governance Preservation data flows The “payload” of ONIX-PH messages Useful resources 2

3 About EDItEUR EDItEUR is an international, nonprofit standards organization serving the publishing and library supply chain Located in the UK, EDItEUR is nevertheless truly international Over 100 member organizations in many countries and spanning multiple disciplines or interests, including book & serials publishers, libraries, subscription agents, system and service vendors We exist to develop, promote and maintain standards for automated information exchange across a range of business functions We manage identifier services: – International ISBN Agency, already for many years – Similar responsibilities for ISTC (International Standard Text Code, a “work” identifier) and ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) … Ad hoc project or consultancy work forms the third component of our work 3

4 ONIX for subscriptions/serials The original ONIX standard (to communicate books metadata) was developed at the end of the 1990s/early 2000 Studies in the early 2000s indicated a range of possible applications to serials A prototype format was created and a Joint Working Party established, involving EDItEUR, NISO and many industry experts to focus and promote the work The result was a series of formats named “ONIX for Serials” These original formats created much discussion and a number of pilot exchanges: The SRN and SOH formats, and the Coverage module, have a number of live implementations, whereas the SPS format remains as a draft We now view ONIX for Serials as providing a rich and complex toolkit for standards aligned with more narrowly defined business cases ONIX for Price Catalog (ONIX-PC) is currently attracting most attention, followed we hope by ONIX-PH! Similar structures are used in the ICEDIS New Orders and other formats 4

5 ONIX for Preservation Holdings EDItEUR was originally approached by EDINA as part of the PEPRS Project that preceded the establishment of the Keepers Registry “Need a format to communicate holdings information from preservation agencies to a central registry” We jointly established a Working Group (including members from EDINA, EDItEUR, British Library, Netherlands KB, Portico, CLOCKSS, Taylor & Francis, Harrassowitz) We captured business requirements and mapped these against the capabilities of the ONIX-SOH (serials online holdings) format Eventually developed ONIX for Preservation Holdings (ONIX-PH), based heavily upon SOH structures but with enhancements specifically required for the management of preservation resources ONIX-PH also harnesses the power of the ONIX Serials Coverage module – to describe and communicate the wide range of enumeration methods encountered Thoroughly documented at 5

6 Related ONIX standards ONIX-PH is only one of a “family” of ONIX standards used across the publishing and library supply chain. Others include these: ONIX for Price Catalog (ONIX-PC): supporting rich catalog listings of subscription products and their (simple or complex!) pricing models Implemented to date by Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, Wiley Blackwell, Swets, LM Info and others ONIX for Publications Licenses (ONIX-PL): providing a framework for machine- readable expressions of license and usage terms JISC Collections and NISO are both creating reference sets of ONIX-PL license expressions ONIX for Rights Information Services (ONIX-RS): offering a vehicle for rights discovery, permission queries and “diligent searches” for rights holders The communication format chosen by the EC-sponsored ARROW rights discovery service ONIX for Books: communicating book and e-book product information The original ONIX standard and now ubiquitous in the trade books supply chain across North America, Europe, Australia and now the Far East 6

7 Business input & governance EDItEUR works closely with representatives of its user communities to: – Gain inputs and advice on business requirements – Steer the development and evolution of its standards The ICEDIS Committee (representatives of key constituents in the serials world, including publishers, agents, system & service vendors, other intermediaries) looks after the high-level governance of our serials & subscriptions standards ICEDIS Working Groups are convened to address special topics or project tasks The Working Group on Preservation Holdings was instrumental in the creation of ONIX-PH and included many of the organizations represented today Appropriate for such a specialist group from the preservation community to be re- convened, in order to: – Arrange pilot exchanges – Propose any necessary changes or enhancements – Steer the development of ONIX-PH 7

8 8 Data flows

9 The “payload” – XML sketch HeaderHousekeeping details for the whole message1 Holdings ListList of content preserved by a preservation agency. One occurrence for each agency in the message. 1-n Preservation AgencyAgency whose holdings are represented in the holdings list 1 Holdings RecordDescription of holdings for a resource version (usually a journal). One holdings record for each resource version described in the message. 1-n Notification TypeIs this a new, update or deletion of the holdings record for this resource version? 1 Resource VersionInformation about the resource version1 MetadataIdentification and description of the resource version1 Coverage, completeness file format, preservation status Coverage (using ONIX for Serials Coverage statement), completeness, and file format and preservation status of the resource version. One occurrence for each completeness/format/status combination. 0-n 9

10 The “payload” - data model 10

11 Useful resources The following resources are freely available to read or download from the EDItEUR website at An ONIX-PH Overview document, version 0.21 An XML schema and associated code lists, version 0.2 A set of click-through HTML documentation, version 0.2 For more information on ONIX-PH or other EDItEUR standards, email To explore other EDItEUR standards that may be of interest: For membership or other queries, email 11

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