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1 December 2015 women’s activewear | price & range survey

2 contents 2 introduction3 key findings4 shopping bag analysis5 market map analysis7 bubbles & price architecture10 appendix – shopping bag methodology13 appendix – product definitions15 December 2015 women’s activewear | price & range survey

3 introduction 3 This report contains the results of Retailmap's range and price survey of women’s activewear in December 2015. The fieldwork took place in the 2 week period commencing 7 th December 2015. For each product category surveyed, Retailmap has recorded the number of options in each retailer's range by original, full unit price point, to provide an overall view of entry, average and exit price architecture. In addition to price positioning, Retailmap has also analysed range size and product mix. The following retailers were surveyed :- –Adidas - online –Asquith - online –Boohoo - online –Debenhams - online –F&F - online –Fabletics - online –Gap - online –George - online –H&M - online –Lululemon - online –M&S - online December 2015 women’s activewear | price & range survey –Mango - online –Matalan - online –Missguided - online –New Look - online –Next - online –Nike - online –Primark - Nottingham –Reebok - online –Sweaty Betty - Nottingham –Zakti - online

4 Price architectureMarket position 4 For women’s activewear Primark and George have the lowest entry, average and exit price shopping bag position. Lululemon has the highest average price shopping bag of the retailer set however it has the second highest exit price shopping bag being marginally less than Adidas. Adidas has the widest price architecture of the retailer set, followed by Nike. Next has the narrowest price architecture. key findings | women’s activewear | UK | Dec ‘15 Reebok, Adidas, Nike, Lululemon and Fabletics are all positioned in the high price/large range sector of the market, with Nike and Adidas having the most competitive range sizes. Asquith and Sweaty Betty have above average prices but below average range sizes. The other retailers in the survey are all positioned in the low price/small range size sector of the market.

5 5 December 2015 women’s activewear | shopping bag analysis

6 6 women's activewear | shopping bag price architecture | Dec '15 the chart shows cash values of the entry, average and exit price shopping bags for each retailer. the shopping bag is based on a list of comparable product categories common to all retailers (see shopping bag tables) further details on shopping bag composition can be found in shopping bag methodology. Missguided have been excluded from the shopping bag, due to a fragmented range.

7 7 December 2015 women’s activewear | market map

8 8 women's activewear | market map | Dec '15 this analysis plots each retailer on a market map in terms of range size (no. of options) and average price of a denim jean. the size of each retailer’s bubble is relative to their range size. use this analysis to identify competitor clusters or outlying retailers in the competitive marketplace based on range size and average price position. Missguided have been excluded from the shopping bag, due to a fragmented range.

9 9 women's activewear | market map | Dec '15 Duplicated market map excluding Adidas, Nike, Lululemon and Reebok, due to their large ranges. this analysis plots each retailer on a market map in terms of range size (no. of options) and average price of a denim jean. the size of each retailer’s bubble is relative to their range size. use this analysis to identify competitor clusters or outlying retailers in the competitive marketplace based on range size and average price position.

10 10 December 2015 women’s activewear | bubbles & price architecture

11 Source: Retailmap Survey, December '15 women's activewear | tops | jersey tops | original unit price architecture | Dec '15 (area of bubble relates to number of options at each original unit price point) 11

12 Source: Retailmap Survey, December '15 women's activewear | tops | jersey tops | price architecture no. of options by price point | Dec '15 12

13 appendix | shopping bag methodology 13 December 2015

14 shopping bag methodology overview Shopping bag analysis provides a high level view of each retailer’s entry, average and exit price position by summarising the individual price architecture tables for key products, in a department, into a single shopping bag table. The shopping bag table only includes categories available at all retailers to enable a meaningful comparison to be made. An equivalent table is produced for average price and exit price. These tables are then be used to generate charts which show each retailer’s position relative to its competitors. survey average is the average across all retailers for each product ‘entry price’ is the total cash price at each retailer for the same shopping bag % variance to survey average/client shows the relative position of each retailer to the client and relative to the survey average key definitions entry price – a retailer’s entry price is the minimum price for each product at that retailer. exit price – a retailer’s exit price is the maximum price for each product at that retailer. average price – this is a retailer’s weighted average, calculated by multiplying each price point by the number of options (colour ways) available at each price point and then dividing the sum of this amount by the sum total number of options, for example: so the average price of a blouse = £427/26 = £16.42 14

15 appendix | product definitions 15 December 2015

16 16 women’s activewear | product definitions | Dec ‘15

17 If you have any questions or comments on this report, please contact: Retailmap 4-5 Phoenix Park Telford Way Stephenson Industrial Estate Coalville Leicestershire LE67 3HB UK T: +44 (0)1530 837399 E: Pricing analysis & research for retailers

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